The Tree of Appomattox | Page 3

Joseph A. Altsheler

Warner and Pennington were lying on the ground, eating big red apples
with much content and looking up lazily at Mason.
"You're curving those glasses about a lot. What do you see, Dick?"
asked Pennington at length.
"I see Petersburg, an old, old town, half buried in foliage, and with
many orchards and gardens about it. A pity that two great armies
should focus on such a pleasant place."
"No time for sentiment, Dick. What else do you see?"
"Jets of smoke and flame from the trenches, an irregular sort of firing,
sometimes a half-dozen shots at one place, and then a long and peaceful
break until you come to another place, where they're exchanging
"What more do you see, Brother Richard?"
"I see a Johnny come out of his trench hands up and advance toward
one of our Yanks opposite, who also has come out of his trench hands
"What are they trading?" asked Warner.
"The Reb offers a square of plug tobacco, and the Yank a bundle of
newspapers. Now they've made the exchange, now they've shaken
hands and each is going back to his own trench."
"It's a merry world, my masters, as has been said before," resumed
Warner, "but I should add that it's also a mad wag of a world. Here we
are face to face for forty miles, at some points seeking to kill one
another in a highly impersonal way, and at other points conducting sale
and barter according to the established customs of peace. People at
home wouldn't believe it, and later on a lot more won't believe it, when
the writers come to write about it. But it's true just the same. What else
do you see from the apple tower, Brother Richard?"

"A long line of wagons approaching a camp some distance behind the
Confederate trenches. They must be loaded pretty heavily, because the
drivers are cracking their whips over the horses and mules."
"That's bad. Provisions, I suppose," said Warner. "The more these
Johnnies get to eat the harder they fight, and they're not supposed to be
receiving supplies now. Our cavalry ought to have cut off that wagon
train. I shall have to speak to Sheridan about it. This is no way to starve
the Johnnies to death. Seest aught more, Brother Richard?"
"I do! I do! Jump up, boys, and use your own glasses! I behold a large
man on a gray horse, riding slowly along, as if he were inspecting
troops away behind the trenches. Wherever he passes the soldiers
snatch off their caps and, although I can't hear 'em, I know they're
cheering. It's Lee himself!"
Both Warner and Pennington swung themselves upon the lower boughs
of the tree and put their glasses to their eyes.
"It's surely Lee," said Warner. "I'm glad to get a look at him. He's been
giving us a lot of trouble for more than three years now, but I think
General Grant is going to take his measure."
"They're terribly reduced," said Pennington, "and if we stick to it we're
bound to win. Still, you boys will recall for some time that we've had a
war. What else do you see from the heights of the apple tree, Dick?"
"Distant dust behind our own lines, and figures moving in it dimly.
Cavalry practicing, I should say. Have you fellows fruit enough?"
"Plenty. You can climb down and if the farmer hurries here with his
dog to catch you we'll protect you."
"This is a fine apple tree," said Dick, as he descended slowly. "Apple
trees are objects of beauty. They look so well in the spring all in white
bloom, and then they look just as well in the fall, when the red or
yellow apples hang among the leaves. And this is one of the finest I've
ever seen."

He did not dream then that he should remember an apple tree his whole
life, that an apple tree, and one apple tree in particular, should always
call to his mind a tremendous event, losing nothing of its intensity and
vividness with the passing years. But all that was in the future, and
when he joined his comrades on the ground he made good work with
the biggest and finest apple he could find.
"Early apples," he said, looking up at the tree. "It's not the end of July
"But good apples, glorious apples, anyhow," said Pennington, taking
another. "Besides, it's fine and cool like autumn."
"It won't stay," said Dick. "We've got the whole of August coming.
Virginia is like Kentucky. Always lots of hot weather in August. Glad
there's no big fighting to be done just now. But it's a pity, isn't it, to tear
up a fine farming country like this. Around here is where
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