The White Chief | Page 6

Captain Mayne Reid
That feat is to seize the bull by the tail,
and jerk the animal off his legs!
The bull was led out some two hundred yards beyond the line of
horsemen, where he was halted, with his head turned to the open plain.
The lazoes, that held him by a leash-knot, were then cautiously slipped,
two or three fire-squibs, pointed and barbed, were shot into his hips,
and away he went amidst the yells of the spectators!
Next moment the riders spurred after, each shouting in his own fashion.
Soon the line was broken, and a confused spread of horsemen, like a
"field" of fox-hunters, was seen scouring over the plain. Each moment
the troop became elongated, until what had started in line was now

strung out in double and single file to a length of several hundred yards.
Still on they went, whipping, and spurring, and urging their steeds to
the utmost.
The bull, maddened by the arrowy squibs, and terrified by their hissing,
ran at the top of his speed in a nearly direct line. The start he had been
allowed was not so easily taken up, even by fast riders, and he had got a
full mile or more before any one neared him. Then a dragoon, mounted
on a large bay horse, was seen pressing him closely, and at length
laying hold of the tail. He was observed to give it a jerk or two, as
though endeavouring to fling the brute by sheer strength. It was a
failure, however; for the next moment the bull shot out in a side
direction, and left his pursuer behind.
A young hacendado, splendidly horsed, was next upon his flanks; but
each time he reached forth to grasp the tail it was whisked beyond his
reach. He succeeded at length in seizing it; but the bull, making a
sudden lurch, whipped his tail from the rider's hands, and left him also
in the rear.
One condition of the "coleo" was, that each competitor, after having
once failed, should retire from the ground; so that the hacendado and
the dragoon were now actually hors de chasse.
These were seen riding back, though not directly in front of the
spectators. They preferred making a roundabout thing of it, so that their
fallen faces might not be too closely scanned on their return.
On went the bull, and after him the eager and excited horsemen.
Another dragoon soon tried his "pluck," and also failed; and then a
vaquero, and another horseman, and another, with like success--each
failure being hailed by a groan from the crowd. There were several
tumbles, too, at which the spectators laughed heartily; and one horse
was badly gored, having headed the bull and got entangled upon his
In less than ten minutes eleven out of the twelve competitors were seen
returning from the chase.

Only one now remained to make his trial. The bull had proved a
splendid fellow, and was already in high favour, and loudly applauded
by the spectators.
"Bravo, toro! bravissimo!" was heard on all sides. All eyes were now
turned upon the enraged animal, and his one remaining pursuer. Both
were still near enough to be well observed, for the chase had led
hitherto, not in one line, but in different directions over the plain; so
that the bull was actually no farther from the crowd than when first
overtaken by the dragoon. He was at this moment running in a cross
course, so that every movement of both pursuer and pursued could be
well observed from the stand.
At the first glance it was plain that the bull had now behind him the
handsomest horse and horseman upon the field--would they prove the
best? That was to be tried.
The horse was a large coal-black mustang, with a long full tail, pointed
at the tip, and carried like the brush of a running fox. Even while in
gallop, his neck slightly curved, and his proud figure, displayed against
the smooth sward, called forth expressions of admiration.
The rider was a young man of twenty or over; and his light curling hair
and white-red complexion distinguished him from all his
competitors--who were, without exception, dark-skinned men. He was
dressed in full ranchero costume, with its rich broidery and trappings;
and instead of the usual "serape," he wore a purple manga--a more
graceful, as well as costlier garment. The long skirts of this he had
flung behind him, in order to have his arms free; and its folds, opening
to the breeze, added to the gracefulness of his carriage in the saddle.
The sudden appearance of this splendid horseman--for, hanging in the
rear with folded manga, he seemed not to have been noticed before,--
caused unusual attention, and many were heard inquiring his name.
"Carlos the
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