the river, for construction purposes and finally for permanent use, was a comparatively simple matter, and, all circumstances considered, they are unquestionably in the most suitable places. On the New York side the shaft was as near as practicable to the line dividing the subaqueous iron-lined tunnels from the land tunnels, and on the New Jersey side the shaft was placed centrally on the line of the tunnels and on the nearest available ground to the river, while at the same time beyond the other end of the river tunnels, thus necessitating driving the subaqueous tunnels only from east and west to meet under the river. A caisson shaft on the New York side, on the line of the tunnels near the river bulkhead, was at one time considered, but was not adopted as it entailed the driving of two shields both east and west, in addition to the two from New Jersey, adding to the plant outlay while not affording any material saving in the time of construction.
It was thought desirable to construct the shafts on the two sides of the river in advance of letting the main contracts for the tunnels. The Manhattan Shaft is north of the line of the tunnels, on the north side of 32d Street, east of Eleventh Avenue. The Weehawken Shaft is on the line of the tunnels in the yards of the Erie Railroad on the New Jersey side, and the distance between the shafts is about 6,575 ft. The contracts for these shafts were let in June, 1903, to the United Engineering and Contracting Company, and they were completed and ready for use at the time of letting the main contract for the tunnels, thus saving considerable time.
The Terminal Station-West.--Between Ninth and Tenth Avenues.--In the original design it was contemplated to have a four-track tunnel under 32d Street from Ninth to Eleventh Avenues, but owing to the necessity for having additional yard facilities, property was bought for about 100 ft. north and 100 ft. south of 32d Street, between Ninth and Tenth Avenues, and an open excavation, lined with concrete retaining walls and face walls, was made. Between Ninth and Tenth Avenues, 32d Street was closed, and the property formerly the street was bought by the Tunnel Company from the City of New York for a consideration by deed dated April 18th, 1906. The Church, Rectory, and School of St. Michael's, which was located on the west side of Ninth Avenue between 31st and 32d Streets, was acquired by the Tunnel Company after it had acquired property for and had built a similar institution on the south side of 34th Street west of Ninth Avenue.
Probably the most interesting feature of this contract was the support and maintenance of Ninth Avenue, which has a three-track elevated railway structure and a two-track surface railway structure, on which it was necessary to maintain traffic while excavation was made to a depth of about 60 ft., and a viaduct was erected to carry Ninth Avenue. The length of this viaduct is about 375 ft., and the steelwork and its erection was done apart from the North River Division work, but all excavation and underpinning was included in this division. The contract for this work on the Terminal Station-West was let to the New York Contracting Company-Pennsylvania Terminal, on April 28th, 1906, and included about 517,000 cu. yd. of excavation, about 87% being rock, the construction of about 2,000 lin. ft. of retaining and face walls containing about 18,500 cu. yd. of concrete, and a large quantity of structural steel (1,475,000 lb.) for temporary use in underpinning Ninth Avenue.
Fig. 4 shows cross-sections of the Terminal Station-West yard, and Fig. 5 shows the general method of underpinning the Ninth Avenue structures.
River Tunnels.--In the original plan a four-track tunnel was contemplated from the east side of Tenth Avenue to the east side of Eleventh Avenue, but, owing to the extension of the Terminal Yard, previously noted, this plan was changed, and a two-track structure was built having a central wall between the tracks. This was constructed in tunnel, with the exception of 172 ft. about midway between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues, where the rock dipped below the roof of the tunnel, and there the construction was made in open cut. These tunnels were lined with concrete with brick arches, Figs. 6, 7, and 8 being typical cross-sections. This work was executed by the O'Rourke Engineering Construction Company, under a contract dated November 1st, 1904.
It was possible to excavate in full rock cover about 250 ft. of the tunnels eastward from the Weehawken Shaft and 225 ft. westward from the Manhattan Shaft. At these points the rock cover was very thin, and there shield chambers were made for the erection of two sets of

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