The Story of Grettir the Strong | Page 6

William Morris
has to do with Glam
XXXVI. Of Thorbiorn Oxmain's Autumn-feast, and the mocks of Thorbiorn Tardy
XXXVII. Olaf the Saint, King in Norway; the slaying of Thorbiorn Tardy; Grettir goes to Norway
XXXVIII. Of Thorir of Garth and his sons; and how Grettir fetched fire for his shipmates
XXXIX. How Grettir would fain bear Iron before the King
XL. Of Grettir and Snoekoll
XLI. Of Thorstein Dromund's Arms, and what he deemed they might do
XLII. Of the Death of Asmund the Greyhaired
XLIII. The Onset on Atli at the Pass and the Slaying of Gunnar and Thorgeir
XLIV. The Suit for the Slaying of the Sons of Thorir of the Pass
XLV. Of the Slaying of Atli Asmundson
XLVI. Grettir outlawed at the Thing at the Suit of Thorir of Garth
XLVII. Grettir comes out to Iceland again
XLVIII. The Slaying of Thorbiorn Oxmain
XLIX. The Gathering to avenge Thorbiorn Oxmain
L. Grettir and the Foster-brothers at Reek-knolls
LI. Of the Suit for the Slaying of Thorbiorn Oxmain, and how Thorir of Garth would not that Grettir should be made sackless
LII. How Grettir was taken by the Icefirth Carles
LIII. Grettir with Thorstein Kuggson
LIV. Grettir meets Hallmund on the Keel
LV. Of Grettir on Ernewaterheath, and his dealings with Grim there
LVI. Of Grettir and Thorir Redbeard
LVII. How Thorir of Garth set on Grettir on Ernewaterheath
LVIII. Grettir in Fairwoodfell
LIX. Gisli's meeting with Grettir
LX. Of the Fight at Hitriver
LXI. How Grettir left Fairwoodfell, and of his abiding in Thorir's-dale
LXII. Of the Death of Hallmund, Grettir's Friend
LXIII. How Grettir beguiled Thorir of Garth when he was nigh taking him
LXIV. Of the ill haps at Sand-heaps, and how Guest came to the Goodwife there
LXV. Of Guest and the Troll-wife
LXVI. Of the Dweller in the Cave under the Force
LXVII. Grettir driven from Sand-heaps to the West
LXVIII. How Thorod, the Son of Snorri Godi, went against Grettir
LXIX. How Grettir took leave of his Mother at Biarg, and fared with Illugi his Brother to Drangey
LXX. Of the Bonders who owned Drangey between them
LXXI. How those of Skagafirth found Grettir on Drangey
LXXII. Of the Sports at Heron-ness Thing
LXXIII. The Handselling of Peace
LXXIV. Of Grettir's Wrestling; and how Thorbiorn Angle now bought the more part of Drangey
LXXV. Thorbiorn Angle goes to Drangey to speak with Grettir
LXXVI. How Noise let the Fire out on Drangey, and how Grettir must needs go aland for more
LXXVII. Grettir at the Home-stead of Reeks
LXXVIII. Of Haering at Drangey, and the end of him
LXXIX. Of the Talk at the Thing about Grettir's Outlawry
LXXX. Thorbiorn Angle goes with his Foster-mother out to Drangey
LXXXI. Of the Carline's evil Gift to Grettir
LXXXII. Grettir sings of his Great Deeds
LXXXIII. How Thorbiorn Angle gathered Force and set Sail for Drangey
LXXXIV. The Slaying of Grettir Asmundson
LXXXV. How Thorbiorn Angle claimed Grettir's Head-money
LXXXVI. How Thorbiorn Angle brought Grettir's Head to Biarg
LXXXVII. Affairs at the Althing
LXXXVIII. Thorbiorn Angle goes to Norway, and thence to Micklegarth
LXXXIX. How the Short-Sword was the easier known when sought for by reason of the notch in the blade
XC. How the Lady Spes redeemed Thorstein from the Dungeon
XCI. Of the Doings of Thorstein and the Lady Spes
XCII. Of the Oath that Spes made before the Bishop
XCIII. Thorstein and Spes come out to Norway
XCIV. Thorstein Dromund and Spes leave Norway again
XCV. How Thorstein Dromund and Spes fared to Rome and died there
Notes and Corrections
Index of Persons
Index of Places
Index of Things
Periphrastic Expressions in the Songs
Proverbial Sayings

This First Part tells of the forefathers of Grettir in Norway, and how they fled away before Harald Fairhair, and settled in Iceland; and of their deeds in Iceland before Grettir was born.

There was a man named Onund, who was the son of Ufeigh Clubfoot, the son of Ivar the Smiter; Onund was brother of Gudbiorg, the mother of Gudbrand Ball, the father of Asta, the mother of King Olaf the Saint. Onund was an Uplander by the kin of his mother; but the kin of his father dwelt chiefly about Rogaland and Hordaland. He was a great viking, and went harrying west over the Sea.[4] Balk of Sotanes, the son of Blaeng, was with him herein, and Orm the Wealthy withal, and Hallvard was the name of the third of them. They had five ships, all well manned, and therewith they harried in the South-isles;[5] and when they came to Barra, they found there a king, called Kiarval, and he, too, had five ships. They gave him battle, and a hard fray there was. The men of Onund were of the eagerest, and on either side many fell; but the end of it was that the king fled with only one ship. So there the men of Onund took both ships and much wealth, and abode there through the winter. For three summers they harried throughout Ireland and Scotland, and thereafter went to Norway.
[Footnote 4: "West over the Sea," means in the Sagas the British isles,
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