Town Geology | Page 9

Charles Kingsley
that do lie too
deep for tears.

So, again, you will be in harmony with the teaching of St. Paul, who
told the Romans "that the invisible things of God are clearly seen from
the creation of the-world, being understood by the things that are made,
even His eternal power and Godhead;" and who told the savages of
Lycaonia that "God had not left Himself without witness, in that He did
good and sent men rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling men's
hearts with food and gladness." Rain and fruitful seasons witnessed to
all men of a Father in heaven. And he who wishes to know how truly St.
Paul spoke, let him study the laws which produce and regulate rain and
fruitful seasons, what we now call climatology, meteorology,
geography of land and water. Let him read that truly noble Christian
work, Maury's "Physical Geography of the Sea;" and see, if he be a
truly rational man, how advanced science, instead of disproving, has
only corroborated St. Paul's assertion, and how the ocean and the
rain-cloud, like the sun and stars, declare the glory of God. And if
anyone undervalues the sciences which teach us concerning stones and
plants and animals, or thinks that nothing can be learnt from them
concerning God--allow one who has been from childhood only a
humble, though he trusts a diligent student of these sciences--allow him,
I say, to ask in all reverence, but in all frankness, who it was who said,
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow." "Consider the birds of
the air- -and how your Heavenly Father feedeth them."
Consider them. If He has bid you do so, can you do so too much?
I know, of course, the special application which our Lord made of these
words. But I know, too, from experience, that the more you study
nature, in all her forms the more you will find that the special
application itself is deeper, wider, more literally true, more wonderful,
more tender, and if I dare use such a word, more poetic, than the
unscientific man can guess.
But let me ask you further--do you think that our Lord in that instance,
and in those many instances in which He drew his parables and lessons
from natural objects, was leading men's minds on to dangerous ground,
and pointing out to them a subject of contemplation in the laws and
processes of the natural world, and their analogy with those of the

spiritual world, the kingdom of God--a subject of contemplation, I say,
which it was not safe to contemplate too much?
I appeal to your common sense. If He who spoke these words were (as I
believe) none other than the Creator of the universe, by whom all
things were made, and without whom nothing was made that is made,
do you suppose that He would have bid you to consider His universe,
had it been dangerous for you to do so?
Do you suppose, moreover, that the universe, which He, the Truth, the
Light, the Love, has made, can be otherwise then infinitely worthy to
be considered? or that the careful, accurate, and patient consideration of
it, even to its minutest details, can be otherwise than useful to man, and
can bear witness of aught, save the mind and character of Him who
made it? And if so, can it be a work unfit for, unworthy of, a
clergyman--whose duty is to preach Him to all, and in all ways,--to call
on men to consider that physical world which, like the spiritual world,
consists, holds together, by Him, and lives and moves and has its being
in Him?
And here I must pause to answer an objection which I have heard in my
youth from many pious and virtuous people--better people in God's
sight, than I, I fear, can pretend to be.
They used to say, "This would be all very true if there were not a curse
upon the earth." And then they seemed to deduce, from the fact of that
curse, a vague notion (for it was little more) that this world was the
devil's world, and that therefore physical facts could not be trusted,
because they were disordered, and deceptive, and what not.
Now, in justice to the Bible, and in justice to the Church of England, I
am bound to say that such a statement, or anything like it, is contrary to
the doctrines of both. It is contrary to Scripture. According to it, the
earth is not cursed. For it is said in Gen. viii. 21, "And the Lord said, I
will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake. While the
earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and
winter, day and night shall not cease." According
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