The Tale of Solomon Owl | Page 6

Arthur Scott Bailey
look about him. He wanted no one
to interrupt him when he should go nosing around the chicken house, to
find an opening.
To his annoyance, he had not sat long in the tree when the wood-shed
door opened. And Solomon stared in amazement at the strange sight he
A great head appeared, with eyes and mouth--yes! and nose, too--all a
glaring flame color. Solomon had never seen such a horrible face on
man or bird or beast. But he was sure it was a man, for he heard a laugh
that was not to be mistaken for either a beast's or a bird's. And the worst
of it was, those blazing eyes were turned squarely toward Farmer
Green's chicken house!
Solomon Owl was too wary to go for his fat pullet just then. He
decided that he would wait quietly in the tree for a time, hoping that the
man would go away.
While Solomon watched him the stranger neither moved nor spoke.
And, of course, Solomon Owl was growing hungrier every minute. So
at last he felt that he simply must say something.
"Who-who-who-are-you?" he called out from his tree.
But the strange man did not answer. He did not even turn his head.

"He must be some city person," Solomon Owl said to himself. "He
thinks he's too good to speak to a countryman like me."
Then Solomon sat up and listened. He heard a scratching sound. And
soon he saw a plump figure crawl right up into his tree-top.
It was Fatty Coon!
"What are you doing here?" Solomon Owl asked in a low voice, which
was not any too pleasant.
"I'm out for an airing," Fatty answered. "Beautiful night--isn't it?"
But Solomon Owl was not interested in the weather. "I don't suppose
you've come down here to get a chicken, have you?" he inquired.
Fatty Coon seemed greatly surprised at the question.
"Why--no!" he exclaimed. "But now that you speak of it, it reminds me
that Farmer Green's saving a pullet for me. He was heard to say not
long ago that he would like to catch me taking one of his hens. So he
must have one for me. And I don't want to disappoint him."
At first Solomon Owl didn't know what answer to make. But at last he
turned his head toward Fatty.
"Why don't you go and get your pullet now?" he asked.
"There's that man down below, with the glaring eyes--" said Fatty Coon.
"I've been waiting around here for quite a long time and he hasn't
looked away from the chicken house even once.... Do you know him?"
"No! And I don't want to!" said Solomon Owl.
"S-sh!" Fatty Coon held up a warning hand. "Who's that?" he asked,
peering down at a dark object at the foot of their tree.
Then both he and Solomon saw that it was Tommy Fox, sitting on his
haunches and staring at the big head, with its blazing eyes and nose and

"Not looking for chickens, I suppose?" Solomon Owl called in a low
tone, which was hardly more than a whisper.
But Tommy Fox's sharp ears heard him easily. And he looked up,
licking his chops as if he were very hungry indeed. And all the while
the stranger continued to stare straight at the chicken house, as if he did
not intend to let anybody go
prowling about that long, low building to steal any of Farmer Green's
It was no wonder that the three chicken-lovers (two in the tree and one
beneath it) hesitated. If the queer man had only spoken they might not
have been so timid. But he said never a word.

Solomon Owl and Fatty Coon couldn't help laughing at what Tommy
Fox said to them, as they sat in their tree near the farmhouse, looking
down at him in the moonlight.
"I'm here to watch Farmer Green's chickens for him--" said he--"to see
that no rat--or anybody else--runs away with a pullet."
"Farmer Green has someone else watching for him to-night," said
Solomon Owl, when he had stopped laughing. "There's that strange
man! You can see how he keeps his glaring eyes fixed on the chicken
house. And unless I'm mistaken, he's on the lookout for you."
"No such thing!" Tommy Fox snapped. And he looked up at Solomon
as if he wished that he could climb the tree.
"Here comes somebody else!" Fatty Coon exclaimed suddenly. His
keen eyes had caught sight of Jimmy Rabbit, hopping along on his way
to the vegetable garden, to see if he couldn't find a stray cabbage or a

Solomon Owl called to him. Whereupon, Jimmy Rabbit promptly sat
up and looked at the odd trio. If it hadn't been for Tommy
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