The Story of Russia | Page 2

R. Van Bergen
than Texas, while Germany lacks forty
thousand square miles in comparison with the Lone Star State. France
is four thousand square miles less than Germany, and Italy is only a
thousand square miles greater than Nevada. The British Kingdom in
Europe is about twice the area of Illinois. Among the great nations of
the world, aside from outlying possessions beyond the Grand Division,
our country stands third, and should occupy the second place, because
China, the next larger, owes its greater area to territories over which

she has little or no control, and which she seems destined to lose.
The largest country is Russia, covering as it does one-sixth of all the
land on the earth. This empire, although inhabited by people differing
in race, religion, and customs, is one compact whole. It embraces in
Europe 2,113,000 square miles, or more than all other European
nations combined; its area in Asia is 6,672,000 square miles, making a
total of 8,785,000 square miles, or 2.8 times as many as the main body
of our country. All the people living in this immense empire, whatever
their race, religion, or language, obey the will of one man. We, who
dwell in our beloved country, yield obedience only to the Law; but the
laws are made by ourselves, and they allow us (p. 015) to do as we
please, so long as we do not interfere with others who have the same
rights; and those laws are ever ready to protect us. In Russia laws are
made or unmade at the will of one person who is himself above the
laws. Every man, woman, or child, born and living in that country, is at
his mercy. Mere suspicion is sufficient to drag a man from his family
and home, perhaps to disappear without leaving a trace. Such a
government is called an autocracy, and the man who may thus dispose
of people's life and property, is known as an Autocrat. Hence the title
of the Emperor of Russia is: Autocrat of All the Russias.
Why "All the Russias"? Look at the map of Eurasia, the continent
embracing the two Grand Divisions Europe and Asia. You will see that
the Russian Empire is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean; on
the east by the Bering Strait, the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, and
the Japan Sea; on the south by China, Pamir, Afghanistan, Persia,
Asiatic Turkey, and the Black Sea; and on the west by Roumania,
Austria-Hungary, the German Empire, the Baltic Sea, Sweden, and
Norway. This immense empire is the growth of many centuries, and
even in Europe it has not yet been welded into one whole. When we
read Russian books, we learn about Great and Little Russia, White and
Red Russia, which shows that divisions of bygone years are still
observed by the people. Much has been done towards effacing those
boundary lines; but the fact that the czar, autocrat though he is,
recognizes and admits the division in his title, shows that even he is, to
some extent, subject to public opinion.

Russia in Europe, however, with the exception of Poland and (p. 016)
Finland, is a country with one religion and one language; that is, the
czar and his government recognize and admit no other. That is the
cause of the persecution of the Jews, four fifths of whom dwell in the
southwest of Russia in an area covering 356,681 square miles, which is
sometimes mentioned as the Jewish territory. Every succeeding czar
has tried to make all his subjects think and act in the manner prescribed
by him. The process is known as "Russianizing," and goes on
incessantly in its different stages. Immediately after the conquest of a
country, its people are assured that their religion, institutions, and
language, shall be respected; the only difference is that the native
officials are displaced by Russians. This continues until Russian rule is
firmly established, and no one dreams of resisting the czar. Then the
Russian language displaces the native tongue, and if disturbances occur,
the military is called in to inflict a terrible punishment. The loss of the
native language carries with it that of old institutions, and when the
people have submitted to their fate, it is the turn of their religion. The
Russian is in no hurry; he has a conviction that time has no changes in
store for his empire, hence he bides his time, and is likely to succeed in
his purpose. This process is now carried on in Central Asia where
Russian power has found its greatest expansion in modern times. It is
but fair to admit that Russian absorption there has been highly
beneficial because robber tribes were reduced to law and order.
[Illustration: Russia]
Before telling the Story of Russia, that is, of
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