The Wiradyuri and Other Languages of New South Wales | Page 7

Robert Hamilton Matthews
really, madi. Perhaps, wundu. Not, muga. When, wundi?.
Certain adverbs can be inflected for person and number, thus: Where shall I go? Wundayerrabunningga? Where shalt thou go? Wundayerrabunnindyi? Where shall he go? Wundayerrabunni?? and so on for all persons and numbers.
On top, gunna. Down, dhugga. Between, dhuri. Behind me, bengalwarria. Outside, bunnungga. Out of that, barridyi. In rear of me, wullingaia. In here, ngunna. In or under there, ngunni?.
Words meaning "is here," "was here," "will be here," also exist in this language.
Many prepositions can be inflected for number and person: Singular 1st Person In front of me Ngunalundya. 2nd " In front of thee Ngunalundyi. 3rd " In front of him Ngunalung. and so on through the dual and plural.
Ya! calling attention.--Bungamugi, cease!
One, meddhung. Two, bullala.
Vocabulary of Wiradyuri Words.
This vocabulary contains about 430 words collected personally among the Wiradyuri natives on the Lachlan, Macquarie, and Murrumbidgee rivers. Instead of arranging the words alphabetically they are placed together under separate headings:--Family terms--Parts of the body-- Natural objects--Animals--Trees--Weapons--Adjectives--Verbs. As the equivalents of English terms will most frequently be required they are put first.[16]
A man gibir or mên. Old man bidyar. Husband nguban. Clever man wiardhuri. Young man walwi. Small boy gibirgang. Woman inar or buladyeru. Old woman buddung. Girl gunnadhurai. Child, either sex burai. Father bubbin. Mother guni. Elder brother gagang. Younger brother galbuma?. Elder sister min-gan. Younger sister barrigan. Infirm old person gugun.
Head bullang. Forehead ngulung. Hair of head wuran. Beard yerra?. Eye mill. Eyebrow nyer. Eyelid milk-kuruganna. Eyelash dyirmir. Nose murudha. Nostrils mirral-mirril. Cheek dhuggal. Lower jaw nhami. Back of neck nhun. Throat guddhe. Ear wudha. Mouth ngu?. Lips willin. Tongue thallun. Teeth irang. Liver guralu. Kidneys m?nggar. Breasts, female ngammung. Heart gê?. Navel birra?. Navel-string gural. Belly burbing. Ribs dhur. Middle of back wangan. Back birra. Shoulder wulgar. Arm buggur. Elbow nyuna. Armpit gilgin. Hand murra. Wrist dhummal. Little finger budyen. Thumb gunin. Finger nail yulu. Calf of leg wuluma. Thigh dhurrang. Knee b?ngang. Kneecap gurigurer. Shin buyu. Foot dyinnang. Big toe gunin. Heel dhungang. Intestines b?rbi?. Blood g?-a?. Fat wammo. Skin yulun. Bone dhubbul. Buttocks mugun. Anus bubul. Groin gulin. Penis dh?n. Glans penis nyiren. Testicles biddha. Sexual desire wurrunha. Fornication yungurrang. Vulva thundu. Nymph? dyurun. Meatus urinarius munil. Pubic hair bui. Copulation tharralabena. Semen gubbung. Masturbation kuddiguddimunna. Urine kil. Excrement kuna. Venereal buggin.
Sun yêre. Moon gyu-wong. Stars, collectively mimma. Pleiades inar-inharr. Venus gibirgu?. Rainbow yulubirgi?. Clouds yuru. Sky gununggullung. Thunder muruburrai. Lightning maru. Rain yurung. Dew g?nggil. Mist guddhalbar. Fog guang. Snow gunama. Frost dyuggar. Hail ilwurrai. Cloud yurong. Water gulling. Ground dhuggun. Mud bingan. Stones wallung. High hill dyirrama. Sand-hill gurrai. Light ngullan. Sunshine iradadhuna. Darkness buruandhang. Heat wugil. Cold bulludhai. Fire wi. Smoke guddhal. Camp ngurung. Hut gundyi. Food dhungang. Flesh dhi?. Watercourse dhurrang. Grass, collectively bogarru. Trees, collectively gigil. Bark of trees dhurang. Firewood gigil. Ashes bunu?. Charcoal ngurra. Leaves of trees gurril. Eggs kubbuga. Honey ngurru. Edible grub dhumun. Pathway muru. Shadow guramun. Tail of animal dhun. Echo warrul. Fur of opossum, etc. gidyung. Spines of porcupine girrigul. Scales of fish yirin.
Native bear burrandang. Wombat bunggada. Dog burumain or mirri. Wild dog yuke. Opossum womboran or wille. Water rat biggun. Kangaroo rat gulbo. Native cat (black & white) mabi. Native cat (yellow & white dhalbirrang. Porcupine gunyi. Wallaby murriwanFlying fox bullauir. Platypus dhumbirrity. Bandicoot gudyun. Flying squirrel, small budharung. Ringtail opossum gindang. Kangaroo womboin. Wallaroo gundharwar. Red kangaroo murri.
Birds, collectively dyibbi?. Crow wagan. Laughing jackass guguburra. Curlew gurebun. Plain turkey gumbal. Mallee hen y?nggai. Quail gunama. Plain lark dyilburi. Lark buraigarama. Eaglehawk mullian. Emu nguru?. Native companion burolgang. Common magpie gurruba. Black magpie wibu. Peewee guliridyi. Black duck budhanbang. Pelican gulaiguli. Ibis bururgen. Swan dh?ndhu. Mopoke ngugung. Pigeon (bronze wing) yammar or wubba. Rosella parrot bulanbulangang. Ground parrot bura?. Green parrot gunungburdyang. Parrokeet dhunga?. Common hawk walga. Fish hawk bibbidya. Kingfisher dhalir. White cockatoo mura?. Plover bullaradyara. Blue crane murgu. Grey crane burragang or gungarung.
Perch gagalen. Black bream gubir.
Tree iguana gugar. Ground iguana guda or dhuli. Jew lizard nhurran. Sleepy lizard burrendhar. Shingle-back lizard buggai. Death adder dhummi?. Frog gulangga. Turtle gudumang. Carpet snake yubba. Black snake Kullendyuli? or budhang. Brown snake warraleng. Common grey lizard guddha?.
Locust, large kalangkalangLocust, small inggal. Blowfly buga. Louse munhu. Nit of louse thundin. Jumper ant yalgo. Bulldog ant burungang. Centipede gen. Mosquito kummun. Scorpion dhunbu?. Greenheaded ant gunama. Mussel binduga?.
A "squeaking-tree" maburan. Leaning tree dhalgang. Dead tree yalgu. Hollow tree ngarl. Apple tree gubbut. Stringy bark g?ndai. Wattle yanagang. Ironbark muggar. Yellow-box bargang. White-box biri. Cherry-tree bumborean. White gum yarra. Jeebung bumbadhulla.
Tomahawk dhauain. Koolamin marin. Yamstick kunnai. Spear, wood thuli. Spear, reed dyirril. Spear-thrower wommar. Spear, shield girran-girran. Waddy shield ngummal. Fighting club bundi. Hunting club birrang. Boomerang burgan, bulgang. Net bag kalbon. Fish net mia. Nose-peg bun-gal.
Alive murun. Dead bullu.
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