Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba Go to Kathmandu | Page 3

Carolyn Smith
She sniffed at him and poked him with a long sharp finger. Trevie Bear almost
lost his balance with the force of it.
“Lazy Baba, stay where you are!” he shouted to her. He was starting to worry. What
were they going to do? He had heard of monkeys being vicious before, but he had not
expected it here.

Lazy Baba had not heard Trevie Bear shout to her and had walked up the steps to
join him. She had seen the monkeys sitting in his way and had come for a closer look.
“What did you say Trevie Bear?” she asked as she came to stand beside him.
“I told you to stay down there,” he said in an angry voice. He was angry because he
knew the monkeys were going to hurt them and he wouldn’t be able to protect her

The monkey which had poked Trevie Bear gave a loud scream and the others all
started to move from their positions towards Trevie Bear and Lazy Baba. They moved
slowly with menace in their eyes. Trevie Bear gulped.
“Grab my hand Lazy Baba and when I say run, run.”
All of the monkeys were screaming and chattering now. The noise was deafening and
very frightening. Lazy Baba had never imagined that monkeys would ever behave like
this. She was very scared. She took hold of Trevie Bear’s hand, just like he had

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 7

The monkeys had surrounded them now. They were literally everywhere. Trevie
Bear didn’t know what to do. There was nowhere to run. He clung to Lazy Baba’s
hand and squeezed a little too tight. She yelped in pain.

Suddenly one of the monkeys pounced and grabbed hold of Lazy Baba. He had
pulled her off her feet and was shaking her up and down like a rag doll. She felt sick
with the movement. Another monkey grabbed Trevie Bear and turned him upside
down. The monkey was banging Trevie Bears head against the step. It hurt a lot and
he cried out.
“Trevie Bear!” screamed Lazy Baba. There were two monkeys fighting over her now.
They each held one of her hands and were pulling in both directions. She was terrified
that they were going to tear her arms. She couldn’t go back to Becky broken.

Then without warning the other monkeys scattered as if they had been scared by
something. The monkeys holding Trevie Bear and Lazy Baba threw them as hard as
they could down the steps towards the bottom of the temple before running off to join
the other monkeys. Trevie Bear and Lazy Baba bounced down the steps, screaming
with every thud as their heads and backs banged against the hard stone steps.
They didn’t stop until they reached the bottom step. They sat there for a good few
minutes in a daze.

Chapter 5

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 8

Aching all over Trevie Bear slowly stood up and winced as pain ran up and down
his back. He helped Lazy Baba to her feet and they looked at each other in dismay.
Trevie Bear’s fur had been pulled out in some places so he had patches here and there.
Lazy Baba helped him smooth them over so it was not so noticeable.
Lazy Baba had lost her scarf in the fall. This made her sad because Becky had put so
much effort in to making it just for her. Her hair had been pulled out of the pig tails
and it was sticking out in a very strange way. Trevie Bear helped her smooth it back
down so it didn’t stick out so much. They looked at each other again, they were not
perfect, but this would have to do.

They had not managed to find Becky and they knew they could not go back up to
the temple now for the monkeys would attack them again.
“Lazy Baba, I have some very bad news,” said Trevie Bear. Tears welled up in his
eyes. “We are lost!”
“No we’re not,” said Lazy Baba with excitement. Her eyes were twinkling and she
was smiling.
“What do you mean?” asked Trevie Bear.
“Look!” she said pointing behind Trevie Bear. Hanging loosely on a tree was sign
which read; ‘Meet the Living Goddess Kali today only in Durbar Square.’ Draped
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