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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Tintinnalogia, or, the Art of Ringing, by Richard Duckworth and Fabian Stedman
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Title: Tintinnalogia, or, the Art of Ringing
Wherein is laid down plain and easie Rules for Ringing all sorts of Plain Changes
Author: Richard Duckworth and Fabian Stedman
Release Date: June 12, 2006 [EBook #18567]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Daniel Emerson Griffith and?the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at?http://www.pgdp.net
Wherein?Is laid down plain and?easie Rules for Ringing?all sorts of _Plain Changes_.
Together with?Directions for Pricking and?Ringing all _Cross Peals_; with?a full Discovery of the Mystery?and Grounds of each Peal.
_As Also_?Instructions for _Hanging of Bells_,?with all things belonging thereunto.
_by a Lover of that ART._
1. Persii Sat. V. Disce: sed ira cadat naso, rugosaque sanna,
LONDON,?Printed for _F.S._ and are to be Sold by?_The Archer_, at his Shop under the _Dyal_ of?St. _Dunstan's Church_ in _Fleet-street_, 1671.
I have seen a Treatise intituled, _de Tintinnabulis_--that?is, of little Bells, the Language Latin, but pen'd by a?_Dutchman_, being a Discourse of striking tunes on little?Bells with traps under the feet, with several Books on several Instruments of Music, and Tunes prick't for the same; Then?considering that the Well-wishers to either of them, took?great pains to make plain the use of them, I thought it worth a Dayes labour, to write something on this Art or Science,?that the Rules thereof might not be lost and obscured to some, as the _Chronicles_ before _William_ the Conqueror, being given only by Tradition from Father to Son. Wherefore I humbly intreat you favourably to accept this small Treatise, as a foundation whereon may be raised a famous Structure; and if any one objects a fault, excuse it with the Ringing term--He was Over-bell'd--So you will much oblige him that is a Well-wisher to your Recreation,
On the Ingenious Art of RINGING.
What Musick is there that compar'd may be?To well-tun'd Bells enchanting melody!?Breaking with their sweet sound the willing Air,?And in the listning ear the Soul ensnare;?The ravisht Air such pleasure loth to lose,?With thousand Echoes still prolongs each close;?And gliding streams which in the Vallies trills,?Assists its speed unto the neighbouring Hills;?Where in the rocks & caves, with hollow gounds,?The warbling lightsome Element rebounds.?This for the Musick: In the Action's Health,?And every Bell is a _Wit's_ Common-wealth?For here by them we plainly may discern,?How that Civility we are to learn.?The Treble to the Tenor doth give place,?And goes before him for the better grace:?But when they chance to change, 'tis as a dance,?They foot _A Galliard, à la mode de France_.?An Eighteenscore's a figure dance, but _Grandsire_?Hath the Jig-steps! & Tendrings Peal doth answer?The manner of _Corants_: A plain Six-score,?Is like a _Saraband_, the motion slower.?When Bells Ring round, and in their Order be,?They do denote how Neighbours should agree;?But if they Clam, the harsh sound spoils the sport,?And 'tis like Women keeping _Dover_ Court?For when all talk, there's none can lend an ear?The others story, and her own to hear;?But pull and hall, straining for to sputter?What they can hardly afford time to utter.?Like as a valiant Captain in the Field,?By his Conduct, doth make the Foe to yield;?Ev'n so, the leading Bell keeping true time,?The rest do follow, none commits a Crime:?But if one Souldier runs, perhaps a Troop?Seeing him gone, their hearts begin to droop;?Ev'n so the fault of one Bell spoils a Ring,?(And now my _Pegasus_ has taken Wing.)
Upon the Presentation of GRANDSIRE BOB To the COLLEDGE-YOUTHS, By the AUTHOR of that PEAL.
Gentlemen of the Noble Crew?Of _Colledge-Youths_, there lately blew?A wind, which to my Noddle flew?(upon a day when as it Snew;)?Which to my Brains the Vapors drew?And there began to work and brew,?'Till in my _Pericranium_ grew?_Conundrums_, how some Peal that's New?Might be compos'd? and to pursue?These thoughts (which did so whet and hew?My flat Invention) and to shew?What might be done, I strait withdrew?Myself to ponder--whence did accrue?This _Grandsire Bob_, which unto you?I Dedicate, as being due?Most properly; for there's but few?Besides, so ready at their Q----?(Especially at the first View)?To apprehend a thing that's New;?Though they'l pretend, and make a shew,?As if the intricat'st they knew;?What _Bob_ doth mean, and _Grandsire True_,?And read the course without a Clue?Of this new Peal: Yet though they screw?Their shallow Brains, they'l ne're unglue?The Method on't (and I'm a Jew)?If I don't think this to be true,?They see no more on't than blind _Hugh_.?Well, let their tongues run _Titere tu_,?Drink muddy Ale, or

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