The Sun of Quebec | Page 3

Joseph A. Altsheler
you say
had become of Willet?"
"Shortly before we reached Albany he turned aside to see Sir William
Johnson. We had, too, with us, a young Englishman named Grosvenor,
a fine fellow, but he went at once to the English camp here to report for
duty. He was in the battle at Ticonderoga and he also will testify that
our army, although beaten, could have brought up its artillery and have
fought again in a day or two. It would have gained the victory, too."
"I suppose so! I suppose so! But it did not fight again, and what might
have been did not happen. It means a longer war in this country and a
longer war all over the world. It spreads! It iss a great war, extending to
most of the civilized lands, the greatest war of modern times and many
think it will be the last war, but I know not. The character of mankind
does not change. What do you two boys mean to do?"
"We have not decided yet," replied Robert, speaking for both. "We'll go

back to the war, of course, which means that we'll travel once more
toward the north, but we'll have to rest a few days."
"And this house iss for you to rest in--a few days or many days, as you
please, though I hope it will be many. Caterina shall cook for you four,
five meals a day, if you wish, and much at every meal. I do not forget
how when you were little you raided the fruit trees, and the berry
bushes and the vines. Well, the fruit will soon be ripe again und I will
turn my back the other way. I will make that fat Caterina do the same,
and you and Tayoga can imagine that you are little boys once more."
"I know you mean that, Mynheer Jacobus, and we thank you from the
bottom of our hearts," said Robert, as the moisture came into his eyes.
"Here comes Master Alexander McLean," said Mr. Huysman, who had
turned back to the window. "He must have heard of your arrival and he
wishes to see if your perils in the woods have made you forget your
ancient history."
In a minute or two Master McLean, tall, thin, reddish of hair, and
severe of gaze entered, his frosty blue eyes lighting up as he shook
hands with the boys, though his manner remained austere.
"I heard that you had arrived after the great defeat at Ticonderoga," he
said, "and you are fortunate to have escaped with your lives. I rejoice at
it, but those who go into the woods in such times must expect great
perils. It is of course well for all our young men to offer their lives now
for their country, but I thought I saw in you at least, Robert Lennox, the
germ of a great scholar, and it would be a pity for you to lose your life
in some forest skirmish."
"I thank you for the compliment," said Robert, "but as I was telling
Mynheer Jacobus I mean to go back into the woods."
"I doubt it not. The young of this generation are wise in their own
conceit. It was hard enough to control Tayoga and you several years
ago, and I cannot expect to do it now. Doubtless all the knowledge that
I have been at such pains to instill into you will be lost in the

excitement of trail and camp."
"I hope not, sir, though it's true that we've had some very stirring times.
When one is in imminent danger of his life he cannot think much of his
Latin, his Greek and his ancient history."
The severe features of Master Alexander McLean wrinkled into a
"I do not know about that," he said. "Alexander the Great slept with his
Homer under his pillow, and doubtless he also carried the book with
him on his Asiatic campaigns, refreshing and strengthening his mind
from time to time with dips into its inspiring pages. There is no crisis in
which it is pardonable for you to forget your learning, though I fear me
much that you have done so. What was the date, Robert, of the fall of
"Mahomet the Second entered it, sir, in the year 1453 A. D."
"Very good. I begin to have more confidence in you. And why is
Homer considered a much greater poet than Virgil?"
"More masculine, more powerful, sir, and far more original. In fact the
Romans in their literature, as in nearly all other arts, were merely
imitators of the Greeks."
The face of Master McLean relaxed into a smile.
"Excellent! Excellent!" he exclaimed. "You have done better than you
claimed for yourself, but modesty is an attribute that becomes
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