The Stepmother | Page 5

Honoré de Balzac
and Pauline. Ferdinand shows his head at the door of Pauline's chamber, but at a quick sign from her, he hurriedly withdraws it unobserved.)
Godard (at the front of the stage) Let me see, what fine and dainty speech can I make to her? Ah, I have it! (To Pauline) It is a very fine day, mademoiselle.
Pauline It certainly is, sir.
Godard Mademoiselle--
Pauline Sir?
Godard It is in your power to make the day still finer for me.
Pauline How can I do that?
Godard Don't you understand me? Has not Madame de Grandchamp said anything to you about the subject nearest my heart?
Pauline While she was helping me to dress, an instant ago, she said a great many complimentary things about you!
Godard And did you agree with her, even in the slightest way?
Pauline Oh, sir, I agreed with all she said!
Godard (seating himself on a chair, aside) So far so good. (Aloud) Did she commit a pardonable breach of confidence by telling you that I was so much in love with you that I wished to see you the mistress of Rimonville?
Pauline She gave me to understand by her hints that you were coming with the intention of paying me a very great compliment.
Godard (falling on his knees) I love you madly, mademoiselle; I prefer you to Mlle. de Blondville, to Mlle. de Clairville, to Mlle. de Verville, to Mlle. de Pont-de-Ville--to--
Pauline Oh, that is sufficient, sir, you throw me into confusion by these proofs of a love which is quite unexpected! Your victims make up almost a hecatomb. (Godard rises.) Your father was contented with taking the victims to market! But you immolate them.
Godard (aside) I really believe she is making fun of me. But wait awhile! Wait awhile!
Pauline I think at least we ought to wait awhile; and I must confess--
Godard You do not wish to marry yet. You are happy with your parents, and you are unwilling to leave your father.
Pauline That is it, exactly.
Godard In that case, there are some mothers who would agree that their daughter was too young, but as your father admits that you are twenty-two I thought that you might possibly have a desire to be settled in life.
Pauline Sir!
Godard You are, I know, quite at liberty to decide both your own destiny and mine; but in accordance with the wishes of your father and of your second mother, who imagine that your heart is free, may I be permitted still to have hope?
Pauline Sir, however flattering to me may be your intention in thus seeking me out, that does not give you any right to question me so closely.
Godard (aside) Is it possible I have a rival? (Aloud) No one, mademoiselle, gives up the prospect of happiness without a struggle.
Pauline Do you still continue in this strain? I must leave you, sir.
Godard Thank you, mademoiselle. (Aside) So much for your sarcasm.
Pauline Come sir, you are rich, and nature has given you a fine person; you are so well educated and so witty that you will have no difficulty in finding some young person richer and prettier than I am.
Godard How can that be when one is in love?
Pauline Well sir, that is the very point.
Godard (aside) She is in love with someone; I must find out who it is. (Aloud) Mademoiselle, will you at least permit me to feel that I am not in disgrace and that I may stay here a few days?
Pauline My father will answer you on that score.
Gertrude (coming forward to Godard) Well, how are things going?
Godard A blunt refusal, without even a hope of her relenting; her heart is evidently already occupied.
Gertrude (to Godard) Her heart occupied? This child has been brought up by me, and I know to the contrary; and besides that, no one ever comes here. (Aside) This youth has roused in me suspicions which pierce my heart like a dagger. (To Godard) Why don't you ask her if such is the case?
Godard How could I ask her anything? At my first word of jealous suspicion, she resented my curiosity.
Gertrude Well, I shall have no hesitation in questioning her.
The General Ah, here comes the doctor! We shall now learn the truth concerning the death of Champagne's wife.

The same persons and Dr. Vernon.
The General Well, how are you?
Vernon I was quite sure of it. Ladies (he bows to them), as a general rule when a man beats his wife, he takes care not to poison her; he would lose too much by that. He doesn't want to be without a victim.
The General (to Godard) He is a charming fellow!
Godard Charming!
The General (to the doctor, presenting Godard to him) M. Godard.
Godard De Rimonville.
Vernon (looking at Godard) If he kills her, it is by mistake from having hit her a little too hard; and he is overwhelmed with grief;
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