The Violin | Page 7

George Hart

Sainprae, Jacques; Baryton Viol-maker--Sawicki--Scheinlein,
Mathias--Scheinlein, Johann Michael--Schell,
Sebastian--Schlick--Schmidt--Schonfelder, Johann A.--Schonger,
Franz--Schonger, Georg--Schorn, Johann; excellent work; high
model--Schorn, Johann Paul; Court instrument-maker--Schott,
Martin--Schweitzer--Stadelmann, Daniel; good work; Stainer
model--Stadelmann, Johann Joseph--STAINER, JACOB; the greatest
of German makers, and a thorough artist; his model original; sketch of
his history and work; great popularity of his style; his "Elector
Stainers;" Herr S. Ruf's personal history of Stainer's life, and the
romance founded thereon; Counsellor Von Sardagna's contributions to
his history; Rabenalt's drama, "Jacob Stainer," and other poems thereon:
"Der Geigenmacher Jacob Stainer von Absam;" said to have been a
pupil of Niccolo Amati; his marriage; his appointment as Court

Violin-maker; accused of heresy, and imprisoned; pecuniary difficulties,
and sad end; his good name frequently clouded by inferior work falsely
attributed to him--Stainer, Markus--Stainer, Andreas--Staugtinger,
Mathias W.--Steininger, Jacob; related to Dopfer and Nicholas
Diel--Steininger, Franz--Stoss--Stoss, Martin--Straube--Strauss,
Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-281
Guitar-maker; rich and chaste ornamentation of his work; description of
examples extant in England--TIELKE, JOACHIM (ii.); fine examples
of a later maker of this name at South Kensington and
elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . 281-282
VOEL, E.; excellent work; Stradivari model--Vogel, Wolfgang--Vogler,
Johann Georg--Voigt, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282-283
Wagner, Joseph--Weickert--Weigert--Weiss, Jacob--Wenger, G.
F.--Widhalm, Leopold; follower of Stainer; careful finish and good
varnish--Wyemann, Cornelius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Zwerger, Antoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Non-recognition of English makers by Continental writers on the
Violin--Causes of the partial decadence of the art in this country as on
the Continent--Earliest English makers, and their several
models--School of English copyists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284-292
Absam, Thomas--Adams--Addison, William--Aireton, Edmund; an
excellent copyist of Amati--Aldred--Askey, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Baines--Baker--Ballantine--BANKS, BENJAMIN; the foremost
English maker, and termed "The English Amati;" high character of his
work and varnish--Banks, Benjamin (2)--Banks, James and

Henry--Barnes, Robert--Barrett, John; follower of Stainer; good quality
of work--Barton, George--Betts, John; pupil of Richard Duke--BETTS,
EDWARD; pupil of Duke, and an excellent copyist; high finish; Amati
model--Bolles--Booth, William--Booth--Boucher--Brown,
James--Brown, James (2)--Browne, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cahusac--Carter, John--Challoner, Thomas--Cole, Thomas--Cole,
James--Collier, Samuel--Collier, Thomas--Collingwood,
Joseph--Conway, William--Corsby, George--Cramond, Charles--Crask,
George--Cross, Nathaniel--Crowther, John--Cuthbert; good quality of
work . . 299-300
Davidson, Hay--Davis, Richard--Davis, William--Dearlove,
Mark--Delany, John; his peculiar label--Dennis, Jesse--Devereux,
John--Dickinson, Edward--Dickeson, John; excellent copyist of
Amati--Ditton--DODD, THOMAS; not a maker, but an employer of
makers of highest class, and especially famous for the high character of
his varnish--Dodd, Thomas (2)--Dorant, William--DUKE, RICHARD;
his name a "household word" with English Violinists; high character of
his real work, but frequently and badly counterfeited; his models both
Amatese and Stainer--Duke, Richard
(2)--Duncan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300-305
Eglington--Evans, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
FENDT, BERNARD; a born Fiddle-maker; a fellow workman with
John F. Lott; his instruments copies of Amati, bearing the labels of
Thomas Dodd or John Betts, and highly valued--FENDT, BERNARD
SIMON; good work, but sometimes artificially "matured;" his Violins,
Tenors, Violoncellos, and Double-Basses; follower of the Guarneri and
Gasparo da Salo models; his quartett of instruments in the London
Exhibition of 1851--Fendt, Martin--Fendt, Jacob; his work finely
finished; skilful copies of Stradivari, but artificially and cleverly
"aged"--Fendt, Francis--Fendt, William--Ferguson,
Donald--Firth--Forster, W.--Forster, William (i.); spinning-wheel and
Violin-maker--FORSTER, WILLIAM (ii.); also a maker of
spinning-wheels and Violins, and amateur Fiddler; an excellent copyist

of Stainer and of the Amati models; high character of his work and
varnish; his Double-Basses for the Band of George the Third; his
instruments highly valued by Robert Lindley--FORSTER, WILLIAM
(iii.); excellent work--Forster, William (iv.)--Forster, Simon
Andrew--Frankland--Furber, John--Furber, Henry John . . . . . 305-313
Gibbs, James--GILKES, SAMUEL; a thorough artist, and pupil of
William Forster--Gilkes, William--Gough, Walter . . . . . . . . . . .
Harbour--Hardie, Matthew; Scotland's best maker--Hardie,
Thomas--Hare, John--Hare, Joseph--HARRIS, CHARLES; genuine
character of work, of Amati and Stradivari type; exquisite finish and
good varnish--Harris, Charles (2)--HART, JOHN THOMAS; pupil of
Samuel Gilkes; specially known as connoisseur, collector, and
dealer--Heesom, Edward--Hill, Joseph--Hill, William--Hill,
Joseph--Hill, Lockey--Hill,
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