The Widow Lerouge | Page 7

Emile Gaboriau
she say?"
"I think I see her now," continued the shopkeeper: "she was leaning against the counter near the scales, jesting with a fisherman of Marly, old Husson, who can tell you the same; and she called him a fresh water sailor. 'My husband,' said she, 'was a real sailor, and the proof is, he would sometimes remain years on a voyage, and always used to bring me back cocoanuts. I have a son who is also a sailor, like his dead father, in the imperial navy.'"
"Did she mention her son's name?"
"Not that time, but another evening, when she was, if I may say so, very drunk. She told us that her son's name was Jacques, and that she had not seen him for a very long time."
"Did she speak ill of her husband?"
"Never! She only said he was jealous and brutal, though a good man at bottom, and that he led her a miserable life. He was weak-headed, and forged ideas out of nothing at all. In fact he was too honest to be wise."
"Did her son ever come to see her while she lived here?"
"She never told me of it."
"Did she spend much money with you?"
"That depends. About sixty francs a month; sometimes more, for she always buys the best brandy. She paid cash for all she bought."
The woman knowing no more was dismissed. The child, who was now brought forward, belonged to parents in easy circumstances. Tall and strong for his age, he had bright intelligent eyes, and features expressive of watchfulness and cunning. The presence of the magistrate did not seem to intimidate him in the least.
"Let us hear, my boy," said M. Daburon, "what you know."
"Well, sir, a few days ago, on Sunday last, I saw a man at Madame Lerouge's garden-gate."
"At what time of the day?"
"Early in the morning. I was going to church, to serve in the second mass."
"Well," continued the magistrate, "and this man was tall and sunburnt, and dressed in a blouse?"
"No, sir, on the contrary, he was short, very fat, and old."
"You are sure you are not mistaken?"
"Quite sure," replied the urchin, "I saw him close face to face, for I spoke to him."
"Tell me, then, what occurred?"
"Well, sir, I was passing when I saw this fat man at the gate. He appeared very much vexed, oh! but awfully vexed! His face was red, or rather purple, as far as the middle of his head, which I could see very well, for it was bare, and had very little hair on it."
"And did he speak to you first?"
"Yes, sir, he saw me, and called out, 'Halloa! youngster!' as I came up to him, and he asked me if I had got a good pair of legs? I answered yes. Then he took me by the ear, but without hurting me, and said, 'Since that is so, if you will run an errand for me, I will give you ten sous. Run as far as the Seine; and when you reach the quay, you will notice a large boat moored. Go on board, and ask to see Captain Gervais: he is sure to be there. Tell him that he can prepare to leave, that I am ready.' Then he put ten sous in my hand; and off I went."
"If all the witnesses were like this bright little fellow," murmured the commissary, "what a pleasure it would be!"
"Now," said the magistrate, "tell us how you executed your commission?"
"I went to the boat, sir, found the man, and I told him; and that's all."
Gevrol, who had listened with the most lively attention, leaned over towards the ear of M. Daburon, and said in a low voice: "Will you permit me, sir, to ask the brat a few questions?"
"Certainly, M. Gevrol."
"Come now, my little friend," said Gevrol, "if you saw this man again, would you know him?"
"Oh, yes!"
"Then there was something remarkable about him?"
"Yes, I should think so! his face was the colour of a brick!"
"And is that all?"
"Well, yes, sir."
"But you must remember how he was dressed; had he a blouse on?"
"No; he wore a jacket. Under the arms were very large pockets, and from out of one of them peeped a blue spotted handkerchief."
"What kind of trousers had he on?"
"I do not remember."
"And his waistcoat?"
"Let me see," answered the child. "I don't think he wore a waistcoat. And yet,--but no, I remember he did not wear one; he had a long cravat, fastened near his neck by a large ring."
"Ah!" said Gevrol, with an air of satisfaction, "you are a bright boy; and I wager that if you try hard to remember you will find a few more details to give us."
The boy hung down his head, and remained silent. From the knitting of his young brows, it was plain he was making
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