The True Life of Betty Ireland | Page 8

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and is commonly choused by her Neighbours. Betty has no Opportunity of knowing the World, as her Sister won't let her go much abroad or converse with the Neighbours; she has but little Experience, and, to be sure, is not very wise, but is the quickest in the World at finding out a Fool. The elder is cautious, and hides carefully every Fault she is conscious of; the younger is not conscious of any Fault of Folly whatever; so they all come out in her communicative Fits, which seize her as often as she gets a Stranger to talk to. Blanch is the more censorious, and Betty the greater Liar.
If either of the Ladies think the Picture not like, let them call to mind the Story of a famous Painter, who had drawn the Portrait of a young Man, whostood very well with himself, but didn't please him. "You have drawn me," said he, "exactly the Reverse of every thing I am." If it be so, replied the Painter, that must be your Likeness, and set the Picture on the Head.

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