Three Dramas | Page 7

Bjornstjerne M. Bjornson
married, you
shall--without feeling yourself obliged to change your vocation for our
sakes. We only want to make it clear that it would pain us-- pain us
very deeply.
Mrs. Evje. If you want to take time to think it over, or want to talk it
over with Gertrud or with your brother, do! (GERTRUD comes in and
goes about the room looking for something.)
Evje. What are you looking for, dear?
Gertrud. Oh, for the--.
Mrs. Evje. I expect it is the newspaper; your grandfather has been
asking for it.
Evje. Surely there is no need for him to read it?
Mrs. Evje. He asked me for it, too. He knows quite well what has made
us all unhappy.
Evje. Can't you tell him? No, that wouldn't do.
Mrs. Evje (to GERTRUD). I suppose you have had to confess to him

what is the matter?
Gertrud (trying to conceal an emotion that is almost too much for her).
Yes. (Finds the paper, and goes out.)
Mrs. Evje (when GERTRUD has gone). Poor child!
Evje. Does not what she is carrying to him, with all that it says about
you and about your brother, seem to you like an omen? I will tell you
how it strikes me. Your brother is a very much more gifted man than I
am; and although it is true, as that paper says, that nothing of all that he
has worked for has ever come to anything, still perhaps he may
nevertheless have accomplished more than either you or me, although
we have done a good deal between us to increase the prosperity of our
town. I feel that to be so, although I cannot express what I mean
precisely. But consider the reputation he will leave behind him. All
educated people will say just what that paper says to-day--and
to-morrow he will be forgotten. He will scarcely find a place in history,
for history only concerns itself with the great leaders of men. What
does it all come to, then? Neither present nor posthumous fame; but
death--death all the time. He is dying by inches now, dying of the most
horrible persecution; and the emotion that his end will cause among a
few individuals cannot be called posthumous fame. (HARALD begins
to speak, but checks himself.) Can you hope to make a better fight of it?
You think you are stronger? Very well; perhaps you may have the
strength to endure it until other times come and other opinions with
them. But there will be one by your side who will not have the strength
to endure it. Gertrud is not strong--she could never stand it; indeed
now--already--. (Is stopped by his emotion.)
Mrs. Evje. She hides it from you, but she cannot hide it from us.
Besides, a friend of ours--our dear doctor--said only yesterday--.
(Breaks off in tears.)
Evje. We never told you, but he warned us some time ago; we had no
idea it was so serious, or that it had anything to do with this. But
yesterday he frightened us; he said she--. Well, you can ask him
yourself. He will be here directly. (HARALD fills a glass of water and
raises it to his lips, but sets it down again untasted.)
Mrs. Evje (going to him). I am so sorry for you, Harald! To have this
come on you just now--when your splendid brother is at the point of
death, and you yourself are being persecuted! (A ring is heard at the

Evje. But it should be a warning to you! Sometimes a single movement
will change the course of a whole life.
Mrs. Evje. And do have a little confidence in us! (A ring is heard
Evje. What on earth has become of John to-day? That is the second
time the bell has rung.
Mrs. Evje. One of the maids is opening the door, I can hear.
Evje. I expect it is the doctor.
Mrs. Evje. Yes, it is he--I know his ring. (A knock is heard at the door.)
Evje. Come in! (The DOCTOR comes in.)
The Doctor. Good morning! (Lays down his hat and stick.) Well, so I
hear John has been up to his pranks again? The rascal is in bed.
Evje and Mrs. Evje. In bed?
The Doctor. Came home at four o'clock in the morning, drunk. Ill
to-day, naturally. Ingeborg asked me to go in and see him.
Evje. Well!--I am determined to put an end to it!
Mrs. Evje. Yes, I have never been able to understand why you were so
lenient with John.
Evje. He has been with us five years; and, besides, it makes people talk
so, if you have to send your servants away.
Mrs. Evje. But surely this sort of thing makes them talk much worse!
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