The cõforte of louers | Page 7

Stephen Hawes
no mo?Thus my fayre floure / and my swerde and shelde?With eyen ryght meke / full often I behelde
Than sayd I (well) this is an happy chaunce?I trust now shortly / my lady for to se?O fortune sayd I / whiche brought me on the da[un]ce?Fyrst to beholde her ryght excellent beaute?And so by chaunce / hast hyder conueyde me?Getynge me also / my floure my shelde and swerde?I nought mystrust the / why sholde I be aferde
O ryght fayre lady / as the bryght daye sterre?Shyneth before the rysynge of the sonne?Castynge her beames / all aboute aferre?Exylynge grete wyndes / and the mystes donne?So ryght fayre lady / where as thou doost wonne?Thy beautefull bryghtnes / thy vertue and thy grace?Dooth clere Illumyne / all thy boure and place
The gentyll {herte is plonged in} dystresse?Dooth walowe and tomble in somers nyght?Replete with wo / and mortall heuynesse?Tyll that aurora / with her beames bryght?Aboute the fyrmament / castynge her pured lyght?Ageynst the rysynge / of refulgent tytan?Whan that declyneth / the fayre dame dyan
Than dooth the louer / out of this bedde aryse?With wofull mynde / beholdynge than the ayre?Alas he sayth / what nedeth to deuyse?Ony suche pastyme / here for to repayre?Where is my conforte / where is my lady fayre?Where is my Ioye / where is now all my boote?Where is she nowe / that persed my herte rote
This maye I saye / vnto my owne dere loue?My goodly lady / fayrest and moost swete?In all my bokes / fayre fortune doth moue?For a place of grace / where that we sholde mete?Also my bokes full pryuely you grete?The effectes therof / dooth well dayly ensue?By meruelous thynges / to proue them to be true
The more my payne / the more my loue encreaseth?The more my Ieopardy / the truer is my harte?The more I suffre / the lesse the fyre releasheth?The more I complayne the more is my smarte?The more I se her / the sharper is the darte?The more I wryte / the more my teeres dystyll?The more I loue / the hotter is my wyll
O moost fayre lady / yonge / good / and vertuous?I knewe full well / neuer your countenaunce?Shewed me ony token / to make me amerous?But what for that / your prudent gouernaunce?Hath enrached my herte / for to gyue attendaunce?your excellent beaute / you coude no thynge lette?To cause my herte vpon you to be sette
My ryght fayre lady / yf at the chesse I drawe?My selfe I knowe not / as a cheke frome a mate?But god aboue the whiche sholde haue in awe?By drede truely euery true estate?He maye take vengeaunce / though he tary late?He knoweth my mynde / he knoweth my remedy?He maye reuenge me / he knoweth my Ieoperdy
O thou fayre fortune / torne not fro me thy face?Remembre my sorowe / for my goodly lady?My tendre herte / she dooth full oft enbrace?And as of that it is no wonder why?For vpon her is all my desteny?Submyttynge me / vnto her gracyous wyll?Me for to saue or sodaynly to spyll
O ryght fayre lady of grene flourynge age?you can not do but as your frendes agre?your wyte is grete / you mekenes / dooth not swage?Exyle dysdayne / and be ruled by pety?The frenshe man sayth / that shall be shall be?yf that I dye / louer was neuer none?Deyed in this worlde / for a fayrer persone
Your beaute causeth all my amyte?Why sholde your beaute / to my dethe condyscende?your vertue and mekenes / dyde so arest me?Why sholde ye than to dame dysdayne intende?your prudence your goodnes / dooth mercy extende?Why sholde ye than enclyne to cruelte?Your grace I trust wyll non extremyte
A dere herte I maye complayne ryght longe?you here me not / nor se me not arayed?Nor causes my paynes for to be stronge?It was myn eyes / that made me fyrst dysmayde?With stroke of loue / that coude not me delaye?My ryght fayre lady / my herte is colde and faynt?Wolde now to god / that you knewe my complaynte
Thus as I mourned I herde a lady speke?I loked asyde I sawe my lady gracyous?My herte than fared / as it sholde breke?For perfyte Ioye whiche was solacyous?Before her grace / ryght swete and precyous?I kneled doune / saynge with all mekenesse?Please it your grace / & excellent noblenes
No dyspleasure to take for my beynge here?For fortune me brought / to this place ryall?Where I haue wonne this floure so vertuous & dere?This swerde and shelde / also not peregall?Towadre hym aduenture to be tryumphall?And now by fortunes desteny and fate?Do here my duety vnto your hygh estate
Ihesu sayd she than / who hadde wende to fynde?Your selfe walkynge / in this place all alone?Full lytell thought
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