Three Plays | Page 6

Zora Hurston
(Seating himself again) Yeah, but dat don't play no checkers. Come on here, Good Black and lemme finish wearing your ant.
Good Black's Wife Good Black, yo' better come git dese clothes.
Lonnie Good Black, yo' wife kin cold whoop for what she want.
Good Black Yeah and if she don't git, she keep right on whoopin'. B'lieve I wants a drink of water. Wisht I knowed where I could slip up on me a drink.
Cliff Aw man, come on back here and move. Yo' doin' everythin' but playin' checkers. You'd ruther move a mountain wid a pry bar than to move (Points) dat man.
Good Black (Seats himself) Lemme hurry up and beat dis game befo' yo' bust yo' britches. (He wags his finger to indicate moves, scratches his head, but doesn't move. Several men enter and group around the players. All offer suggestions. One says, "you got him Cliffert. He's locked up just as tight as a keyhole". Another: "Aw, man he kin break out!" Another: "Yeah, but it'll cost him plenty to git out of dat trap".)
Cliff Police! Police! He won't move!
Another Voice Aw, leave go de checkers and less shoot some crap.
(Enter a WOMAN in a house dress, head rag on, run down house shoes. She goes to the edge of the porch and calls inside)
Woman Him there Bertha, what yo' doin'.
Woman Inside Still bumpin' de white folks clothes--hittin' for de sundown man. Come on in and have some sit down.
Outside Woman Ain't got time. Got a house full of company. I took a minute to see if yo' could let me have a little skeeting garret.
Inside Woman How come yo' didn't git yo'self some snuff whilst yo' was at de store? De man ast yo' what else. I ain't no Piggly Wiggly. Reckon I kin spare yo' a dip tho. (She hands out the box and the outside woman fills her lip and hands it back)
Outside Woman Much obliged, I thank yo'. Reckon I better heel and toe it on back, to see how de comp'ny is makin' out.
Inside Woman Step inside a minute I want to put a bug in yo' ear. (She makes an urgent gesture and the other woman goes inside)
(Lonnie is sitting off to himself and picking "Rabbit on de Log" softly. A small BOY dashes on with a lolly pop in his hand. He is licking it and laughing. He is pursued by a little GIRL yelling "you gimme my all day sucker! Johnny! You gimme my candy, now!" They run all over the stage. The men take notice of them and one of them seizes the boy and restores the candy to the girl. She pokes out her tongue at the boy and says "goody, goody, goody, goody, goody!" She notes the guitar playing and begins to dance. The boy makes faces back at her and dances back at her. The music gets louder, dancing faster, check board gets upset. General laughter at that. When dance is over, boy snatches the lolly pop again and races away and the girl runs behind him yelling "Johnny! You gimme my candy! Johnny!" The music stops and the crap game gets under way. Furious side bets for 5 and 10 cents each. Loud calls on Miss "Daisy Dice", snake eyes, "Ada from Decatur". Somebody suggests a soft roll, others object on the ground that it's too easy for the experts to cheat)
Good Black Gimme de dice! I'm gointer play 'em like John Henry.
Lonnie John Henry didn't bother wid de bones. He used to play Georgy Skin.
Good Black He shot crap too. He played everythin' and everythin' he played, he played it good. Just like he uster drive steel. If I could whip steel like John Henry, I wouldn't stay here and nowhere else.
Cliff Whut would yo' do?
Good Black I'd go somewhere and keep books for somebody.
Lonnie I know how to play John Henry.
Good Black Well, turn it on and let de bad luck happen. (As Lonnie plays thru a verse warming up, all the men get interested and start to hum. Cliffert shouts out)
Cliff Lawd, Lawd, what evil have I done) (They sing John Henry. At the close, the woman who came to borrow snuff emerges from the house still talking back at the woman inside)
Woman He ain't no trouble. I tole him, I says, "yo' must think youse de man dat made side meat taste lak ham." See yo' later. (She exits hurriedly. The crap game goes on until a band is heard approaching)
Lonnie Who dead?
Cliff Nobody. Don't you know de Imperial Elks is goin' to New York to de Elks Grand Lodge? Yeah, bo, and they's takin' they band. Dat's supposed to be de finest band in de United States. (The band approaches followed by a great crow. The crap game is instantly deserted
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