Three Wonder Plays | Page 5

Lady Gregory
_Nurse_: Ochone! Don't be talking of it at all!
_Queen_: At the King of Alban's Court, one of the royal family to die over, it will be naturally on a pillow, and the dead-bells ringing, and a burying with white candles, and crape on the knocker of the door, and a flagstone put over the grave. What way could we put a stone or so much as a rose-bush over Nuala and she in the inside of a water-worm might be ploughing its way down to the north of the world?
_Nurse_: Och! that is what is killing me entirely! O save her, save her.
_King_: I tell you, it being to be, it will be.
_Queen_: You may be right, so, when you would not go to the expense of paying her charges at the Royal school. But wait, now, there is a plan coming into my mind.
_Nurse_: There must surely be some way!
_Queen_: It is likely a king's daughter the beast--if there is a beast--will come questing after, and not after a king's wife.
_Dall Glic_: That is according to custom.
_Queen_: That's what I am saying. What we have to do is to join Nuala with a man of a husband, and she will be safe from the danger ahead of her. In all the inventions made by poets, for to put terror on children or to knock laughter out of fools, did any of you ever hear of a Dragon swallowing the wedding ring?
_All_: We never did.
_Queen_: It's easy enough so. There must be no delay till Nuala will be married and wed with someone that will bring her away out of this, and let the Dragon go hungry home!
_Nurse_: That she may! Isn't it a pity now she being so hard to please!
_Queen_: Young people are apt to be selfish and to have no thought but for themselves. She must not be hard to please when it will be to save and to serve her family and to keep up respect for their name. Here she is coming.
_Nurse_: Ah, you would not tell her! You would not put the dear child under the shadow of such a terror and such a threat!
_King_: She must not be told. I never could bear up against it.
_(Nuala comes in_.)
_Queen:_ Look now at your father the way he is.
_Princess: (Touching his hand.)_ What is fretting you?
_Queen:_ His heart as weighty as that the chair near broke under him.
_Princess:_ I never saw you this way before.
_Queen:_ And all on the head of yourself!
_Princess:_ I am sorry, and very sorry, for that.
_Queen:_ He is loth to say it to you, but he is tired and wore out waiting for you to settle with some match. See what a troubled look he has on his face.
_Princess: (To King.)_ Is it that you want me to leave you? _(He gives a sob.) (To Dall Glic.)_ Is it the Queen urged him to this?
_Dall Glic:_ If she did, it was surely for your good.
_Nurse:_ Oh, my child and my darling, let you strive to take a liking to some good man that will come!
_Princess:_ Are you going against me with the rest?
_Nurse:_ You know well I would never do that!
_Princess:_ Do you, father, urge me to go?
_King:_ They are in too big a hurry why wouldn't they wait a while, for a quarter, or three-quarters of a year.
_Princess:_ Is that all the delay I am given, and the term is set for me, like a servant that would be banished from the house?
_King:_ That's not it. That's not right. I would never give in to let you go ...if it wasn't ...
_Princess_: I know. _(Stands up.)_ For my own good!
_(Trumpet outside.)_
_Gatekeeper_: (Coming in.) There is company at the door.
_Queen_: Who is it?
_Gatekeeper_: Servants, and a company of women, and one that would seem to be a Prince, and young.
_Princess_: Then he is come asking me in marriage.
_Dall Glic_: Who is he at all?
_Gatekeeper_: They were saying he is the son of the King of the Marshes.
_King_: Go bring him in.
_(Gatekeeper goes_.)
_Dall Glic_: That's right! He has great riches and treasure. There are some say he is the first match in Ireland.
_Nurse_: He is not. If his father has a copper crown, and our own King a silver one, it is the King of Sorcha has a crown of gold! The young King of Sorcha that is the first match.
_Dall Glic_: If he is, this one is apt to be the second first.
_Queen_: Do you hear, Nuala, what luck is flowing to you?
_Dall Glic_: Do not now be turning your back on him as you did to so many.
_Princess_: No; whoever he is, it is likely I will not turn away from this one.
_Queen_: Go now and ready yourself to meet him.
_Princess_: Am I not nice enough the way I am?
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