The Tragedy of the Korosko | Page 9

Arthur Conan Doyle
respond, it is time that she went into hospital for a few
centuries, like Spain or Greece--the virtue has gone out of her. A man
or a nation is not placed upon this earth to do merely what is pleasant
and what is profitable. It is often called upon to carry out what is both
unpleasant and unprofitable, but if it is obviously right it is mere
shirking not to undertake it."
Headingly nodded approvingly.
"Each has its own mission. Germany is predominant in abstract thought;
France in literature, art, and grace. But we and you--for the
English-speakers are all in the same boat, however much the New York
Sun may scream over it--we and you have among our best men a higher
conception of moral sense and public duty than is to be found in any
other people. Now, these are the two qualities which are needed for
directing a weaker race. You can't help them by abstract thought or by
graceful art, but only by that moral sense which will hold the scales of
Justice even, and keep itself free from every taint of corruption. That is
how we rule India. We came there by a kind of natural law, like air
rushing into a vacuum. All over the world, against our direct interests
and our deliberate intentions, we are drawn into the same thing. And it
will happen to you also. The pressure of destiny will force you to
administer the Whole of America from Mexico to the Horn."
Headingly whistled.
"Our Jingoes would be pleased to hear you, Colonel Cochrane," said he.
"They'd vote you into our Senate and make you one of the Committee
on Foreign Relations."
"The world is small, and it grows smaller every day. It's a single
organic body, and one spot of gangrene is enough to vitiate the whole.
There's no room upon it for dishonest, defaulting, tyrannical,
irresponsible Governments. As long as they exist they will always be
sources of trouble and of danger. But there are many races which
appear to be so incapable of improvement that we can never hope to get
a good Government out of them. What is to be done, then? The former

device of Providence in such a case was extermination by some more
virile stock-- an Attila or a Tamerlane pruned off the weaker branch.
Now, we have a more merciful substitution of rulers, or even of mere
advice from a more advanced race. That is the case with the Central
Asian Khanates and with the protected States of India. If the work has
to be done, and if we are the best fitted for the work, then I think that it
would be a cowardice and a crime to shirk it."
"But who is to decide whether it is a fitting case for your interference?"
objected the American. "A predatory country could grab every other
land in the world upon such a pretext."
"Events--inexorable, inevitable events--will decide it. Take this
Egyptian business as an example. In 1881 there was nothing in this
world further from the minds of our people than any interference with
Egypt; and yet 1882 left us in possession of the country. There was
never any choice in the chain of events. A massacre in the streets of
Alexandria, and the mounting of guns to drive out our fleet--which was
there, you understand, in fulfilment of solemn treaty obligations--led to
the bombardment. The bombardment led to a landing to save the city
from destruction. The landing caused an extension of operations--and
here we are, with the country upon our hands. At the time of trouble we
begged and implored the French, or any one else, to come and help us
to put the thing to rights, but they all deserted us when there was work
to be done, although they are ready enough to scold and to impede us
now. When we tried to get out of it, up came this wild Dervish
movement, and we had to sit tighter than ever. We never wanted the
task; but, now that it has come, we must put it through in a
workmanlike manner. We've brought justice into the country, and
purity of administration, and protection for the poor man. It has made
more advance in the last twelve years than since the Moslem invasion
in the seventh century. Except the pay of a couple of hundred men, who
spend their money in the country, England has neither directly nor
indirectly made a shilling out of it, and I don't believe you will find in
history a more successful and more disinterested bit of work."
Headingly puffed thoughtfully at his cigarette.

"There is a house near ours, down on the Back Bay at Boston, which
just ruins the whole prospect," said he. "It
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