The Triple Marriage | Page 5

N. Destouches
in the Park.
Anna That is what we spoke of doing in front of her, but Miss Elizabeth changed her mind because she is a little indisposed--and because she really loves dancing. I brought these gentlemen here while waiting for your little show.
Matthews You did very well.
Anna They are dressed to play a very exciting part.
Matthews They both look good.
Jeremy Sir, in all modesty, we are very light on our feet. (falling drunkenly on Matthews)
Matthews Not so light, it would seem.
Anna They are so drunk, both of them, that they haven't the strength to dance two steps. I told you exactly what would happen.
Jeremy Frankly, Mr. Matthews, you really have the finest wine to be had in London, and if I weren't as sober as I am, I would be of half a mind to take good care of it.
Matthews It seems to me, you haven't been too thrifty with it.
Jeremy The better to amuse you. Wine gives me a strength, a suppleness. Would you like to dance a little entrée with me, Mr. Matthews?
Matthews No, no, my boy, you will do better to go sleep and wait till everybody's come.
Jeremy You are a man of good counsel. Agreed! To sleep.
Matthews I believe this one is not so drunk as the other fellow, because he doesn't say a word.
Jeremy He doesn't think the less. My master has a sad mind.
Matthews What--his master?
Jeremy Hey, yes, sure! I am only his assistant. Wait till you see him. He's the best fellow in the world, and if you wish he will demonstrate with your daughter.
Matthews Do you feel like trying it with him?
Elizabeth I wouldn't dare suggest it to you, papa, but if you wish it, it would give me the greatest pleasure in the world.
Matthews I retained you to show my daughter. She already has had good instruction.
Jeremy So much the better. My master always wishes to add to his scholars.
Manly (pretending to be drunk) Don't worry. I will impart to her all my--hic--skills.
Matthews As soon as you can, I beg you. I've just decided to marry her off--and I want her to dance at her wedding.
Anna And, to whom are you planning to marry her, if you please?
Matthews To one of my best friends--we were students together.
Anna With one of your school mates! Really, you're joking.
Matthews What! Didn't you just tell me a little while ago that she needs a husband?
Anna Yes, sir. But believe me--but my word, will a man who was your school mate be capable of restoring her to health?
Matthews Mr. Nugent offers to take her without a dowry. I like that idea. He's coming here immediately, and I had better get ready to see him.
(Exit Matthews.)
Jeremy Madame Nugent, I am your very humble servant.
Manly Double crosser! Is now a time to joke?
Elizabeth Ah, Manly, what will become of us?
Elizabeth Anna, help us with your advice.
Anna I'm as flabbergasted as you, and what has just been said makes me even more so.
Elizabeth Ah, if only my brother Walter were here! He loves me and father really cares about him. We could confide our secret to him and he would be able to help us. But he's been in the country for the last eight days and we don't know when he'll be back.
Jeremy My God, what a mess you're in. But, I've found a way to get you out of it.
Manly What good can you do us in the state you're in?
Jeremy Wine gives me wit.-- Silence, I am going to speak.
Manly Let's see.
Jeremy First of all, Miss Elizabeth must explain to her father, and do so with great discretion and charm: Dear father, you don't know what you're saying or doing.
Anna Beautiful beginning.
Jeremy And secondly, you must speak to this old scholar who wants to marry Miss Elizabeth.
Manly Well, what do I tell him?
Jeremy You will beg him very kindly (for I wish to be kind to everybody) to leave here as fast as he can, but on the condition that he never return.
Manly Nice thing to say.
Jeremy So much the better if things fall out so that you don't have to do anything.
Manly What's so much the better?
Jeremy Yes, indeed. We won't soon be defeated. Because if he refuses to leave by the door, we must throw him out the window.
Manly Oh, shut up, stupid--leave us alone so we can consider.
(Trim's voice: Tally-ho!)
Anna I hear someone. It sounds like Trim.
Elizabeth If it's Trim, my brother isn't far away.
Anna Return to your room, Miss Elizabeth. You, gentlemen, go join your pretended comrades. I wish to sound out Trim and learn from him whether or not Walter has some inclination. In that case, you have common interests, and I plan to unite them to upset your father's plans.
Elizabeth Good idea. We must let her try. Her efforts may be
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