The Spoilers | Page 2

Rex Beach
accented your middle syllable so strong, Mexico?'
"'Prosperity, politics, an' the Waldorf-Astorier,' says he. It seems Mex hadn't forgot old days. He claws me into a corner an' says, 'Bill, I'm goin' to pay you back for that Moralez deal.'
"'It ain't comin' to me,' says I. 'That's a bygone!'
"'Listen here,' says he, an', seein' he was in earnest, I let him run on.
"'How much do you value that claim o' yourn at?'
'"Hard tellin',' says I. 'If she holds out like she run last fall, there'd ought to be a million clear in her."
"'How much'll you clean up this summer?'
"''Bout four hundred thousand, with luck.'
"'Bill,' says he, 'there's hell a-poppin' an' you've got to watch that ground like you'd watch a rattle-snake. Don't never leave 'em get a grip on it or you're down an' out.'
"He was so plumb in earnest it scared me up, 'cause Mexico ain't a gabby man.
"'What do you mean?' says I.
"'I can't tell you nothin' more. I'm puttin' a string on my own neck, sayin' THIS much. You're a square man, Bill, an' I'm a gambler, but you saved my life oncet, an' I wouldn't steer you wrong. For God's sake, don't let 'em jump your ground, that's all.'
"'Let who jump it? Congress has give us judges an' courts an' marshals--' I begins.
"'That's just it. How you goin' to buck that hand? Them's the best cards in the deck. There's a man comin' by the name of McNamara. Watch him clost. I can't tell you no more. But don't never let 'em get a grip on your ground.' That's all he'd say."
"Bah! He's crazy! I wish somebody would try to jump the Midas; we'd enjoy the exercise."
The siren of the Santa Maria interrupted, its hoarse warning throbbing up the mountain.
"We'll have to get aboard," said Dextry.
"Sh-h! What's that?" the other whispered.
At first the only sound they heard was a stir from the deck of the steamer. Then from the water below them came the rattle of rowlocks and a voice cautiously muffled.
"Stop! Stop there!"
A skiff burst from the darkness, grounding on the beach beneath. A figure scrambled out and up the ladder leading to the wharf. Immediately a second boat, plainly in pursuit of the first one, struck on the beach behind it.
As the escaping figure mounted to their level the watchers perceived with amazement that it was a young woman. Breath sobbed from her lungs, and, stumbling, she would have fallen but for Glenister, who ran forward and helped her to her feet.
"Don't let them get me," she panted.
He turned to his partner in puzzled inquiry, but found that the old man had crossed to the head of the landing ladder up which the pursuers were climbing.
"Just a minute--you there! Back up or I'll kick your face in." Dextry's voice was sharp and unexpected, and in the darkness he loomed tall and menacing to those below.
"Get out of the way. That woman's a runaway," came from the one highest on the ladder.
"So I jedge."
"She broke qu--"
"Shut up!" broke in another. "Do you want to advertise it? Get out of the way, there, ye damn fool! Climb up, Thorsen." He spoke like a bucko mate, and his words stirred the bile of Dextry.
Thorsen grasped the dock floor, trying to climb up, but the old miner stamped on his fingers and the sailor loosened his hold with a yell, carrying the under men with him to the beach in his fall.
"This way! Follow me!" shouted the mate, making up the bank for the shore end of the wharf.
"You'd better pull your freight, miss," Dextry remarked; "they'll be here in a minute."
"Yes, yes! Let us go! I must get aboard the Santa Maria. She's leaving now. Come, come!"
Glenister laughed, as though there were a humorous touch in her remark, but did not stir.
"I'm gettin' awful old an' stiff to run," said Dextry, removing his mackinaw, "but I allow I ain't too old for a little diversion in the way of a rough-house when it comes nosin' around." He moved lightly, though the girl could see in the half-darkness that his hair was silvery.
"What do you mean?" she questioned, sharply.
"You hurry along, miss; we'll toy with 'em till you're aboard." They stepped across to the dockhouse, backing against it. The girl followed.
Again came the warning blast from the steamer, and the voice of an officer:
"Clear away that stern line!"
"Oh, we'll be left!" she breathed, and somehow it struck Glenister that she feared this more than the men whose approaching feet he heard.
"YOU can make it all right," he urged her, roughly. "You'll get hurt if you stay here. Run along and don't mind us. We've been thirty days on shipboard, and were praying for something to happen." His voice was boyishly glad, as if he exulted in the fray that
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