The Talking Deaf Man | Page 9

John Conrade Amman
it is, that they, whose Tongues be too heavy and moist,
and less voluble, will never pronounce this Letter, whether they can
Hear, or are Deaf.
Now there still remains the Consonants, or the Letters, which are
formed out of an unsounding or mute _Breath_; yet, out of which, some
of the _Semi-vowels_ may be made, as _g. ch. s. f. v._
As the Voice
is the common matter of the Consonants, the sharper part
of which is (_h_) which is the most simple of them all, and out of
which diversly figurated, the rest of them are framed: And they are

either the Sibilants, which are formed out of Breath, which is
somewhat compressed or straitned, that the passing Breath breaks forth
with a certain kind of Hissing, and with violence.
Here I judge that we are not to pass over in silence, how that there are
some parts in Germany, where there is so much of Affinity of (_g_)
with (k,) as (_b_) has with (_p_) and (_d_) with (t,) or where (_g_) is
pronounced like (_k_) but softer, so also the French do pronounce their
(_g_) before _a. o. u._ and _ou._
(_s_) is formed, when the Teeth and Tongue are so clapt together, that
the Breath cannot come forth, but by the _Spaces of the Teeth_: But
(_f_) or (_v_) (which differs not from (_f_) in our Language) is formed,
when the neather Lip is so moved to the Teeth above, that the Breath
must break out thro' the said _Spaces of the Teeth_; _ph._ is (_f_)
being a Stranger in the German Tongue, and differs from it only in the
The other kind of Consonants are explosive; which, _viz._ are
discharged at one push, and as it were, in the twinkling of an Eye and
are nothing else but Breath, which being got close together, either in
the fore, middle, or hinder Region of the Mouth, is discharged on a
suddain; and (_k_) is indeed formed in the hinder Region, when the
hinder part of the Tongue is moved to the Roof, that the Breath cannot
break forth, neither by the Mouth, nor by the Nose, but is suddenly let
loose again: For thus the imprisoned Breath breaks out, and by
breaking out, maketh _k. c._ or _q._ which in Germany are all the same
Letter; in the middle Region are _d._ and t. formed, when, _viz._ the
Breath, by help of the Tongues being moved to the Teeth, or Roof, and
suddainly drawn back again, being more or less compressed, rusheth
out by its own Springiness, and so _d._ or _t._ is made, which only
differs, as _b._ and _p._ according to the more or less; in the outermost
Region of the Mouth are formed, (_b_) and (_p_) when, _viz._ the
Breath being compressed in the whole Cavity of the Mouth, they get
out through the Lips opened.
Lastly; here follows those Consonants, which are compounded of
Hissing and Explosion, such are (_x_) or _ks._ and (_z_) or _ts._ which

only are the alone anomalous or irregular ones of the German
Language; for if I may speak what I think; we might well enough want
these _Characters_; yet I disapprove not of the use of them, but only
shew what might be more convenient, _viz._ that Voice or Breath
which is simple, might be expressed also by a simple Character, and on
the contrary, that a Character, which is simple and only one, would
signifie but one only Voice or _Breath:_ But if the commodious use of
_Short-hand_ may be objected, I would perswade to express all
possible Combinations, of Vowels, with _Semi-vowels_, and
Consonants, by simple Characters.
This is what I determined to say concerning the Letters, and their
Formation; and seeing I am not willing to write a Grammar, what
might yet further be said of them, I pass by; but what I have performed,
I leave it to others to judge thereof, not so much to teach them, as by
what is here presented to excite them, being desirous, as it becomes a
young Man, to learn of them: I hope they will pardon my Errors,
because of my Youth. Yet certain I am, had the ancient Hebrews,
Greeks and Romans, thus describ'd their Letters, there would have been
no contention about the manner of Pronounciation.


_Teacheth the Method its self, by which such as are Deaf, and
consequently Dumb, may learn to Speak._
What hath been hitherto said may enough suffice to observant Readers,
inasmuch as the Fundamentals of the whole Artifice, are therein
contained; but least the curious should complain, that I have only made
their Mouth water, I shall ingeniously discover to them what in four
Years time, wherein I have endeavoured to instruct some
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