The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India | Page 3

R.V. Russell
Bishop Westcott kindly gave the photograph of Kabir, which appears in his own book.
Finally I have to express my gratitude to the Chief Commissioner, Sir Benjamin Robertson, for the liberal allotment made by the Administration for the publication of the work; and to the publishers, Messrs. Macmillan & Co., and the printers, Messrs. R. & R. Clark, for their courtesy and assistance during its progress through the press.
September 1915.


Part I--Volume I
Introductory Essay on Caste Articles on the Religions and Sects of the People of the Central Provinces Glossary of Minor Castes and Other Articles, Synonyms, Subcastes, Titles and Names of Exogamous Septs or Clans Subject Index

Part II--Volumes II, III and IV
Descriptive Articles on the Principal Castes and Tribes of the Central Provinces


Part I
Articles on Religions and Sects
The articles which are considered to be of most general interest are shown in capitals
ARYA SAMAJ RELIGION 201 BRAHMO SAMAJ RELIGION 208 Dadupanthi Sect 215 Dhami Sect 216 JAIN RELIGION 219 KABIRPANTHI SECT 232 Lingayat Sect 244 MUHAMMADAN RELIGION 247 Nanakpanthi Sect 277 Parmarthi Sect 281 PARSI OR ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION 284 Saiva Sect 302 Sakta Sect 304 SATNAMI SECT 307 Sikh Religion 317 Smarta Sect 325 Swami-Narayan Sect 326 VAISHNAVA SECT 330 Vam-Margi Sect 333 Wahhabi Sect 335
Articles on Minor Castes and Miscellaneous Notices Included in the Glossary
Agamudayan. Alia. Arab. Are. Arora. Bahelia. Bahrupia. Banka. Bargah. Bayar. Belwar. Besta. Bhand. Bhatia. Bhima. Bhona. Bind. Birhor. Bopchi. Chenchuwar. Chero. Dangur. Daraihan. Dhalgar. Dhera. Dohor. Gandli. Girgira. Goyanda. Hatwa. Jasondhi. Jokhara. Kamad. Kamathi. Kamma. Kammala. Kandra. Kast. Khadal. Khadra. Kotwar. Kumrawat. Kundera. Londhari. Madgi. Malyar. Mangan. Marori. Medara. Mirdha. Mukeri. Mutrasi. Nagarchi. Otari. Pabia. Pahalwan. Panchal. Pandra. Parka. Periki. Redka. Rohilla. Sais. Santal. Satani. Segidi. Siddi. Sidhira. Sikligar. Solaha. Sonkar. Tanti. Tirmale. Tiyar. Vellala. Wakkaliga.

Part II--Vol. II
Articles on Castes and Tribes of the Central Provinces in Alphabetical Order
Agaria (Iron-worker) 3 Agharia (Cultivator) 8 Aghori (Religious mendicant) 13 Ahir (Herdsman and milkman) 18 Andh (Tribe, now cultivators) 38 Arakh (Hunter) 40 Atari (Scent-seller) 42 Audhelia (Labourer) 45 Badhak (Robber) 49 Bahna (Cotton-cleaner) 69 Baiga (Forest tribe) 77 Bairagi (Religious mendicants) 93 Balahi (Labourer and village watchman) 105 Balija (Cultivator) 108 Bania (Merchant and moneylender) 111
Subcastes of Bania
Agarwala. Agrahari. Ajudhiabasi. Asathi. Charnagri. Dhusar. Dosar. Gahoi. Golapurab. Kasarwani. Kasaundhan. Khandelwal. Lad. Lingayat. Maheshri. Nema. Oswal. Parwar. Srimali. Umre.
Banjara (Pack-carrier) 162 Barai (Betel-vine grower and seller) 192 Barhai (Carpenter) 199 Bari (Maker of leaf-plates) 202 Basdewa (Cattle-dealer and religious mendicant) 204 Basor (Bamboo-worker) 208 Bedar (Soldier and public service) 212 Beldar (Digger and navvy) 215 Beria (Vagabond gipsy) 220 Bhaina (Forest tribe) 225 Bhamta (Criminal tribe and labourers) 234 Bharbhunja (Grain-parcher) 238 Bharia (Forest tribe) 242 Bhat (Bard and genealogist) 251 Bhatra (Forest tribe) 271 Bhil (Forest tribe) 278 Bhilala (Landowner and cultivator) 293 Bhishti (Water-man) 298 Bhoyar (Cultivator) 301 Bhuiya (Forest tribe) 305 Bhulia (Weaver) 319 Bhunjia (Forest tribe) 322 Binjhwar (Cultivator) 329 Bishnoi (Cultivator) 337 Bohra (Trader) 345 Brahman (Priest) 351
Subcastes of Brahman
Ahivasi. Jijhotia. Kanaujia, Kanyakubja. Khedawal. Maharashtra. Maithil. Malwi. Nagar. Naramdeo. Sanadhya. Sarwaria. Utkal.
Chadar (Village watchman and labourer) 400 Chamar (Tanner and labourer) 403 Chasa (Cultivator) 424 Chauhan (Village watchman and labourer) 427 Chhipa (Dyer and calico-printer) 429 Chitari (Painter) 432 Chitrakathi (Picture showman) 438 Cutchi (Trader and shopkeeper) 440 Dahait (Village watchman and labourer) 444 Daharia (Cultivator) 453 Dangi (Landowner and cultivator) 457 Dangri (Vegetable-grower) 463 Darzi (Tailor) 466 Dewar (Beggar and musician) 472 Dhakar (Illegitimate, cultivator) 477 Dhangar (Shepherd) 480 Dhanuk (Bowman, labourer) 484 Dhanwar (Forest tribe) 488 Dhimar (Fisherman, water-carrier, and household servant) 502 Dhoba (Forest tribe, cultivator) 515 Dhobi (Washerman) 519 Dhuri (Grain-parcher) 527 Dumal (Cultivator) 530 Fakir (Religious mendicant) 537

Part II--Vol. III
Gadaria (Shepherd) 3 Gadba (Forest tribe) 9 Ganda (Weaver and labourer) 14 Gandhmali (Uriya village priests and temple servants) 17 Garpagari (Averter of hailstorms) 19 Gauria (Snake-charmer and juggler) 24 Ghasia (Grass-cutter) 27 Ghosi (Buffalo-herdsman) 32 Golar (Herdsman) 35 Gond (Forest tribe and cultivator) 39 Gond-Gowari (Herdsman) 143 Gondhali (Religious mendicant) 144 Gopal (Vagrant criminal caste) 147 Gosain (Religious mendicant) 150 Gowari (Herdsman) 160 Gujar (Cultivator) 166 Gurao (Village Priest) 175 Halba (Forest tribe, labourer) 182 Halwai (Confectioner) 201 Hatkar (Soldier, shepherd) 204 Hijra (Eunuch, mendicant) 206 Holia (Labourer, curing hides) 212 Injhwar (Boatman and fisherman) 213 Jadam (Cultivator) 217 Jadua (Criminal caste) 219 Jangam (Priest of the Lingayat sect) 222 Jat (Landowner and cultivator) 225 Jhadi Telenga (Illegitimate, labourer) 238 Jogi (Religious mendicant and pedlar) 243 Joshi (Astrologer and village priest) 255 Julaha (Weaver) 279 Kachera (Maker of glass bangles) 281 Kachhi (Vegetable-grower) 285 Kadera (Firework-maker) 288 Kahar (Palanquin-bearer and household servant) 291 Kaikari (Basket-maker and vagrant) 296 Kalanga (Soldier, cultivator) 302 Kalar (Liquor vendor) 306 Kamar (Forest tribe) 323 Kanjar (Gipsies and prostitutes) 331 Kapewar (Cultivator) 342 Karan (Writer and clerk) 343 Kasai (Butcher) 346 Kasar (Worker in brass) 369 Kasbi (Prostitute) 373 Katia (Cotton-spinner) 384
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