The Works of Lord Byron, vol 1 | Page 5

of the fourth edition which belonged to Leigh Hunt. On another copy, in Mr. Murray's possession, Byron made nine emendations, of which six are identical with those in the Hunt copy, and three appear for the first time. It was in the latter volume that he inscribed his after-thoughts, which are dated "B. 1816."
For a complete collation of the five editions of 'English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers', and textual emendations in the two annotated volumes, and for a note on genuine and spurious copies of the first and other editions, see 'The Bibliography of the Poetical Works of Lord Byron', vol. vi.
[Facsimile of title-page of first edition, including Byron's signature. To view this and other facsimiles, and the other illustrations mentioned in this text, see the html edition. text Ed.]
Scotch Reviewers.
I had rather be a kitten, and cry, mew!?Than one of these same metre ballad-mongers.
Such shameless Bards we have; and yet 'tis true,?There are as mad, abandon'd Critics too.
Preface to the Poems?Bibliographical Note to "Hours of Idleness and Other Early Poems" Bibliographical Note to "English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers" On Leaving Newstead Abbey?To E----?On the Death of a Young Lady, Cousin to the Author, and very dear to Him?To D----?To Caroline?To Caroline [second poem]?To Emma?Fragments of School Exercises: From the "Prometheus Vinctus" of ?schylus?Lines written in "Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman, by J.J. Rousseau: Founded on Facts"?Answer to the Foregoing, Addressed to Miss----?On a Change of Masters at a Great Public School?Epitaph on a Beloved Friend?Adrian's Address to his Soul when Dying?A Fragment?To Caroline [third poem]?To Caroline [fourth poem]?On a Distant View of the Village and School of Harrow on the Hill, 1806?Thoughts Suggested by a College Examination?To Mary, on Receiving Her Picture?On the Death of Mr. Fox?To a Lady who Presented to the Author a Lock of Hair Braided with his own, and appointed a Night in December to meet him in the Garden?To a Beautiful Quaker?To Lesbia!?To Woman?An Occasional Prologue, Delivered by the Author Previous to the Performance of "The Wheel of Fortune" at a Private Theatre To Eliza?The Tear?Reply to some Verses of J.M.B. Pigot, Esq., on the Cruelty of his Mistress?Granta. A Medley?To the Sighing Strephon?The Cornelian?To M----?Lines Addressed to a Young Lady. [As the Author was discharging his Pistols in a Garden, Two Ladies passing near the spot were alarmed by the sound of a Bullet hissing near them, to one of whom the following stanzas were addressed the next morning]?Translation from Catullus. 'Ad Lesbiam'?Translation of the Epitaph on Virgil and Tibullus, by Domitius Marsus Imitation of Tibullus. 'Sulpicia ad Cerinthum'?Translation from Catullus. 'Lugete Veneres Cupidinesque' Imitated from Catullus. To Ellen
POEMS ON VARIOUS OCCASIONS.?To M.S.G.?Stanzas to a Lady, with the Poems of Camo?ns?To M.S.G. [second poem]?Translation from Horace. 'Justum et tenacem', etc.?The First Kiss of Love?Childish Recollections?Answer to a Beautiful Poem, Written by Montgomery, Author of "The Wanderer in Switzerland," etc., entitled "The Common Lot" Love's Last Adieu?Lines Addressed to the Rev. J.T. Becher, on his advising the Author to mix more with Society?Answer to some Elegant Verses sent by a Friend to the Author, complaining that one of his descriptions was rather too warmly drawn?Elegy on Newstead Abbey
HOURS OF IDLENESS.?To George, Earl Delawarr?Dam?tas?To Marion?Oscar of Alva?Translation from Anacreon. Ode I?From Anacreon. Ode 3?The Episode of Nisus and Euryalus. A Paraphrase from the '?neid', Lib. 9?Translation from the 'Medea' of Euripides [L. 627-660]?Lachin y Gair?To Romance?The Death of Calmar and Orla?To Edward Noel Long, Esq.?To a Lady
POEMS ORIGINAL AND TRANSLATED.?When I Roved a Young Highlander?To the Duke of Dorset?To the Earl of Clare?I would I were a Careless Child?Lines Written beneath an Elm in the Churchyard of Harrow
EARLY POEMS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES.?Fragment, Written Shortly after the Marriage of Miss Chaworth. First published in Moore's 'Letters and Journals of Lord Byron', 1830, i. 56?Remembrance. First published in 'Works of Lord Byron', 1832, vii. 152?To a Lady Who Presented the Author with the Velvet Band which bound her Tresses. 'Works', 1832, vii. 151?To a Knot of Ungenerous Critics. 'MS. Newstead'?Soliloquy of a Bard in the Country. 'MS. Newstead'?L'Amiti�� est L'Amour sans Ailes. 'Works', 1832, vii. 161 The Prayer of Nature. 'Letters and Journals', 1830, i. 106 Translation from Anacreon. Ode 5. 'MS. Newstead'?[Ossian's Address to the Sun in "Carthon."] 'MS. Newstead' [Pignus Amoris.] 'MS. Newstead'?[A Woman's Hair.] 'Works', 1832, vii. 151?Stanzas to Jessy. 'Monthly Literary Recreations', July, 1807 The Adieu. 'Works', 1832, vii. 195?To----. 'MS. Newstead'?On the Eyes of Miss A----H----. 'MS. Newstead'?To a Vain Lady. 'Works', 1832, vii. 199?To Anne. 'Works', 1832, vii. 201?Egotism. A Letter to J.T. Becher. 'MS. Newstead'?To Anne. 'Works', 1832, vii. 202?To the Author of a Sonnet Beginning, "'Sad is my verse,' you say, 'and yet no tear.'" 'Works', 1832, vii. 202?On Finding a Fan. 'Works',
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