The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, vol 6 | Page 7

Charles and Mary Lamb
a Child named after Charles Lamb" FitzGerald's
"Meadows in Spring" Montgomery's "The Common Lot" Barry
Cornwall's "Epistle to Charles Lamb"


CHARLES LAMB (aged 51). From the painting by Henry Meyer at the
India Office.


[P.M. January 8, 1821.]
Mary perfectly approves of the appropriat'n of the feathers, and wishes
them Peacocks for your fair niece's sake!
Dear Miss Wordsworth, I had just written the above endearing words
when Monkhouse tapped me on the shoulder with an invitation to cold
goose pye, which I was not Bird of that sort enough to decline. Mrs. M.
I am most happy to say is better. Mary has been tormented with a
Rheumatism, which is leaving her. I am suffering from the festivities of
the season. I wonder how my misused carcase holds it out. I have
play'd the experimental philosopher on it, that's certain. Willy shall be
welcome to a mince pye, and a bout at Commerce, whenever he comes.
He was in our eye. I am glad you liked my new year's speculations.
Everybody likes them, except the Author of the Pleasures of Hope.
Disappointment attend him! How I like to be liked, and what I do to be
liked! They flatter me in magazines, newspapers, and all the minor
reviews. The Quarterlies hold aloof. But they must come into it in time,
or their leaves be waste paper. Salute Trinity Library in my name. Two
special things are worth seeing at Cambridge, a portrait of Cromwell at
Sidney, and a better of Dr. Harvey (who found out that blood was red)
at Dr. Davy's. You should see them.
Coleridge is pretty well, I have not seen him, but hear often of him
from Alsop, who sends me hares and pheasants twice a week. I can
hardly take so fast as he gives. I have almost forgotten Butcher's meat,
as Plebeian. Are you not glad the Cold is gone? I find winters not so

agreeable as they used to be, when "winter bleak had charms for me." I
cannot conjure up a kind similitude for those snowy flakes--Let them
keep to Twelfth Cakes.
Mrs. Paris, our Cambridge friend, has been in Town. You do not know
the Watfords? in Trumpington Street--they are capital people.
Ask any body you meet, who is the biggest woman in Cambridge--and
I'll hold you a wager they'll say Mrs. Smith.
She broke down two benches in Trinity Gardens, one on the confines of
St. John's, which occasioned a litigation between the societies as to
repairing it. In warm weather she retires into an ice-cellar (literally!)
and dates the returns of the years from a hot Thursday some 20 years
back. She sits in a room with opposite doors and windows, to let in a
thorough draught, which gives her slenderer friends tooth-aches. She is
to be seen in the market every morning at 10, cheapening fowls, which
I observe the Cambridge Poulterers are not sufficiently careful to
Having now answered most of the points containd in your Letter, let
me end with assuring you of our very best kindness, and excuse Mary
from not handling the Pen on this occasion, especially as it has fallen
into so much better hands! Will Dr. W. accept of my respects at the end
of a foolish Letter.
[Miss Wordsworth was visiting her brother, Christopher Wordsworth,
the Master of Trinity.
Willy was William Wordsworth, junr.
Lamb's New Year speculations were contained in his Elia essay "New
Year's Eve," in the London Magazine for January, 1821. There is no
evidence that Campbell disapproved of the essay. Canon Ainger
suggests that Lamb may have thus alluded playfully to the pessimism
of his remarks, so opposed to the pleasures of hope. When the
Quarterly did "come in," in 1823, it was with cold words, as we shall
"Trinity Library." It is here that are preserved those MSS. of Milton,
which Lamb in his essay "Oxford in the Vacation," in the London
Magazine for October, 1820, says he regrets to have seen.
"Cromwell at Sidney." See Mary Lamb's letter to Miss Hutchinson,
August 20, 1815.

"Harvey ... at Dr. Davy's"--Dr. Martin Davy, Master of Caius.
"Alsop." This is the first mention of Thomas Allsop (1795-1880),
Coleridge's friend and disciple, who, meeting Coleridge in 1818, had
just come into Lamb's circle. We shall meet him frequently. Allsop's
_Letters, Conversations and Recollections of Samuel Taylor
Coleridge_ contain much matter concerning Lamb.
"Winter bleak had charms for me." I could not find this for the large
edition. It is from Burns' "Epistle to William Simpson," stanza 13.
Mrs. Paris was a sister of William Ayrton and the mother of John
Ayrton Paris, the physician.
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