Through the Air to the North Pole | Page 7

Roy Rockwood
feed them, and give
them some medicine. Come along, Washington."
The two passed out through the much-locked door behind the bed, the
undoing of the fastenings taking some time. As the portal swung open
it disclosed a long shed which seemed to be occupied with a big,
strange object.
The old professor and the negro had not been gone more than five
minutes before Jack opened his eyes. He turned over on one side. As he
did so Mark slowly lifted his head.
"Hello!" cried Jack, faintly.
"What's the matter?" asked Mark.
"Matter? What? Where?" inquired Mark, sitting up.
"Here! Everywhere!" replied Jack, raising himself slowly on his elbow.
"All I remember is a terrible crash. Now look at all those wheels.
Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! I wonder if they can be in my head?" and he
tried to smile.

"No, they are real wheels, and they are on the walls," announced Mark.
"Then where in the world are we?" went on Jack. "In a machine shop or
a railroad wreck?"
"Looks like--" began Mark, when he was interrupted by a voice calling:
"Hurry up, Perfessor! De boys has awakened from de
And, to the astonishment of Jack and Mark, the old man and his negro
helper hurried from the inner room and stood in front of the bed.
"Do you feel better?" asked the professor, anxiously, as he came
forward and felt of the boys' pulses.
"A great deal," answered Jack. "But what has happened? Where are we?
What are all these wheels for?"
"Slowly, slowly," said the old man with a pleasant laugh. "One
question at a time. For the first: what happened was a railroad wreck."
"I remember now," said Jack, slowly. "We tried to stop the cars."
"And you didn't succeed very well," went on the old man. "However,
the sand bank did it for you, and stopped you two at the same time. As
for your second question, you are here in my shop. As to the third,
those wheels are parts of my great invention. But I will tell you about
that after a while. I must give you some medicine now, and something
to eat. Here, Washington!"
"Comin', Perfessor!"
Jack and Mark were more surprised than before when they saw a big
colored man, seemingly as strong as an ox, coming toward them with

two steaming bowls of beef broth. Washington was grinning with
"Dis am de best beef stew dat eber transpositioned itself into yo'
vicinity!" he exclaimed, setting the bowls down on a table near the bed.
"Now, Washington," cautioned the old man. "No big words,
"All right, Perfessor," was the answer.
"Do you boys feel like eating?" asked the aged inventor.
"I do," replied Jack. "There was a time, though, when I thought I'd
never get a chance to eat again. That was just before the crash."
"You were both knocked unconscious," the professor went on.
"Washington and I happened to be near by and brought you here.
Fortunately I am something of a doctor as well as an inventor, and I
used a strong medicine I have."
"I'm sure we're much obliged to you," answered Mark.
"Let me see how much improved you are by eating," suggested the old
man. "I can trust Washington to cook good meals, even if he does use
big words."
Then, while the colored man grinned cheerfully at them, Jack and Mark,
sitting up on the bed, for they were still weak and sore, ate the broth.
After that both boys said they felt better.
"See if you can walk," suggested the inventor.
Mark and Jack stepped on the floor. They both uttered cries of pain.
They were stiff and lame from the shaking they had received.
"A day in bed will do you no harm," said their strange rescuer. "I have
some liniment that will soon take the soreness out of every one of your

Though the boys protested at being made to remain in bed, the old man
insisted. He made them take off most of their clothes, and then brought
out some liniment. Under his direction Jack and Mark rubbed
themselves well, and experienced almost immediate relief. It was now
getting dusk, and Washington lighted a big lamp that hung in the centre
of the room, first taking care that the shutters were tightly fastened.
The colored man prepared a simple supper for Mr. Henderson, and
afterward got himself a meal. When the dishes were cleared away the
old man, who had noted with smiles the anxious glances Jack and Mark
were casting about the strange room, said:
"I suppose you boys would like to ask lots of questions."
"I'd like to know what all this machinery is for," spoke Jack.
"And what is behind that door,"
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