The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 | Page 7

Marco and Rustichello of Pisa Polo
YUN-NAN FU. From a photograph by M. TANNANT.
"Riding long like FRENCHMEN," exemplified from the Bayeux Tapestry. After Lacroix, Vie Militaire du Moyen Age.
The SANG-MIAU tribe of KWEI-CHAU, with the Cross-bow. From a coloured drawing in a Chinese work on the Aboriginal Tribes, belonging to W. Lockhart, Esq.
Portraits of a KAKHYEN man and woman. Drawn by Q. CENNI from a photograph (anonymous).
Temple called GAUDAPAL��N in the city of MIEN (i.e. Pag��n in Burma), erected circa A.D. 1160. Engraving after a sketch by the first Editor, from _Fergusson's History of Architecture_.
The PALACE of the KING of MIEN in modern times (viz., the Palace at Amarapura). From the same, being partly from a sketch by the first Editor.
Script _Pa-pe_. From the _T'oung-Pao_.
HO-NHI and other Tribes in the Department of Lin-ngan in S. Yun-nan, supposed to be the Anin country of Marco Polo. From Garnier in the Tour du Monde.
The KOLOMAN tribe, on borders of Kwei-chau and Yun-nan. From coloured drawing in Mr. Lockhart's book as above (under p. 83).
Script _tha?_ of Xieng-hung. From the _T'oung-Pao_.
Iron SUSPENSION BRIDGE at Lowatong. From Garnier in Tour du Monde.
FORTIFIED VILLAGES on Western Frontier of KWEI-CHAU. From the same.
YANG-CHAU: the three Cities under the Sung.
YANG-CHAU: the Great City under the Sung. From Chinese Plans kindly sent to the present Editor by the late Father H. Havret, S.J., Zi-ka-wei.
MEDIAEVAL ARTILLERY ENGINES. Figs, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are CHINESE. The first four are from the Encyclopaedia _San-Thsai-Thou-hoei_ (Paris Library), the last from _Amyot_, vol. viii.
Figs. 6, 7, 8 are SARACEN, 6 and 7 are taken from the work of Reinaud and Fav��, Du Feu Gr��geois, and by them from the Arabic MS. of Hassan al Raumah (_Arab Anc. Fonds_, No. 1127). Fig. 8 is from _Lord Munster's Arabic Catalogue_ of Military Works, and by him from a MS. of _Rashiduddin's History_.
The remainder are EUROPEAN. Fig. 9 is from _Pertz, Scriptores_, vol. xviii., and by him from a figure of the Siege of Arbicella, 1227, in a MS. of Genoese Annals (No. 773, _Supp. Lat._ of _Bib. Imp._). Fig. 10 from _Shaw's Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages_, vol. i., No. 21, after _B. Mus. MS. Reg._ 16, G. vi. Fig. 11 from Perts as above, under A.D. 1182. Fig. 12, from _Valturius de Re Militari_, Verona, 1483. Figs. 13 and 14 from the Poliorceticon of Justus Lipsius. Fig. 15 is after the Bodleian MS. of the Romance of Alexander (A.D. 1338), but is taken from the _Gentleman's Magazine_, 3rd ser. vol. vii. p. 467. Fig. 16 from Lacroix's _Art au Moyen Age_, after a miniature of 13th cent. in the Paris Library. Figs. 17 and 18 from the Emperor Napoleon's _��tudes de l'Artillerie_, and by him taken from the MS. of Paulus Santinus (Lat. MS. 7329 in Paris Library). Fig. 19 from Professor Moseley's restoration of a Trebuchet, after the data in the Mediaeval Note-book of Villars de Honcourt, in _Gentleman's Magazine_ as above. Figs. 20 and 21 from the Emperor's Book. Fig. 22 from a German MS. in the Bern Library, the Chronicle of Justinger and Schilling.
COIN from a treasure hidden during the siege of SIANG-YANG in 1268-73, and lately discovered in that city.
Island MONASTERIES on the YANG-TZU KIANG; viz.:--
1. Uppermost. The "Little Orphan Rock," after a cut in _Oliphant's Narrative_.
2. Middle. The "Golden Island" near Chin-kiang fu, after _Fisher's China_. (This has been accidentally reversed in the drawing.)
3. Lower. The "_Silver Island_," below the last, after Mr. Lindley's book on the T'ai-P'ings.
The West Gate of CHIN-KIANG FU. From an engraving in _Fisher's China_ after a sketch made by Admiral Stoddart, R.N., in 1842.
South-West Gate and Water Gate of SU-CHAU; facsimile on half scale from the incised Map of 1247. (See List of Inserted Plates preceding, under p. 182.)
The old LUH-HO-TA or Pagoda of Six Harmonies near HANG-CHAU, and anciently marking the extreme S.W. angle of the city. Drawn by Q. CENNI from an anonymous photograph received from the Rev. G. Moule.
Imperial City of HANG-CHAU in the 13th Century.
Metropolitan City of HANG-CHAU in the 13th Century. From the Notes of the Right Rev. G.E. Moule.
Fang of SI-NGAN FU. Communicated by A. Wylie.
Stone Chwang or UMBRELLA COLUMN, one of two which still mark the site of the ancient Buddhist Monastery called _Fan-T'ien-Sze_ or "Brahma's Temple" at Hang-chau. Reduced from a pen-and-ink sketch by Mr. Moule.
Mr. PHILLIPS' Theory of Marco Polo's Route through Fo-Kien.
Scene in the BOHEA MOUNTAINS, on Polo's route between Kiang-Si and Fo-Kien. From _Fortune's Three Years' Wanderings_.
Scene on the MIN RIVER below Fu-chau. From the same.
The KAAN'S FLEET leaving the Port of ZAYTON. The scenery is taken from an engraving in _Fisher's China_, purporting to represent the mouth of the Chinchew River (or River of Tswan-chau), after a sketch by Capt. (now Adm.) Stoddart. But the Rev. Dr. Douglas, having pointed out that
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