The White Chief | Page 8

Captain Mayne Reid
Just at this moment a man is seen advancing, lazo in hand, in front of
the carretas. He is afoot. As soon as he has detached himself from the
crowd, he spins the lazo round his head, and the noose shooting out is
seen to settle over the horns of the bull.
Without losing a moment the man runs to a small tree that stands near
the centre of the semicircle, and hastily coils the other end of the lazo
around its trunk. Another moment, and he would have been too late.
The knot is scarcely tied, when a heavy pluck announces that the bull
has reached the end of his rope, and the foiled brute is now seen thrown
back upon his hips, with the lazo tightly noosed over his horns. He has
fallen at the very feet of the spectators!
"Bravo! viva!" cried a hundred voices, as soon as their owners had
sufficiently recovered from their terror to call out.
"Viva. Viva! Carlos the cibolero!"

It was he who had performed this second feat of skill and daring.
The bull was not yet conquered, however. He was only confined within
a certain range--the circle of the lazo--and, rising to his feet, with a
furious roar he rushed forward at the crowd. Fortunately the lazo was
not long enough to enable him to reach the spectators on either side;
and again he tumbled back upon his haunches. There was a scattering
on all sides, as it was feared he might still slip the noose; but the
horsemen had now come up. Fresh lazoes were wound about his neck,
others tripped up his legs, and he was at length flung violently upon the
ground and his quarters well stretched.
He was now completely conquered, and would run no more; and as but
two bulls had been provided for the occasion, the "coleo de toros" was
for that day at an end.
Several lesser feats of horsemanship were next exhibited, while
preparations were being made for another of the grand games of the
day. Those were by way of interlude, and were of various kinds. One
was throwing the lazo upon the foot of a person running at full speed,
noosing him around the ankle, and of course tripping him up. This was
done by men both mounted and afoot; and so many accomplished it,
that it could hardly be deemed a "feat:" nor was it regarded as such
among the more skilful, who disdained to take part in it.
Picking up the hat was next exhibited. This consisted in the rider
throwing his hat upon the ground, and then recovering it from the
saddle, while his horse swept past at full gallop. Nearly every rider on
the spot was equal to this feat, and only the younger ones looked upon
it as a proof of skill. Of these some twenty could now be seen wheeling
about at a gallop and ducking down for their sombreros, which they
had previously dropped.
But it is not so easy to pick up smaller objects, and a piece of coin lying
flat upon the ground tries the skill of the best "cavallero."
The Comandante Vizcarra now stepped forth and commanded silence.
Placing a Spanish dollar upon the smooth turf, he called out--

"This to the man who can take it up at the first trial. Five gold onzas
that Sergeant Gomez will perform the feat!"
There was silence for a while. Five gold "onzas" (doubloons) was a
large sum of money. Only a "rico" could afford to lose such a sum.
After a pause, however, there came a reply. A young ranchero stepped
"Colonel Vizcarra," said he, "I will not bet that Sergeant Gomez cannot
perform the feat; but I'll wager there's another on the ground can do it
as well as he. Double the amount if you please."
"Name your man!" said Vizcarra.
"Carlos the cibolero."
"Enough--I accept your wager. Any one else may have their trial,"
continued Vizcarra, addressing the crowd. "I shall replace the dollar
whenever it is taken up--only one attempt, remember!"
Several made the attempt and failed. Some touched the coin, and even
drew it from its position, but no one succeeded in lifting it.
At length a dragoon mounted on a large bay appeared in the list, who
was recognised as the Sergeant Gomez. He was the same that had first
come up with the bull, but failed to fling him; and no doubt that failure
dwelling still in his thoughts added to the natural gloom of his very
sallow face. He was a man of large size, unquestionably a good rider,
but he lacked that symmetrical shape that gives promise of sinewy
The feat required little preparation. The sergeant looked to his
saddle-girths, disencumbered himself of
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