The Triple Marriage | Page 9

N. Destouches
from your father. I offered to take you without a penny. My proposition was agreeable and he accepted it, and that is enough for me. Goodbye, sir. Think about it. But, get it in your head that I am to be your wife. I have sworn it--it will be--and I am the one who tells you so,--and I am your very humble servant.
(Exit Countess.)
Trim She's woman enough to do just as she said--at the very least.
Walter What a mess the crazy old fool has put me in.
(Enter Elizabeth and Anna.)
Elizabeth Oh, brother dear, I really need your help.
Walter Oh, sis, I really need your help.
Elizabeth My father has put me in despair.
Walter My father wishes me to die of sorrow.
Elizabeth Papa intends to marry me to Mr. Nugent.
Walter He wants me to marry the old countess.
Elizabeth I'll die if I do it.
Walter I'll die if I don't resist him.
Anna Here's a good beginning. Our fortunes are parallel--and don't they resemble each other in other respects?
Walter Ah, Anna! My sister has less to complain of than I. She lacks the strength to resist--and she will end up living with a man she has the right to hate; but my fate is more cruel. For, I cannot follow father's orders or explain to him the reasons that prevent me from doing so.
Anna We are in the same boat!
Walter How can that be?
Anna Explain yourself a little more and we will do the same.
Elizabeth Brother--hide nothing from me, I beg you.
Walter Ah, sister; I dare not speak. The slightest indiscretion and I am lost.
Anna Same here. A single word is capable of ruining everything.
Elizabeth Brother, do you believe I am capable of betraying you?
Walter I can't conceal anything from you--Trim--tell her what has happened. I haven't the strength to do it myself.
Trim Me, sir--reveal a secret! You take me for someone else.
Walter All that I will admit--generally--is that I cannot marry from now on.
Elizabeth Alas, brother, it is no longer permitted that you consent to the marriage proposed for me.
Walter The hardness of my father has constrained me to certain measures which I am unable to take back.
Elizabeth The same reason has put me under the necessity of consenting to engagements which can no longer be broken.
Walter I am already married, sis.
Elizabeth I am already married, brother.
Walter Ah, heavens, who is your spouse?
Elizabeth Manly.
Walter Manly--I know him. He's one of my friends.
Elizabeth And who is the wife you have taken?
Walter Julia. Miss Prescott.
Elizabeth I know her. She's a darling.
Anna So, the confidence has taken place.
Elizabeth What role do you play, brother?
Walter That of exposing myself to everyone rather than break my marriage vows. And you, sis?
Elizabeth To die, rather than break my word.
Anna Here comes your father, with the Countess and Mr. Nugent.
Walter I tremble.
Elizabeth I can't any more.
(Enter Matthews, The Countess, and Mr. Nugent.)
Matthews Here they are--both of them. I am going to make them agree to the projects we've formed.
Countess Here's where you must employ all your parental authority.
Nugent For myself, I make no pretence to the hand of Miss Elizabeth, unless she gives it to me from her heart.
Matthews Oh, it's you, the huntsman. When will your return to Cliffordshire Manor?
Walter Father, if you will only listen to me.
Matthews I don't have to listen. To mend the wrong you've done me, you must prepare to obey me.
Walter If what you order me to do is possible--if not, then I can't do it.
(Enter Belinda.)
Belinda Papa, there are, I don't know how many maskers who have just come in because they heard the violins. They are very nice. Do you want to let them come here?
Matthews They are very welcome. On a day like this, we must think only of spreading joy.
(Enter Julia, Manly, and other Maskers.)
Countess The assembly is not numerous, but it is agreeable. Come here, Walter, here is a happy day for you.
Matthews Assuredly, a happier one than he deserves.
Countess You've been told my intentions.
Walter Madame.
Countess Now, I will marry you. All your rivals will die of jealousy--but you deserve victory. As for the rest, your esteemed father has given his word for our marriage.
Nugent And, he promised me, too, Miss, that I will have the honor of marrying you.
Matthews Say something.
Countess He's so overwhelmed with joy that he lacks the strength to thank me.
Nugent Missy doesn't seem to me so rejoiced by the news I've brought her.
Matthews We'll speak of that later, Madame. Let's think of our entertainment.
Countess No, if you please, I want to finish. I only dance when I feel like it.
Walter If you're in such a hurry to finish, Madame, I will take the liberty of saying to you, with my father's permission--that I do not at all wish to get married.
Countess (grandly) All that is useless.
Walter I have great respect for you, Madame--but that
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