The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Island | Page 9

Roger Thompson Finlay
minutes of the report of the gun which has just been referred to, the messenger sent by John, came in and stated that it was impossible for him to reach Muro, as the hill directly to the east was alive with warriors.
It was now Muro's turn to get the sympathy of the boys, and both of them turned to John, who still seemed unperturbed.
"We will march directly to the east," he announced. "Every man must hold his gun ready for instant firing. Move forward quietly, as you have been doing. We must go to the assistance of Muro. Uraso will take care of the rear."
They glided along the crest, directly behind John, and as they passed over the hill, it was evident that the natives were out in force.
"I wonder whether they have captured Muro?" asked Harry.
"No; he is all right. You may depend on it that he will not be taken without a warning shot is given."
"But we heard a shot."
"True; but that was the messenger."
From the manner in which the natives in their front were scurrying to and fro, it was apparent to John's practiced mind, they had no idea of the approach of John and his party. It was plain that they knew of Muro, or, at least of some one beyond the second hill, where John inferred Muro must have gone, because all their energies appeared to be directed toward that point.
"I am afraid they are after Muro, but I am sure if he finds himself in danger he will fire a shot to warn us. In such a situation we must attract their attention. I will detail the first squad to accompany me. All those remaining will conceal themselves, and under no circumstances show yourselves, or let your presence be known, unless you are attacked. We will go to the point beyond the two large trees, and make the demonstration there, thus drawing them away from Muro."
John with the six men designated hurried over the intervening ground, just as two shots, undoubtedly from Muro, broke the quiet, and placed the watchers on the alert. In less than ten minutes the boys heard a volley to the right, and almost instantly the opposite slope was alive with natives running to and fro in all directions, and the most peculiar cries were heard, while in the distance there was a singular rhythmic sound as though drums were being beaten, in regular time.
It sounded very weird and fascinating. The drums, if such they were, had different keys, and their companions did not appear to be able to give any information about them.
While thus waiting for John to appear, the watchers were surprised to see the force which was between Uraso and themselves, rushing alongside the hill, and directly toward their place of concealment. Here was a problem, not contemplated by John, and the boys consulted the men with them.
Harry said: "I will do what has always been our custom, that is first show ourselves, and indicate that we do not wish to be enemies, and try to gain their confidence."
"I think some of the men should try to talk to them. It is possible that they may be acquainted with their language. You remember the one we captured could understand what Muro said," suggested George.
It should be stated that after they landed on the island, four days previously, they had made a short excursion into the interior, where they were attacked by a tribe, of which one of the men was captured, after being wounded, and then taken by the Professor on board the Pioneer, and carried to Wonder Island.
The savages came forward apparently without knowing of the existence of our party, and when within two hundred feet Harry, and Tarra, one of the most intelligent of the islanders, stepped forward, and waved their hands.
The natives stopped in astonishment. Tarra spoke to them, but they were mute. Then Tarra turned to Harry, and rubbed his nose, and made a sign of friendship. After some hesitation the leader, who was, from all appearance a chief, answered, that they demanded the delivery to them of the wounded man. After this was interpreted Harry assured him that the man would be restored safe and sound, as soon as he was cured.
At this information the Chief told Tarra that he lied, and that he had been taken for the purpose of being sacrificed. He was assured that such was not the case, as they did not believe in sacrificing human beings.
The Chief then demanded that they leave the island at once, or they would kill all of them. Tarra laughed at this announcement, and his demeanor was such as to astound the natives. "You do not know what you say," said Tarra. "The white people who are with us have fire guns,
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