The Tin Woodman of Oz | Page 8

L. Frank Baum

finding Nimmie Amee and making her Empress of the Winkies. But it
is surely not too late, even now, to do this, for the girl must still be
living in the Munchkin Country. And, since this strange Wanderer has
reminded me of Nimmie Amee, I believe it is my duty to set out and
find her. Surely it is not the girl's fault that I no longer love her, and so,
if I can make her happy, it is proper that I should do so, and in this way
reward her for her faithfulness."
"Quite right, my friend!" agreed the Scarecrow.
"Will you accompany me on this errand?" asked the Tin Emperor.
"Of course," said the Scarecrow.
"And will you take me along?" pleaded Woot the Wanderer in an eager

"To be sure," said the Tin Woodman, "if you care to join our party. It
was you who first told me it was my duty to find and marry Nimmie
Amee, and I'd like you to know that Nick Chopper, the Tin Emperor of
the Winkies, is a man who never shirks his duty, once it is pointed out
to him."
"It ought to be a pleasure, as well as a duty, if the girl is so beautiful,"
said Woot, well pleased with the idea of the adventure.
"Beautiful things may be admired, if not loved," asserted the Tin Man.
"Flowers are beautiful, for instance, but we are not inclined to marry
them. Duty, on the contrary, is a bugle call to action, whether you are
inclined to act, or not. In this case, I obey the bugle call of duty."
"When shall we start?" inquired the Scarecrow, who was always glad to
embark upon a new adventure. "I don't hear any bugle, but when do we
"As soon as we can get ready," answered the Emperor. "I'll call my
servants at once and order them to make preparations for our journey."

Chapter Three
Woot the Wanderer slept that night in the tin castle of the Emperor of
the Winkies and found his tin bed quite comfortable. Early the next
morning he rose and took a walk through the gardens, where there were
tin fountains and beds of curious tin flowers, and where tin birds
perched upon the branches of tin trees and sang songs that sounded like
the notes of tin whistles. All these wonders had been made by the
clever Winkie tinsmiths, who wound the birds up every morning so that
they would move about and sing.
After breakfast the boy went into the throne room, where the Emperor
was having his tin joints carefully oiled by a servant, while other

servants were stuffing sweet, fresh straw into the body of the
Woot watched this operation with much interest, for the Scarecrow's
body was only a suit of clothes filled with straw. The coat was buttoned
tight to keep the packed straw from falling out and a rope was tied
around the waist to hold it in shape and prevent the straw from sagging
down. The Scarecrow's head was a gunnysack filled with bran, on
which the eyes, nose and mouth had been painted. His hands were
white cotton gloves stuffed with fine straw. Woot noticed that even
when carefully stuffed and patted into shape, the straw man was
awkward in his movements and decidedly wobbly on his feet, so the
boy wondered if the Scarecrow would be able to travel with them all
the way to the forests of the Munchkin Country of Oz.
The preparations made for this important journey were very simple. A
knapsack was filled with food and given Woot the Wanderer to carry
upon his back, for the food was for his use alone. The Tin Woodman
shouldered an axe which was sharp and brightly polished, and the
Scarecrow put the Emperor's oil-can in his pocket, that he might oil his
friend's joints should they need it.
"Who will govern the Winkie Country during your absence?" asked the
"Why, the Country will run itself," answered the Emperor. "As a matter
of fact, my people do not need an Emperor, for Ozma of Oz watches
over the welfare of all her subjects, including the Winkies. Like a good
many kings and emperors, I have a grand title, but very little real power,
which allows me time to amuse myself in my own way. The people of
Oz have but one law to obey, which is: 'Behave Yourself,' so it is easy
for them to abide by this Law, and you'll notice they behave very well.
But it is time for us to be off, and I am eager to start because I suppose
that that poor Munchkin girl is anxiously awaiting my coming."
"She's waited a long time already, seems
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