Timon of Athens | Page 9

William Shakespeare
hand, thus;--but tell him, My uses cry to me; I must serve my turn Out of mine own; his days and times are past, And my reliances on his fracted dates Have smit my credit: I love and honour him, But must not break my back to heal his finger; Immediate are my needs, and my relief Must not be toss'd and turn'd to me in words, But find supply immediate. Get you gone: Put on a most importunate aspect, A visage of demand; for I do fear, When every feather sticks in his own wing, Lord Timon will be left a naked gull, Which flashes now a phoenix. Get you gone.
CAPHIS. I go, sir.
SENATOR. Take the bonds along with you, And have the dates in compt.
CAPHIS. I will, sir.

Scene II. The same. A Hall in TIMON'S House.
[Enter FLAVIUS, with many bills in his hand.]
FLAVIUS. No care, no stop! So senseless of expense, That he will neither know how to maintain it, Nor cease his flow of riot: takes no account How things go from him, nor resumes no care Of what is to continue: never mind Was to be so unwise, to be so kind. What shall be done? He will not hear, till feel: I must be round with him. Now he comes from hunting. Fie, fie, fie, fie!
CAPHIS. Good even, Varro. What! You come for money?
VARRO'S SERVANT. Is't not your business too?
CAPHIS. It is: and yours too, Isidore?
CAPHIS. Would we were all discharg'd!
CAPHIS. Here comes the lord!
[Enter TIMON, ALCIBIADES, and Lords, etc.]
TIMON. So soon as dinner's done, we'll forth again. My Alcibiades. With me? what is your will?
CAPHIS. My lord, here is a note of certain dues.
TIMON. Dues! Whence are you?
CAPHIS. Of Athens here, my lord.
TIMON. Go to my steward.
CAPHIS. Please it your lordship, he hath put me off To the succession of new days this month: My master is awak'd by great occasion To call upon his own; and humbly prays you That with your other noble parts you'll suit In giving him his right.
TIMON. Mine honest friend, I prithee, but repair to me next morning.
CAPHIS. Nay, good my lord,--
TIMON. Contain thyself, good friend.
VARRO'S SERVANT. One Varro's servant, my good lord,--
ISIDORE'S SERVANT. From Isidore; he humbly prays your speedy payment.
CAPHIS. If you did know, my lord, my master's wants,--
VARRO'S SERVANT. 'Twas due on forfeiture, my lord, six weeks and past.
ISIDORE'S SERVANT. Your steward puts me off, my lord; and I am sent expressly to your lordship.
TIMON. Give me breath. I do beseech you, good my lords, keep on; I'll wait upon you instantly.
Come hither: pray you, How goes the world, that I am thus encounter'd With clamorous demands of date-broke bonds, And the detention of long-since-due debts, Against my honour?
FLAVIUS. Please you, gentlemen, The time is unagreeable to this business: Your importunacy cease till after dinner, That I may make his lordship understand Wherefore you are not paid.
TIMON. Do so, my friends. See them well entertain'd.
FLAVIUS. Pray, draw near.
CAPHIS. Stay, stay; here comes the fool with Apemantus: Let's ha' some sport with 'em.
VARRO'S SERVANT. Hang him, he'll abuse us!
ISIDORE'S SERVANT. A plague upon him, dog!
VARRO'S SERVANT. How dost, fool?
APEMANTUS. Dost dialogue with thy shadow?
VARRO'S SERVANT. I speak not to thee.
APEMANTUS. No; 'tis to thyself. [To the FOOL.] Come away.
ISIDORE'S SERVANT. [To VARRO'S SERVANT.] There's the fool hangs on your back already.
APEMANTUS. No, thou stand'st single; thou'rt not on him yet.
CAPHIS. Where's the fool now?
APEMANTUS. He last asked the question. Poor rogues and usurers' men! bawds between gold and want!
ALL SERVANTS. What are we, Apemantus?
APEMANTUS. That you ask me what you are, and do not know yourselves. Speak to 'em, fool.
FOOL. How do you, gentlemen?
ALL SERVANTS. Gramercies, good fool. How does your mistress?
FOOL. She's e'en setting on water to scald such chickens as you are. Would we could see you at Corinth!
APEMANTUS. Good! gramercy.
[Enter PAGE.]
FOOL. Look you, here comes my mistress' page.
PAGE. [To the FOOL.] Why, how now, Captain! what do you in this wise company? How dost thou, Apemantus?
APEMANTUS. Would I had a rod in my mouth, that I might answer thee profitably.
PAGE. Prithee, Apemantus, read me the superscription of these letters: I know not which is which.
APEMANTUS. Canst not read?
APEMANTUS. There will little learning die, then, that day thou art hanged. This is to Lord Timon; this to Alcibiades. Go; thou wast born a bastard, and thou'lt die a bawd.
PAGE. Thou wast whelped a dog, and thou shalt famish a dog's death. Answer not; I am gone.
[Exit PAGE.]
APEMANTUS. E'en so thou outrunn'st grace.-- Fool, I will go with you to Lord Timon's.
FOOL. Will you leave me there?
APEMANTUS. If Timon stay at home. You three serve three usurers?
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