The Violin | Page 5

George Hart
"Concerto;" Stradivari's "golden period,"
1700; description of his instruments of this date; the "Betts Strad;"
guiding principles as to differences of construction and quality of
material; the "Dolphin Strad," its exquisite beauty; tranquil character of
Stradivari's life; war in Cremona; Prince Eugene and Villeroy; visit of
Philip V. of Spain to Italy, and entry into Cremona; set of instruments
for Charles III. of Spain, and for Archduke Charles of Austria; letter
from Lorenzo Giustiniani; set of Violins for Augustus, King of Poland;
Veracini, the Solo-Violinist, and Stradivari; last epoch of the great
maker; quality of his instruments at this period; comparison with those
of contemporaries; place of his burial, in the Chapel of the Rosary, with
diagram; Polledro's description of the personality of Stradivari; singular
apathy of the Cremonese as to their great deceased
citizen--STRADIVARI, FRANCESCO and OMOBONO, sons and
successors of Antonio; character of their work; correspondence
between his son and grandson, Paolo and Antonio, and the agents of
Count Cozio di Salabue, relative to the purchase of the models, tools,
and drawings of the Maestro--Sursano, Spirito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tanegia, Carlo Antonio--Taningard, Giorgio--TECCHLER, DAVID;
his instruments of German and Italian styles, finely formed, and of
good quality; his Violoncellos of large size--Testore, Carlo
Giuseppe--Testore, Carlo Antonio--Testore, Paolo
Antonio--Tieffenbrucker, Leonardo--Todini, Michele; his method of
stringing the Violono--Tononi, Carlo--Tononi, Carlo Antonio--Tononi,
Giovanni--Tononi, Felice--Tononi, Guido--Trapani, Raffaele . .
Valenzano, G.--Vetrini, Battista--Vimercati . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Wenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Zannetto, Pellegrino--Zanola, Giovanni Battista--Zanotti,
Antonio--Zanti, Alessandro--Zanure, Pietro--Zenatto, Pietro . 222-223
Origin of the French School in the 17th century; followers of the
Brescian and Cremonese types; mediocre character of their earlier
efforts, with a few exceptions--De Comble and the second French
School; Pique, Lupot, and Francois Gand; Silvestre, of
Lyons--Introduction of the practice of Fiddle-baking; its failure--The
copyist, and the Mirecourt factory, the "Manchester of Fiddle-making;"
its destructive influence on the interests of true art . . . . 224-230
Aldric--Allar--Amelot--Aubry--Augiere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Bachelier--Bassot--Bernardel, Sebastien Philippe--Bertrand,
Nicolas--Boivin, Claude--Boquay, Jacques; follower of Girolamo
Amati--Borlon, Artus, or Arnould--Borlon (or Porlon), Pierre,
Viol-maker--Borlon, Joannes--Borlon, Francois--Boullangier,
C.--Boumeester--Bourdet, Sebastien--Bourdet, Jacques--Boussu,
Eterbeck--Breton, Le--Brugere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-234
CALOT--Castagnery, Andrea--Castagnery, Jean Paul--Champion,
Rene--Chanot, Francois--CHANOT, GEORGES; an indefatigable
worker, and close copier of Stradivari and Guarneri--Chanot, Georges,
fils--Chanot, F.--Chanot, G. A.--Chappuy, Nicolas-Augustin--Chardon,
Joseph--Charotte--Chevrier, Andre-Augustin--Claudot,
Charles--Claudot, Augustin--Clement--Cliquot, Henri--Cliquot, Louis
Alexandre--Cunault--Cuypers--Cuny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234-237
Daniel--Darche--David--DE COMBLE, AMBROISE; said to have
worked with Stradivari; a skilful worker; good material and
Gerard--Derazey--Despons, Antoine--Dieulafait--Droulot--Ducheron,
Mathurin--Du Mesnil, Jacques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237-238

Eesbroek, Jean Van, Lute-maker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238-239
Falaise--Fendt, or Fent--Fleury, Benoist--Fourrier, Nicolas . . . 239
GAILLARD--GAND, FRANCOIS; pupil and successor of Nicolas
Lupot; an excellent maker and repairer--Gand, Adolphe--Gand,
Eugene--Gavinies, Francois--Germain, Joseph Louis--Germain,
Emile--Gosselin--Grand-Gerard--Grandson Fils--Grosset, Paul
Francois--Guersan, Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239-242
Hel--Henry, Jean Baptiste Felix--Henry, Charles--Henry,
Octave--Henry, Eugene--Hofmans, Mathias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jacobs, Hendrik; his work often mistaken for that of Niccolo
Amati--Jacobs--Jacquot, Charles (pere)--Jacquot, Charles
(fils)--Jeandel, P. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242-243
Koliker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Lambert, Jean Nicolas--Lapaix--Laprevotte,
Etienne--Leclerc--Lecomte--Leduc, Pierre--Lefebvre--Le Jeune,
Francois--Le Pileur, Pierre--Lesclop, Francois Henry--Louis--Louvet,
Jean--Lupot, Jean--Lupot, Laurent--Lupot, Francois--LUPOT,
NICOLAS; maker to the Conservatoire; an excellent workman, and
named "The French Stradivari," and "The king of modern makers;"
characteristics of his work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243-247
Marquis de Lair--Mast, Jean Laurent--Mast--Maucotel,
Charles--Maucotel, Charles Adolphe--Medard, Francois--Medard,
Nicolas--Medard, Jean--Mennegand, Charles; distinguished as a maker
and repairer, and also as a "cutter"--Miremont, Claude
Augustin--Modessier--Mougenot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247-250
Namy--Nezot--Nicolas, Francois--Nicolas, Fourrier--Nicolas,
Didier--Nicolas, Joseph .
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