Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba Go to Kathmandu | Page 7

Carolyn Smith
just a child.
“I know why you have come to see me,” she said. “You are lost and need to be
“Can you help us?” asked Trevie Bear. He was relieved that she seemed so kind.
“Yes. Before this day ends you will find what you have been looking for,” the
Goddess said in a floating, sing song voice. “Take this as my blessing.”
She picked up two of the flower petals from the water and held them out to Trevie
Bear and Lazy Baba who took them and held them in their hands.
“Now, you must go,” she said. They thanked her for her time and walked quickly out
of the room.

Chapter 10

Once back in Durbar Square Trevie Bear said “Now what?”
“I don’t know,” replied Lazy Baba. “She said we would find Becky before the end of
today. But she didn’t say where.”

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 17

“I think we should stay here,” said Trevie Bear. “It’s less dangerous than the streets
and it’s more peaceful. We could sit on those steps over there and have a rest.”
This idea pleased Lazy Baba a lot! She had been walking all day and she was very
very tired.

They walked over to a temple which had a large number of steps leading to its
doorway and climbed up to the tenth step. Trevie Bear said that this was so he could
see all over the square and could keep a look out for Becky. Once they had sat down
Lazy Baba fell asleep. She couldn’t help it, she was just too tired.
Trevie Bear watched the people go about their daily lives. He watched people ring the
bells and go inside the temples. He watched the women making the flower garlands.
He watched the rickshaw drivers cycle here and there. He watched the market folk
selling their wares and he watched the tourists walk about looking at all the temples in
awe and amazement.

There was one family of tourists which grabbed his attention. They were talking to
three men wearing yellow robes, not dissimilar to those worn by the man speaking in
to the microphone at the elephant carnival. These men had painted patterns on their
faces with white paint and were wearing lots of bead necklaces around their necks. It
was not, however, these strange men who were interesting Trevie Bear. It was the
family. A mum with dark brown hair just like Becky’s Mum, a dad with a green coat,
just like Becky’s Dad’s and a little girl with a bright pink scarf, just like Becky’s.

Chapter 11

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 18

“Lazy Baba! Wake up!” shouted Trevie Bear. “It’s Becky and Mum and Dad!
They’re right there.”
Lazy Baba woke up with a start.
“Where?” she asked looking around wildly.
“There!” he said pointing in the direction of the men with yellow robes.
“Come on!”
They both jumped up and ran down the steps as fast as their little legs could carry
them and across the square towards Becky and Mum and Dad.
Becky’s bag was on the floor next to Dad’s feet because Mum and Becky were sitting
on a wall having their photo taken with the three strange men.
Becky and Mum were both looking at Dad with the camera so no one noticed as
Trevie Bear and Lazy Baba quietly opened up the bag and slipped carefully inside.

“Do you think she even noticed we were gone?” asked Lazy Baba.
“No I don’t think so, and now she’ll never have to know,” said Trevie Bear as he
snuggled in to the bag and made himself comfortable.
They felt the bag be lifted off the ground and get hoisted on to Becky’s back.
“Where to now Dad?” asked Becky.
“It’s been a very long day. How about we head back to the hotel for a rest?” he said.

He was right. It had been a very long day for Trevie Bear and Lazy Baba, what
adventures they had had. As they walked past the Goddesses house both Lazy Baba
and Trevie Bear said a silent thank you.
“Oh! That reminds me Trevie Bear,” whispered Lazy Baba. “What did you wish for at
the well?”

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 19

“I wished that the Goddess would

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