The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) | Page 5

Mrs. F.L. Gillette
and the
fat on this ridge is very much liked by many. The cramp-bone is a
delicacy, and is obtained by cutting down to the bone at 4, and running
the knife under it in a semicircular direction to 3. The nearer the
knuckle the drier the meat, but the under side contains the most finely
grained meat, from which slices may be cut lengthwise. When sent to
the table a frill of paper around the knuckle will improve its
The first cut to be made in carving a fore-quarter of lamb is to separate
the shoulder from the breast and ribs; this is done by passing a sharp
carving knife lightly around the dotted line as shown by the figs. 3, 4
and 5, so as to cut through the skin, and then, by raising with a little
force the shoulder, into which the fork should be firmly fixed, it will
easily separate with just a little more cutting with the knife; care should
be taken not to cut away too much of the meat from the breast when
dividing the shoulder from it, as that would mar its appearance. The
shoulder may be placed upon a separate dish for convenience. The next
process is to divide the ribs from the brisket by cutting through the
meat in the line from 1 to 2; then the ribs may be carved in the direction
of the line 6 to 7, and the brisket from 8 to 9. The carver should always
ascertain whether the guest prefers ribs, brisket, or a piece of the
The carver in cutting a ham must be guided according as he desires to
practice economy, or have at once fine slices out of the prime part.
Under the first supposition, he will commence at the knuckle end, and
cut off thin slices toward the thick and upper part of the ham.
To reach the choicer portion of the ham, the knife, which must be very

sharp and thin, should be carried quite down to the bone through the
thick fat in the direction of the line from 1 to 2. The slices should be
even and thin, cutting both lean and fat together, always cutting down
to the bone. Some cut a circular hole in the middle of a ham gradually
enlarging it outwardly. Then again many carve a ham by first cutting
from 1 to 2, then across the other way from 3 to 4. Remove the skin
after the ham is cooked and send to the table with dots of dry pepper or
dry mustard on the top, a tuft of fringed paper twisted about the
knuckle, and plenty of fresh parsley around the dish. This will always
insure an inviting appearance.
Roast Pig.--The modern way of serving a pig is not to send it to the
table whole, but have it carved partially by the cook; first, by dividing
the shoulder from the body; then the leg in the same manner; also
separating the ribs into convenient portions. The head may be divided
and placed on the same platter. To be served as hot as possible.
A Spare Rib of Pork is carved by cutting slices from the fleshy part,
after which the bones should be disjointed and separated.
A leg of pork may be carved in the same manner as a ham.
[Illustration: HAUNCH OF VENISON]
A haunch of venison is the prime joint, and is carved very similar to
almost any roasted or boiled leg; it should be first cut crosswise down
to the bone following the line from 1 to 2; then turn the platter with the
knuckle farthest from you, put in the point of the knife, and cut down as
far as you can, in the directions shown by the dotted lines from 3 to 4;
then there can be taken out as many slices as is required on the right
and left of this. Slices of venison should be cut thin, and gravy given
with them, but as there is a special sauce made with red wine and
currant jelly to accompany this meat, do not serve gravy before asking
the guest if he pleases to have any.
The fat of this meat is like mutton, apt to cool soon, and become hard

and disagreeable to the palate; it should, therefore, be served always on
warm plates, and the platter kept over a hot-water dish, or spirit lamp.
Many cooks dish it up with a white paper frill pinned around the
knuckle bone.
A haunch of mutton is carved the same as a haunch of venison.
A turkey having been relieved from strings and skewers used in
trussing should be placed on the table with the
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