Three Centuries of a City Library | Page 8

George A. Stephen
of the Corporation. "The Right
Worshipful the Mayor of Norwich, for the time being, is an Honorary
Member of the Public Library; and the Members of the Library
Committee of the Corporation, together with the Speaker of the
Commons, the Town Clerk, and the Chamberlain, if not already
Members of the Society, have the privilege of constant access to the
Library Rooms during their continuance of office." {14} These rules
were in force in 1847, and were reprinted in a new edition of the
Catalogue printed in that year. The members of the rival subscription
library, called "The Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution," which
was established in 1822, were also allowed to borrow books from the
City Library, by an order from the Chamberlain of the City. {15a} In
1835 the "Public Library" with the City Library was removed to a new
building opposite the north door of the Guildhall, on the site of the
present Norfolk and Norwich Subscription Library.
Ostensibly the City Library was adequately cared for by the "Public
Library," but in reality it was greatly neglected. At a meeting of the
Council on July 10th, 1856, the Town Clerk read a report from the City
Library Committee, stating that they had inspected the books of the
City Library, and "considered them in a very disorderly and dirty
condition, that they could not be compared with the catalogue till they
were re-arranged. They recommended that a grant of 25 pounds should
be made for the rearrangement of the books, and that Mr. Langton [the
Librarian] be employed for that purpose." {15b} In the discussion that
ensued Mr. Ling said some of the books "were lying on the floor,
damaged by dust and cobwebs, and an extremely valuable manuscript
of Wickliffe's Bible was in a bad state." {15c} Mr. Brightwell
suggested that the City Library would be a capital foundation for the
Free Library, and the matter was referred back for the consideration of
the City Library Committee. Those interested in the "Public Library"
strove hard to retain the City Library, and on November 20th, 1856, the
following memorial signed by the President was presented to the

Council and discussed:--
To the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Norwich, in Council
assembled. {15d} The Memorial of the Committee of the Norwich
Public Library
Sheweth,--That at a quarterly assembly of the Corporation, held June
19th, 1815, a certain Report of the Library Committee was agreed to,
and consent given for the city books to be taken to the Public Library
under the direction of the same Committee.
That your memorialists have learned with deep regret that it is
contemplated to apply to the Council for power to remove the city
books to the Free Library.
That upon the faith of their tenure of these books, as long as the
conditions imposed were satisfactorily complied with, various sums of
money, to a considerable amount, have from time to time been
expended by your memorialists from the funds of the Public Library in
their preservation.
That the books of the City Library have been embodied in the
catalogues of 1825 and 1847, under the same scientific arrangement as
the books which are the property of the Public Library, distinguishing
those which are the property of the Corporation by a prominent and
appropriate designation; and that therefore by the removal of the City
Library, the catalogue, to which your memorialists have recently
published the first appendix, will be rendered quite useless and an
expense, otherwise unnecessary, will be incurred.
That although the books of the City Library were recently found in a
very dusty condition; yet that during the 40 years they have been in the
custody of your memorialists, they have suffered no deterioration from
damp, loss, or otherwise.
That the contiguity of the Public Library to the Guildhall affords the
greatest convenience of application to the Town Clerk for permission to
take out books from the City Library, and of the access of the Library

Committee of the Corporation to inspect their property.
That it is in contemplation to place a fire in the room appropriated to
the City Library, and further to improve it by the insertion of a large
bay-window, which will make it a light and cheerful place for all who
need reference to these ancient and valuable books.
That your memorialists venture to point out the entire unsuitableness,
in their judgment, of works in learned languages, on abstruse subjects
or in black letter, to the objects of the Free Library.
And your memorialists therefore pray that the books of the City Library
be allowed to remain, as heretofore, in their keeping.
Signed on behalf of the Public Library Committee.
Norwich, Nov. 10th, 1856.
G. W. W. FIRTH, President.
Edward Edwards, in his monumental "Memoirs of Libraries," 1859,
(vol. 1,
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