Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel | Page 9

Victor Appleton
came upon when the tunnel had been
driven three miles into the mountain."
"What did you find?" asked Tom, who knew enough about geology to
understand the terms used. Mr. Damon did not, however, and when Mr.
Titus rolled off some of the technical words, the drug investor softly
murmured such expressions as
"Bless my thermometer! Bless my porous plaster!"
"We found," resumed Mr. Titus, "after we bad bored for a considerable
distance into the mountain, a mass of volcanic rock which is so hard
that our best diamond drills are dulled in a short time, and the

explosives we use merely shatter the face of the cutting, and give us
hardly any progress at all.
"It was after several trials, and when my brother found that he was
making scarcely any progress, compared to the energy of his men and
the blasting, that he wrote to me, explaining matters. I at once thought
of you, Tom Swift, and your powerful explosive, for I had read about
"Now then, will you sell us some of your powder--explosive or
whatever you call it--Mr. Swift, or tell us where we can get it? We need
it soon, for we are losing valuable time."
Mr. Titus paused to draw on a piece of paper a rough map of Peru, and
the district where the tunnel was being constructed. He showed where
the two railroad lines were, and where the new route would bring them
together, the tunnel eliminating a big grade up which it would have
been impossible to haul trains of any weight.
"What do you say, Mr. Swift?" the contractor concluded. "Will you let
us have some of your powder? Or, better still, will you come to Peru
yourself? That would suit us immensely, for you could be right on the
ground. And you could carry out your plan of going with your friend
here," and Mr. Titus nodded toward Mr. Damon. "That is, if you were
thinking of going."
"Well, I was thinking of it," Tom admitted. "Mr. Damon and I have
been on so many trips together that it seems sort of natural for us to
'team it.' I have never been to Peru, and I should like to see the country.
There is only one matter though, that bothers me."
"What is it?" asked Mr. Titus quickly. "If it is a question of money
dismiss it from your mind. The Peruvian government is paying a large
sum for this tunnel, and we stand to make considerable, even if we
were the lowest bidders. We can afford to pay you well--that is, we
shall be able to if we can complete the bore on time. That is what is
bothering me now--the unexpected strata of hard rock we have met
with, which seems impossible to blast. But I feel sure we can do it with

the explosive used in your giant cannon."
"That is just the point!" Tom exclaimed. "I am not so sure my explosive
would do."
"Why not?" the tunnel contractor asked. "It's powerful enough; isn't it?"
"Yes, it is powerful enough, but whether it will have the right effect on
volcanic rock is hard to say. I should like to see a rock sample."
"I can telegraph to have some sent here to you," said Mr. Titus eagerly.
"Meantime, here is a description of it. I can read you that"; and, taking
a letter from his pocket, he read to Tom a geological description of the
hard rock.
"Hum! Yes," mused Tom, as he listened. "It seems to be of the nature
of obsidian."
"Bless my watch chain!" cried Mr. Damon. "What's that?"
"Obsidian is a volcanic rock--a sort of combination of glass and flint
for hardness," Tom explained. "It is brittle, black in color, and the
natives of the Admiralty Islands use it for tipping their spears with
which they slay victims for their cannibalistic feasts."
"Bless my--bless my ear-drums!" gasped Mr. Damon. "Cannibals!"
"Obsidian was also used by the ancient Mexicans to make knives and
daggers," Tom went on. "When Cortez conquered Mexico he found the
priests cutting the hearts from their living victims with knives made
from this volcanic glass- like rock, known as obsidian. It may be that
your brother has met with a vein of that in the tunnel," Tom said to the
"Possibly," admitted Mr. Titus.
"In that case," Tom stated, "I may have to use a new kind of explosive.
That used for my giant cannon would merely crumble the hard rock for
a short distance."

"Then will you accept the contract, and help us out?" asked Mr. Titus
eagerly. "We will pay you well. Will you come to Peru and look over
the ground?"
"And kill two birds with one stone, and come with me also?" put in Mr.
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