C | D | E | F | G | H | I --------+---+-----+-----+-------+-----+----+----+----+-------------- Average | |3,580|5,480|364_{4}|1,780|23.2| 9.4|33.7| Air dry, Maximum | 4 |4,070|6,600|440 |1,987|24.3|11.5|34.5| 3-1/2 months Minimum | |3,090|5,000|327 |1,530|21.5| 8.0|32.5| in the open. --------+---+-----+-----+-------+-----+----+----+----+-------------- Average | |4,512|5,060|338_{3}|1,685|20 | 7.7|33.9| Kiln dry, Maximum | 5 |5,840|7,320|488 |1,790|22 |10.2|38.0| 6 days. Minimum | |3,180|2,150|143 |1,410|18 | 4.7|27.7| --------+---+-----+-----+-------+-----+----+----+----+-------------- Average | |4,331|6,721|493_{9}|1,688| -- | 7.7| -- | Air dry, 21 Maximum |12 |4,990|8,560|620 |2,002| -- | 9.5| -- | months under Minimum | |3,110|5,160|380 |1,398| -- | 5.5| -- | shelter. ====================================================================
NOTE.--Figures written as subscripts to the figures for longitudinal shear indicate the number of sticks failing in that manner.
Columns in table:
A: Load, in pounds. B: Reading. C: Total deflection. D: Mean total deflection.
Date: February 26th, 1909. Date: February 24th, 1909. l = 12 ft.; l = 12 ft.; b (mean) = 6-9/32 in.; b (mean) = 6 in.; h (mean) = 15-15/16 in.; h (mean) = 15.69 in.; c = 7.97 in. c = 7.84 in. Time = 1 hour.
========================================================================= | P | DEFLECTION, IN INCHES. || P | DEFLECTION, IN INCHES. No.+------+----+----+----+----+-----++---------+----+----+----+----+----- | A | B | C | B | C | D || A | B | C | B | C | D ---+------+----+----+----+----+-----++---------+----+----+----+----+----- 1 | 0 |1.86| 0 |1.88| 0 | 0 || 0 |1.83| 0 |1.86| 0 | 0 2 | 2,000|1.92|0.05|1.90|0.02|0.035|| 2,000 |1.87|0.04|1.90|0.04|0.04 3 | 4,000|1.96|0.10|1.94|0.06|0.080|| 4,000 |1.91|0.08|1.96|0.10|0.090 4 | 6,000|1.99|0.13|1.98|0.10|0.115|| 6,000 |1.96|0.13|2.00|0.14|0.135 5 | 8,000|2.03|0.17|2.02|0.14|0.155|| 8,000 |2.00|0.17|2.04|0.18|0.175 6 |10,000|2.05|0.19|2.06|0.18|0.185||10,000 |2.04|0.21|2.08|0.22|0.215 7 |12,000|2.10|0.24|2.09|0.21|0.225||12,000 |2.09|0.26|2.13|0.27|0.265 8 |14,000|2.13|0.27|2.13|0.25|0.260||14,000 |2.14|0.31|2.18|0.32|0.315 9 |16,000|2.17|0.31|2.16|0.28|0.295||16,000 |2.19|0.36|2.23|0.37|0.365 10 |18,000|2.20|0.34|2.20|0.32|0.330||18,000 |2.24|0.41|2.28|0.42|0.415 11 |20,000|2.24|0.36|2.25|0.37|0.365||20,000 |2.29|0.46|2.33|0.47|0.465 12 |22,000|2.28|0.42|2.28|0.40|0.410||22,000 |2.34|0.51|2.39|0.53|0.520 13 |24,000|2.32|0.46|2.32|0.44|0.450||24,000 |2.39|0.56|2.43|0.57|0.565 14 |26,000|2.36|0.50|2.36|0.48|0.490||26,000 |2.44|0.61|2.48|0.62|0.615 15 |28,000|2.40|0.54|2.39|0.51|0.525||28,000 |2.49|0.66|2.53|0.67|0.685 16 |30,000|2.43|0.57|2.44|0.56|0.565||30,000 |2.55|0.72|2.58|0.72|0.720 17 |32,000|2.48|0.62|2.48|0.60|0.610||32,000 |2.61|0.78|2.65|0.79|0.785 18 |34,000|2.52|0.68|2.53|0.65|0.655||34,000[B]|2.68|0.85|2.70|0.84|0.845 19 |36,000|2.56|0.70|2.56|0.68|0.690||36,000 |2.74|0.91|2.78|0.92|0.915 20 |38,000|2.61|0.75|2.62|0.74|0.745||38,000 | Broke. 21 |40,000|2.65|0.79|2.67|0.79|0.790|| 22 |42,000|2.70|0.84|2.73|0.85|0.845|| 23 |44,000|2.75|0.89|2.77|0.89|0.890|| || 37,500 lb., First Crack; || 45,900 lb., Failed. || || At Elastic Limit: Load, 22,000 lb.; ||At Elastic Limit: Load, 20,000 lb.; deflection, 0.41 in.; || deflection, 0.465 in.; S, 2,975 lb. || S, 2,975 lb. || Maximum: Load, 45,900 lb.; ||Maximum: Load, 38,000 lb.; deflection,.....; || deflection,.....; S, 6,209 lb. || S, 5,540 lb. || E = 1,575,000 lb. || E = 1,383,000 lb. =========================================================================
[Footnote B: First crack.]
Columns in table:
A: Load, in pounds. B: Reading. C: Total deflection. D: Mean total deflection.
Date: February 20th, 1909. Date: -- l = 12 ft.; l = 12 ft.; b (mean) = 6.38 in.; b (mean) = 6.41 in.; h (mean) = 15.81 in.; h (mean) = 16.41 in.; c = 7.91 in. c = 8.20 in. Time = 47.5 min.
========================================================================= | P | DEFLECTION, IN INCHES. || P | DEFLECTION, IN INCHES. No.+------+----+----+----+----+-----++---------+----+----+----+----+----- | A | B | C | B | C | D || A | B | C | B | C | D ---+------+----+----+----+----+-----++---------+----+----+----+----+----- 1 | 0 |1.65| 0 |1.68| 0 | 0 || 0 |1.86| 0 |1.87| 0 | 0 2 | 2,000|1.69|0.04|1.72|0.04|0.040|| 2,000 |1.91|0.05|1.92|0.05|0.05 3 | 4,000|1.73|0.08|1.77|0.09|0.085|| 4,000 |1.98|0.12|1.98|0.11|0.115 4 | 6,000|1.76|0.11|1.80|0.12|0.115|| 6,000 |2.05|0.19|2.02|0.15|0.170 5 | 8,000|1.80|0.15|1.83|0.15|0.150|| 8,000 |2.07|0.21|2.08|0.21|0.210 6 |10,000|1.83|0.18|1.86|0.18|0.180||10,000 |2.13|0.27|2.13|0.26|0.265 7 |12,000|1.87|0.22|1.90|0.22|0.220||12,000 |2.18|0.32|2.18|0.31|0.315 8 |14,000|1.91|0.26|1.94|0.26|0.260||14,000 |2.25|0.39|2.24|0.37|0.380 9 |16,000|1.95|0.30|1.98|0.30|0.300||16,000 |2.30|0.44|2.29|0.42|0.430 10 |18,000|1.98|0.33|2.02|0.34|0.335||18,000[C]|2.35|0.49|2.35|0.48|0.485 11 |20,000|2.03|0.38|2.06|0.38|0.380||20,000 |2.44|0.58|2.42|0.55|0.565 12 |22,000|2.07|0.42|2.10|0.42|0.420||22,000 |2.54|0.68|2.54|0.67|0.675 13 |24,000|2.11|0.46|2.14|0.46|0.460||25,040 | Failed 14 |26,000|2.15|0.50|2.18|0.50|0.500|| 15 |28,000|2.18|0.53|2.22|0.54|0.535|| 16 |30,000|2.23|0.58|2.26|0.58|0.580|| 17 |32,000|2.27|0.62|2.30|0.62|0.620|| 18 |34,000|2.32|0.67|2.35|0.67|0.670|| 19 |36,000|2.37|0.72|2.40|0.72|0.720|| 20 |38,000|2.42|0.77|2.45|0.77|0.770|| 21 |40,000|2.48|0.83|2.50|0.82|0.825|| 22 |42,000|2.53|0.88|2.56|0.88|0.880|| 23 |43,450| Fracture. || 24 |45,710| Failed. || || At Elastic Limit: Load, 20,000 lb.; ||At Elastic Limit: Load, 16,000 lb.; deflection, 0.38 in.; || deflection, 0.43 in.; S, 2,722 lb. || S, 1,999 lb. || Maximum: Load, 43,450 lb.; ||Maximum: Load, 25,040 lb.; deflection,.....; || deflection,.....; S, 5,918 lb. || S, 3,130 lb. || E = 1,562,000 lb. || E = 979,000 lb. ==========================================================================
[Footnote C: First crack.]
Columns in table:
A: Load, in pounds. B: Reading. C: Total deflection. D: Mean total deflection.
Date: February 13th, 1909. Date: -- l = 12 ft.; l = 12 ft.; b (mean) = 5.88 in.; b (mean) = 5.88 in.; h (mean) = 15.63 in.; h (mean) = 15.9 in.; c = 7.82 in. c = 7.95 in. Time = 45 min.
========================================================================= | P | DEFLECTION, IN INCHES. || P | DEFLECTION, IN INCHES. No.+------+----+----+----+----+-----++---------+----+----+----+----+----- | A | B | C | B | C | D || A | B | C | B | C | D ---+------+----+----+----+----+-----++---------+----+----+----+----+----- 1 | 0 |1.23| 0 |1.06| 0 | 0 || 0 |1.67| 0 |1.63| 0 | 0 2 | 2,000|1.27| .04|1.10|0.04|0.040|| 2,000 |1.70|0.03|1.68|0.05|0.040 3 | 4,000|1.32|0.09|1.13|0.07|0.080|| 4,000 |1.72|0.05|1.72|0.09|0.070 4 | 6,000|1.37|0.14|1.17|0.11|0.125|| 6,000 |1.82|0.15|1.78|0.15|0.150 5 | 8,000|1.42|0.19|1.22|0.16|0.175|| 8,000 |1.86|0.19|1.82|0.19|0.190 6 |10,000|1.47|0.24|1.26|0.20|0.220||10,000 |1.90|0.23|1.87|0.24|0.235 7 |12,000|1.51|0.28|1.31|0.25|0.265||12,000 |1.97|0.30|1.92|0.29|0.295 8 |14,000|1.55|0.32|1.35|0.29|0.305||14,000 |2.00|0.33|1.98|0.35|0.340 9 |16,000|1.60|0.37|1.40|0.34|0.355||16,000 |2.03|0.36|2.04|0.41|0.385 10 |18,000|1.64|0.41|1.44|0.38|0.395||18,000 |2.10|0.43|2.09|0.46|0.445 11 |20,000|1.68|0.45|1.49|0.43|0.440||20,000 |2.13|0.46|2.14|0.51|0.485 12 |22,000|1.72|0.49|1.54|0.48|0.485||22,000 |2.20|0.53|2.20|0.57|0.550 13 |24,000|1.78|0.55|1.58|0.52|0.535||24,000 |2.26|0.59|2.26|0.63|0.610 14 |26,000|1.82|0.59|1.64|0.58|0.585||26,000 |2.31|0.64|2.32|0.69|0.665 15 |28,000|1.88|0.65|1.68|0.62|0.635||28,000 |2.38|0.71|2.40|0.77|0.740 16

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