The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay | Page 6

Arthur Phillip
bookseller, 20 copies
Keith, Captain, R. N. Kingsmill, Captain, R. N. M. P. Kynaston, John, Esq. M. P. Kent, Sir Charles, Bart. M. P. Kensington, Charles, Esq. Kirby, Mr. bookseller King, Mr. bookseller, 4 copies Knight and Son, booksellers, 3 copies
Lewisham, Lord Lambert, J. Esq. Law, Edward, Esq. Lane, Mr. bookseller, 2 copies Lane, Mrs. Loveden, Edward Loveden, Esq. M. P. Long, ------, Esq. Aldermaston Latrobe, Mr. Benjamin Henry Lucas, Mr. William Lovaine, Lord Long, Samuel, Esq. Lee, Mr. James, Hammersmith Longmate, Mr. engraver Lindergreen, Andrew, Esq. Leinster, Duke of Lodge, John, Esq. Lister, Thomas, Esq. M. P. Long, Sir James Tylney, Bart. M. P. Le Mesurier, Paul, Esq. M. P. Lowndes, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Longman, Mr. bookseller, 20 copies Law, Mr. bookseller, 20 copies Lackington, Mr. bookseller, 25 copies Le Fleming, Sir Michael, Bart. M. P. Latham, John, Esq. M. D. Latham, John, jun. Esq. Latham, Miss Ann Langston, John, Esq. M. P. Luttrell, Lady Elizabeth Lewisham, Viscount, M. P. Little, Richard, Esq. Kensington Lewis, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies
Mitchel, Capt. A. R. N. Miles, William, Esq. Mornington, Lord, M. P. Moreau, Simon, Esq. Cheltenham Martin, George, Esq. Martin, Edwin, Esq. Priory Mazell, Mr. Peter, engraver Medland, Mr. engraver Macclesfield, Earl of Middleton, R. Esq. Mineur, Mr. Marshall, Lieutenant S. E. Mehaux, John, Esq. Milnes, Richard Slater, Esq. M. P. Mecormick, Mrs. Murray, Mr. bookseller, 18 copies Marshall, John, Esq. Maberly, Mr. Stephen Martindale, John, Esq. Mulgrave, Lord, M. P. Monro, Dr. M'Queen, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Matthews, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Merrill, Mr. bookseller, Cambridge Mapletoft, Mr. Macbride, Captain John, Esq. M. P. R. N. Mainwaring, William, Esq. M. P. Macnamara, John, Esq. M. P. Middleton, William, Esq. M. P. Morshead, Sir John, Bart. M. P. Muncaster, Lord, M. P. Marsh, Samuel, Esq. Marsham, Charles, Esq. Melbourne, Lady Montolieu, Lewis, Esq.
Nepean, Evan, Esq. Norton, Mr. James, bookseller, Bristol, 6 copies Nares, Rev. Mr. Nicol, Mr. George, bookseller, 12 copies Neville, Richard Aldworth, Esq. M. P. Nicholls, Frank, Esq. Whitchurch Nash, Mr. jun. Nowell, Henry Constantine, Esq. Shiplake Newberry, Mrs. bookseller, 6 copies
Orchard, Paul, Esq. M. P. Ogilvie and Speare, booksellers, 9 copies Otridge, Mr. bookseller, 18 copies
Portlock, Capt. Nathaniel, R. N. Pye, Walter, Esq. Potenger, Thomas, Esq. Prattent, Mr. engraver Pitt, Right Hon. William, M. P. Pocock, Sir Isaac, Bart. Reading Peachey, John, Esq. M. P. Penn, Granville, Esq. Pochin, William, Esq. M. P. Phiney, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Parkyns, Thomas Boothby, Esq. M. P. F. R. S. and F. A. S. Pennant, Thomas, Esq. Pitman, Thomas, Esq. Loxford Hall Pye, Henry James, Esq. M. P. Putland, William, Esq. Peachey, Sir James, Bart. Popham, Home, Esq. Pollock, W. Esq. Pierse, Henry, Esq. M. P. Pery, Rev. John Prince and Cook, booksellers, Oxford, 6 copies Patterson, Captain Phillips, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Peat and Newcomb, booksellers, Stamford Pearson and Rollason, booksellers, Birmingham Payne and Son, booksellers, 12 copies Petrie, William, Esq. Plampin, Lieutenant, R. N. Phipps, Hon. Henry, M. P. Pitt, William Morton, Esq. M. P. Popham, William, Esq. M. P.
Rivers, Lord Richards, Mr. Ramsay, Capt. John Rose, George, Esq. M. P. Robinson, William, Esq. Rolle, John, Esq. M. P. Rawstorne, Lieut. Col. Robinsons, Messrs. booksellers, 200 copies Richardson, Mr. bookseller, 20 copies Rome, George, Esq. Roberts, Mr. Ramsford, Nicholas, Esq. Rous, Sir John, Bart. M. P. Rodney, James, Esq. Rivington, and Sons, booksellers, 20 copies Robson and Clarke, booksellers, 25 copies
Salisbury, Marquis of, 2 copies Salisbury, Marchioness of St. Albans, Duke of Stanley, Thomas, Esq. M. P. Sturt, Charles, Esq. M. P. Speke, Mrs. Swale, John, Esq. Smyth, John, Esq. Saville, Hon. Henry Scott, Major, M. P. Shuckburgh, Sir George, Bart. M. P. Stephens, Philip, Esq. M. P. Skipwith, Sir Thomas George, Bart. Sykes, Sir Francis, Bart. M. P. St. John, St. Andrew, Esq. Stanley, John, Esq. M. P. Shore, Samuel, Esq. Sitwell, Francis, Esq. Spooner, Charles, Esq. Smith, Sir John, Bart. Smart, Baptist, Esq. Sydney, Viscount, two copies Spence, Mr. George Scott, Thomas, Esq. M. P. Sotheron, William, Esq. M. P. Strahan, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Steele, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Scatcherd and Whittaker, booksellers, 6 copies Sewell, Mr. bookseller, 6 copies Spens, Walter, Esq. Silvester, Mr. John, architect Smith and Gardner, booksellers Simmons and Kerby, booksellers, Canterbury Swinney, Mr. bookseller, Birmingham Smart and Cowslade, booksellers, Reading Steele, Thomas, Esq. M. P. Secker, George, Esq. Swain, Rev. John Hadley Scowen, James, Esq. Staunton, G. T. Esq. Sumner, John, Esq. Society, the Philosophical, Derby Stockdale, Mr. Jeremiah Selkirk, Lord Sumner, George, Esq. M. P. Stanley, John Thomas, Esq. Stalker, Mr. bookseller, 12 copies Southern, Mr. bookseller, 3 copies
Townsend, Hon. John Thomas, M. P. Thomson, Rev. Doctor, Kensington Temple, Grenville, Esq. Tullock, Mr. Turnor, John, Esq. Gray's-inn Tattersall, Mr. jun. Townley, Charles, Esq. Todd, Mr. bookseller, York, 6 copies Tutte, Rev. Mr. Townson, Lieutenant Thorkelin, Dr. G. J. Tessyman, Mr.
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