The Tapestried Chamber | Page 3

Walter Scott
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by Sir Walter Scott

This is another little story from The Keepsake of 1828. It was told to
me many years ago by the late Miss Anna Seward, who, among other
accomplishments that rendered her an amusing inmate in a country
house, had that of recounting narratives of this sort with very
considerable effect--much greater, indeed, than any one would be apt to
guess from the style of her written performances. There are hours and
moods when most people are not displeased to listen to such things;
and I have heard some of the greatest and wisest of my contemporaries
take their share in telling them.
The following narrative is given from the pen, so far as memory
permits, in the same character in which it was presented to the author's
ear; nor has he claim to further praise, or to be more deeply censured,
than in proportion to the good or bad judgment which he has employed
in selecting his materials, as he has studiously avoided any attempt at
ornament which might interfere with the simplicity of the tale.
At the same time, it must be admitted that the particular class of stories
which turns on the marvellous possesses a stronger influence when told
than when committed to print. The volume taken up at noonday, though
rehearsing the same incidents, conveys a much more feeble impression
than is achieved by the voice of the speaker on a circle of fireside
auditors, who hang upon the narrative as the narrator details the minute
incidents which serve to give it authenticity, and lowers his voice with
an affectation of mystery while he approaches the fearful and
wonderful part. It was with such advantages that the present writer
heard the following events related, more than twenty years since, by the
celebrated Miss Seward of Litchfield, who, to her numerous
accomplishments, added, in a remarkable degree, the power of
narrative in private conversation. In its present form the tale must

necessarily lose all the interest which was attached to it by the flexible
voice and intelligent features of the gifted narrator. Yet still, read aloud
to an undoubting audience by the doubtful light of the closing evening,
or in silence by a decaying taper, and amidst the solitude of a half-
lighted apartment, it may redeem its character as a good ghost story.
Miss Seward always affirmed that she had derived her information
from an authentic source, although she suppressed the names of the two
persons chiefly concerned. I will not avail myself of any particulars I
may have since received concerning the localities of the detail, but
suffer them to rest under the same general description in which they
were first related to me; and for the same reason I will not add to or
diminish the narrative by any circumstance, whether
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