The Tales of the Heptameron, Vol. III | Page 5

Queen of Navarre Margaret
came out of
the vestry to go to the high altar, she saw her hapless lover, who had
not yet fulfilled his year of novitiate, acting as acolyte, carrying the two
vessels covered with a silken cloth, and walking first with his eyes
upon the ground. When Pauline saw him in such raiment as did rather
increase than diminish his comeliness, she was so exceedingly moved
and disquieted, that to hide the real reason of the colour that came into
her face, she began to cough. Thereupon her unhappy lover, who knew
this sound better than that of the cloister bells, durst not turn his head;
still on passing in front of her he could not prevent his eyes from going
the road they had so often gone before; and whilst he thus piteously
gazed on Pauline, he was seized in such wise by the fire which he had
considered well-nigh quelled, that whilst striving to conceal it more
than was in his power, he fell at full length before her. However, for
fear lest the cause of his fall should be known, he was led to say that it
was by reason of the pavement of the church being broken in that place.
When Pauline perceived that the change in his dress had not wrought
any change in his heart, and that so long a time had gone by since he
had become a monk, that every one believed her to have forgotten him,
she resolved to fulfil the desire she had conceived to bring their love to
a like ending in respect of raiment, condition and mode of life, even as
these had been akin at the time when they abode together in the same
house, under the same master and mistress. More than four months
previously she had carried out all needful measures for taking the veil,
and now, one morning she asked leave of the Marchioness to go and
hear mass at the convent of Saint Clara, (5) which her mistress granted
her, not knowing the reason of her request. But in passing by the
monastery of the Grey Friars, she begged the Warden to summon her
lover, saying that he was her kinsman, and when they met in a chapel
by themselves, she said to him:--
5 There does not appear to have been a church of St. Clara at Mantua,
but there was one attached to a convent of that name at Ferrara.--M.
and D.

"Had my honour suffered me to seek the cloister as soon as you, I
should not have waited until now; but having at last by my patience
baffled the slander of those who are more ready to think evil than good,
I am resolved to take the same condition, raiment and life as you have
taken. Nor do I inquire of what manner they are; if you fare well, I shall
partake of your welfare, and if you fare ill, I would not be exempt. By
whatsoever path you are journeying to Paradise I too would follow; for
I feel sure that He who alone is true and perfect, and worthy to be
called Love, has drawn us to His service by means of a virtuous and
reasonable affection, which He will by His Holy Spirit turn wholly to
Himself. Let us both, I pray you, put from us the perishable body of the
old Adam, and receive and put on the body of our true Spouse, who is
the Lord Jesus Christ."
The monk-lover was so rejoiced to hear of this holy purpose, that he
wept for gladness and did all that he could to strengthen her in her
resolve, telling her that since the pleasure of hearing her words was the
only one that he might now seek, he deemed himself happy to dwell in
a place where he should always be able to hear them. He further
declared that her condition would be such that they would both be the
better for it; for they would live with one love, with one heart and with
one mind, guided by the goodness of God, whom he prayed to keep
them in His hand, wherein none can perish. So saying, and weeping for
love and gladness, he kissed her hands; but she lowered her face upon
them, and then, in all Christian love, they gave one another the kiss of
hallowed affection.
And so, in this joyful mood Pauline left him, and came to the convent
of Saint Clara, where she was received and took the veil, whereof she
sent tidings to her mistress, the Marchioness, who was so amazed that
she could not believe it, but came on the morrow to the convent to see
Pauline and endeavour to turn her from her purpose. But Pauline
replied that
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