Tractus de Hermaphrodites | Page 5

Giles Jacob
between a
certain Lady call'd Margureta, one of a noble Family in the Papal Dominions, and a Lady
of France, whose Name was Barbarissa: These two Females were in their Statures very
near equal to the largest siz'd Male; they had full and rough Faces, large Shoulders,
Hands and Feet; and but slender Hips, and small breasts: In short, they resembled Men in
all respects, but their Dresses, their Gates and Voices, and indeed they were suspected to
be Hermaphrodites. These Ladies, I am inform'd, paid frequent Visits to each other, and
'twas always observ'd, that no Body was admitted to their splendid Entertainments, which
heighten'd the Curiosity of a Servant in the Family of Margureta, to attempt a Discovery
of their Intrigues, they always locking themselves in, the moment they had dispatch'd
their Suppers: In order to this, on a Time, this Servant, call'd Nicolini, with a piercing
Instrument of Iron, and the Assistance of an Artificer, ingeniously made a
Communication for the Sight into the next Room, by working a small Hole through the
Wainscot, opposite to the Bed, in the Chamber wherein the two Masculine Ladies
accustom'd to solace themselves. At the next Meeting, Nicolini, to his no small surprise,
had a Prospect of the two Females embracing each other, with a succession of Kisses of
no short Duration. After this they both drew up their Petticoat, and exposing their Thighs
to view, they mutually employ'd their Hands with each other, in the same Manner, and
with the same force of Inclination, as a juvenile Gallant would make his Approaches to
what he most admires in a beautiful Belinda, at the same Time continuing the closest
Salutations; at last one of the Females threw herself down upon the Bed, and displaying
her self commodiously, the other immediately begun the amorous Adventure, covering
her Companion so effectually, that Nicolini could not possibly discover any farther
Particulars: They had not continu'd their Sportings long before Margureta, which
officiated now instead of the Man, arose from Barbarissa, and turning towards the
Window with her Cloaths up in her Arms, Nicolini immediately discover'd something
hang down from her Body of a reddish Colour, and which was very unusual: They both
panting, and almost breathless, retir'd from the Bed to a Table, where they sat down and
refresh'd themselves with sufficient Quantities of generous Wine. About an Hour after
this, they began to renew their Frolicks, and it being Barbarissa's turn to caress, who was
not so Masculine as Margureta, to incite the falling down and erection of her Female
Member, she turn'd over a large Book, amply stor'd with obscene Portraitures, wherein
the amorous Combat was curiously describ'd in the utmost variety of Postures which
were ever practic'd, or the Head of a youthful and ingenious Painter could invent; but this
not having the Effect expected, Margureta
strip'd her self naked, as did likewise
Barbarissa, and both dancing about the Room, they gave each other repeated Strokes

with their Hands on their white Posteriors; and this likewise failing to move Barbarissa,
Margureta open'd a Cabinet, and taking from thence a large Birchen Rod, she flogg'd
Barbarissa lustily, her Buttocks seeming to yield to that amorous Discipline; upon this,
something appear'd from the Privities of Barbarissa, like unto what Nicolini had observ'd
of Margureta, and they instantly put on their loose Gowns, and ran to the Bed, where
Barbarissa embracing her Companion, did her Work effectually. After their Sportings
were over, that each had return'd the Favours receiv'd, they decently dress'd themselves,
and sat them down again to the Table, where, after drinking a Bottle or two of the richest
Italian Wines, they kiss'd each other in the most loving manner, and Margureta rang the
Bell for Nicolini to light Barbarissa down Stairs, who immediately taking leave of
Margureta, was carried in a Chair to her Place of Residence.
This Story sufficiently shews the unnatural Intrigues of some Masculine Females, where
by the falling down and largeness of the Clitoris, they have been taken for Men, as
mention'd in my Description of Hermaphrodites, and are capable of every Action
belonging to a Man, but that of Ejaculation. I next insert an Intrigue between two
Females more extraordinary than the former, by reason in this, Art was only employ'd,
and in the other there was something of Nature in it, tho' viciously apply'd: I shall
introduce it with several Adventures which happen'd in this Cafe before the Scene was
accomplish'd, and which I doubt not will be acceptable. In the City of Ferara, 'tis
reported, there some time since liv'd two Damsels who were of reputable Descent, and
their Education was equal to that of the greatest Quality in the Territories of Italy; the
Name of one of them was Theodora, and of the
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