the Universal Electrical and Chemical College. They stood
high in their classes, and were often allowed to conduct experiments on their own
responsibility, this being one of those occasions. Jack, who was somewhat older than his
companion, was of a more adventurous turn of mind, and was constantly trying new
things. Not always safe ones, either, for often he had produced small explosions in the
laboratory of the college. Only minor damage had been done thus far, but, as Mark said,
one could never tell what was going to happen when Jack mixed certain things in test
tubes and placed them over a spirit lamp, or the flame of a Bunsen burner.
"Have you got that tube under the jar?" asked Jack as he lighted a large Bunsen flame.
"It's under," answered Mark. "But say, what are you going to do in case you prove that
your theory is right, and that you can make a new kind of gas? What good will it be?"
"Lots of good. If I'm right, this will be the lightest gas ever made. Much lighter than
"Lighter than the kind Professor Henderson made for use in the Flying Mermaid, in
which we went to the center of the earth?"
"No, I'm afraid I can't equal his gas; but then, no one can ever hope to. I'm going to make
a new gas, though, and I'll show you that it will be much lighter and more powerful than
"More powerful, eh? Then I wish you'd have some one else hold this. I'm afraid the test
tube will burst."
"What if it does? It can't hurt you--very much. But here, since you're so nervous, I'll put a
pile of books all around the tube and the burner. Then, if it bursts, the books will prevent
the pieces of glass from flying all about. Does that satisfy you?" and Jack began heaping
some books about the burner, over which he was about to suspend the test tube
containing the queer chemical.
"Yes," returned Mark doubtfully. "I suppose it's all right--unless the books will be blown
all over."
"Well, I'll be jig-sawed!" exclaimed Jack with a laugh. "There's no satisfying you. You're
too particular, Mark."
"Maybe; but I don't want to get hurt."
"You'll not be injured in the least. Look, you're quite a distance away, and even if it does
explode and the books are scattered away, it can't hurt much to be hit by one of these
volumes. There, I'm all ready now. Hold the tube firmly."
He placed the test tube in a support, clamping it fast, so that it would be held steady over
the flame. Then he turned on more of the illuminating gas, which, coming through the
Bunsen burner, was made intensely hot. A little column of flame now enveloped the big
test tube containing the powder.
There was a little crackling sound as the heat expanded the powder, and the end of the
test tube became quite red from the flame.
"That tube'll melt!" exclaimed Mark, peering over the pile of books. "It's too near the
"Guess you're right," admitted Jack. "I'll raise it up a bit."
He turned down the flame and elevated the tube slightly. Then he took a position where
he could watch the process of making what he hoped would be a new kind of gas. He
wanted to be where he could see the vapor beginning to collect in the top of the tube, pass
off through the glass in the cork, and then through the little rubber hose to the bell glass
held by Mark. If the gas was generated too quickly, Jack knew he would have to turn
down the heat slightly.
The crackling sound continued. Then, as Jack watched, he saw a thick, yellowish vapor
collecting in the top of the test tube near the cork.
"It's coming!" he cried. "There's my new gas!"
"What's the name of it?" asked Mark.
"I haven't named it yet. I want to collect it in the jar and show it to Professor Lenton. He
said he didn't believe I could make it."
The boys resumed their careful watching of the experiment. It was a nervous moment, for,
from experience, Mark knew you never could tell what would happen when Jack began
to try new combinations of chemicals. He was ready to drop down on an instant's
warning, out of the way of flying missiles.
"See any bubbles in that pan of water yet?" cried Jack.
"No, not yet."
"That's queer. The test tube is full of the yellow gas, and some ought to be over to where
you are now. I'm going to turn on some more heat."
He increased the Bunsen flame. The crackling noise was louder. The test tube became a
fiery red.

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