so on.
Most home-based businesses start out as sole proprietorships, but my
recommendation is that you incorporate as your first step. It’s a little more work,
and it costs a little more, but it’s worth the effort to protect your personal assets.
If you aren’t sure which way to go, pick up the phone and call your local Small
Business Association or Chamber of Commerce. Speak to the people who do
this stuff for a living. They can’t make your decision for you, but they will take the
time to review the details of your situation and give you the advice you need to
select the option that is right for you.
OK, the next step…
Your Business Plan
A business plan is a written document that defines…
• The purpose of your business
• The products and services you will offer
• Who your clients will be
• The legal construction of your business
For most new entrepreneurs (like you!), writing a business plan is the hardest
part of starting a business. That’s because you don’t know what to expect and it
can be very difficult to plan things you have never done.
And because it can be such a pain, some people just don’t bother to do it. Big
mistake! According to the people who study these things, lack of planning is the
#1 reason why many small businesses fail.
Before you start a business, you need to know what you are going to do and
how you are going to do it. If you don't, your new business will run into trouble
Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course
as soon as you begin allocating your limited resources. You will wind up
spending your time and money on those things that seem to need immediate
attention but have no real bearing on your long-range business goals. And then,
when the really important things come around, your business will suffer because
you will not have laid the groundwork to address them and your available funds
will have been depleted.
The bottom line is… you must do the prep work.
So fire up the word processor or go get a pencil. We will walk through the basics
together. It will then be up to you to complete the full business plan afterwards…
1) Let’s start with the name of your business. I don’t know the name you’ve
chosen, so I’ll make one up for this exercise…
Business Name: Apple Web Site Design, Inc.
2) Write a very brief statement that tells what kind of business you are in.
Obviously, you are designing Web sites. Will you be doing anything else?…
Type of Business: Web site design and consulting services for private
organizations and small businesses.
3) Create a “Statement of Purpose” for your business. Some people call this
section a “Mission Statement.” Think of it as an explanation of what your
business is, what it does, and any features or assets that make your business
special or unique (i.e., stand out from the crowd).
Here’s an example, but don’t just copy this presentation. You need to think about
your own business reality and customize this section to reflect your particular
Statement of Business Purpose:
Apple Web Site Design, Inc. is a home-based design company that
provides quality Web site design, consultation, and Internet services
to small business owners at competitive prices. The company will focus
on providing Web site design services to professionals and to companies
that provide business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C)
services and products.
As an Internet-based business, our primary storefront and primary
advertising tool is our Web site ( This
site makes us available to our prospective clientele twenty-four hours
a day, seven days a week.
The business draws on the experience and education of the owners, who
have on-the-job experience in business management and web site design.
This comprehensive background provides the skills necessary to support
Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course
business operations, technical aspects of a computer-based business,
and the design and development of products for our clients.
4) List the services that your business will provide.
Look at the sample list below. Cross out those that don’t apply to you and add
others if you wish. If there are services that you won’t offer now, but expect to
offer in the future, list them as well and indicate when you intend to start
providing them…
Products and Services:
Apple Web site Design, Inc. will provide a full range of web site
design and development services including:
• Web site design services
• Consultation services
• Web site reviews
• Search engine optimization
• Copywriting
• Web site maintenance services
• Graphics services
• Logo development
• Photo editing
• Database development
• Subcontracting
5) Develop a list of potential clients who might be willing to pay for a Web site.
You may wish to serve a variety of markets or you may want to target a particular
group only.
Clientele Served:
Our clientele will consist of business-to-business companies, business-to-consumer companies,
nonprofits, and professionals (doctors, lawyers, etc.) who are looking to promote their services
and products
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