Through Central Borneo | Page 5

Carl Lumholtz
to go to Canada to take the express train for
Vancouver. It was the last train which made connection with the
Canadian Pacific steamer for Hong-Kong, and if I could make it I
should save three weeks. With the assurance that I should have a couple
of hours latitude, I started in the morning for Montreal. There was no
doubt that I should make it unless something unusual delayed the
north-bound train, and that is exactly what occurred. The steam power
of the brake got out of order, necessitating a stop for repairs, and
considerable time was lost. Darkness came on and I began to feel
anxious about the prospect of gaining my object.
The conductor and his assistant, in the knowledge that I had a through
ticket to Hong-Kong, did everything in their power to aid me. Wire
messages were sent to have the Imperial Limited Express wait for "a
man travelling first-class"; to the custom-house, and also for a cab and

four "red caps" to meet me on arrival. The assistant conductor told
everybody of the plight of the passenger with the long journey before
him, the engineer was prevailed upon to increase his speed; and the
passengers began to exhibit interest. A tall Canadian came to me and
expressed his belief that I would catch that train, and even if it should
be gone there was another a little later by which it might be overtaken.
"I shall assist you," he added.
As we approached Montreal there were still twelve minutes left. The
lights of the city were visible near by, and one of my fellow passengers
was in the act of assuring me that my chances were good, when our
train suddenly stopped--on account of the bridge being open to permit a
ship to pass. Ten minutes lost! I had decided, if necessary, to sacrifice
two boxes of honey which I had bought at the last moment, honey and
water being my usual drink when on expeditions. The total weight was
ninety kilograms, but they were neatly packed in paper and had been
allowed to stand at one side of the entrance to the Pullman car. They
were an important adjunct of my outfit, but perhaps after all it would be
necessary for us to part.
Immediately upon the opening of the doors the four porters presented
themselves with the encouraging information that they understood the
Imperial Limited was waiting. My luggage, including the honey, was
hurried on to a large truck, my Canadian friend throwing his on too,
and speeding the boys to a trot, we ran as fast as we could to the
baggage-room of the custom-house, where the official in charge caused
us only a short delay. As the packages were being loaded into three
cabs a man stepped forward and accosted me: "We have got you now! I
am a reporter for The Star, and would like to know who the man is that
keeps the Imperial Limited waiting!" The moment did not seem
favourable for an interview, but I invited him to enter my cab and the
two or three minutes required to drive to the station afforded
opportunity for an explanation:
I was on my way to New Guinea. This was a Norwegian undertaking
which had the support of three geographical societies. It was hoped that
a geologist and a botanist from Norway would meet me next year in

Batavia to take part in this expedition to one of the least-known regions
on the globe. "What do you expect to find?" he asked just as we halted.
The porters outside said the train was gone, having waited fifteen
minutes. The newspaper man immediately joined forces with my
Canadian friend, and they were equally determined that by some means
I should overtake that train. First we went to look for the station-master,
hoping through him to obtain permission to have the train stopped en
route. When found after a few minutes' search, he tried in vain to get
one of the officials of the Canadian Pacific Company on the telephone.
My two friends stood near to keep his interest active, but he did not
seem to succeed. The station was quiet and looked abandoned. It was
after ten o'clock and at that time of the evening the hope of reaching an
official at his residence seemed forlorn.
Meantime I had my luggage ready to throw aboard the 10.30 express,
which was my one chance in case the Imperial Limited could be halted.
The three men were persistent but finally, two or three minutes before
the departure of the express, they came to me hurriedly and said: "You
had better go by this train to North Bay, where you will arrive at 9.30
to-morrow morning. There you will catch the train, or if not
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