The South Pole | Page 4

Roald Amundsen
Lieutenant K. Prestrud XVI. The Voyage of the "Fram" By First-Lieutenant Thorvald Nilsen I. From Norway to the Barrier II. Off the Barrier III. From the Bay of Whales to Buenos Aires IV. The Oceanographical Cruise V. At Buenos Aires VI. From Buenos Aires to the Ross Barrier VII. From the Barrier to Buenos Aires, Via Hobart Appendix I : The "Fram" By Commodore Christian Blom Appendix II. : Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim By B. J. Birkeland Appendix III: Geology By J. Schetelig Appendix IV.: The Astronomical Observations at the Pole By A. Alexander, with Note by Professor H. Geelmuyden Appendix V.: Oceanography By Professors Bjorn Helland-Hansen and Fridtjof Nansen

List of Illustrations
Roald Amundsen Approximate Bird's-eye View, Drawn from the First Telegraphic Account Reproduced by permission of the Daily Chronicle The Opening of Roald Amundsen's Manuscript Helmer Hanssen, Ice Pilot, a Member of the Polar Party The "Fram's" Pigsty The Pig's Toilet Hoisting the Flag A Patient Some Members of the Expedition Sverre Hassel Oscar Wisting In the North-east Trades In the Rigging Taking an Observation Ronne Felt Safer when the Dogs were Muzzled Starboard Watch on the Bridge Olav Bjaaland, a Member of the Polar Party 136 In the Absence of Lady Partners, Ronne Takes a Turn with the Dogs An Albatross In Warmer Regions A Fresh Breeze in the West Wind Belt The Propeller Lifted in the Westerlies The "Fram's" Saloon Decorated for Christmas Eve Ronne at a Sailor's Job The "Fram" In Drift-ice Drift-ice in Ross Sea A Clever Method of Landing The "Fram" under Sail Cape Man's Head on the Barrier Seal-hunting The "Fram" The Crew of the "Fram" in the Bay of Whales The "Fram" in the Bay of Whales The First Dog-camp Digging the Foundations of Framheim Building the Hut Unloading the Six Sledge-drivers Polar Transport Penguins The Provision Store Framheim, January, 1911 Suggen, Arne, and the Colonel Mikkel, Ravn, and Mas-mas Framheim, February, 1911 Prestrud in Winter Dress Bjaaland in Winter Dress The "Fram" Veteran, Lindstrom: the Only Man Who has Sailed round the Continent of America The Start of the First Depot Journey A Page from the Sledge Diary, Giving Details of Depots I. and II. Framheim, March, 1911 Killing Seals for the Depot The Meat Tent The Meteorological Screen Inside a Dog-tent A Winter Evening at Framheim The Carpenters' Shop Entrance to the Hut Entrance to the Western Workshop Prestrud in His Observatory Wisting at the Sewing-machine Packing Sledges in the "Crystal Palace" Lindstrom with the Buckwheat Cakes On His "Native Heath": A Dog on the Barrier Ice Dogs Exercising Helmer Hanssen on a Seal-hunt Hanssen and Wisting Lashing the New Sledges Passage in the Ice Johansen Packing Provisions in the "Crystal Palace" A Corner of the Kitchen Stubberud Taking it Easy Johansen Packing Biscuits in the "Crystal Palace" Hassel and the Vapour-bath Midwinter Day, June, 1911 Our Ski-binding in its Final Form At Work on Personal Outfit Trying on Patent Goggles Hassel in the Oil-store Deep in Thought Funcho The Loaded Sledges in the Clothing Store Sledges Ready for Use Being Hauled Out of the Store-room At the Depot in Lat. 80deg. S. Some of the Land Party in Winter Costume General Map of the South Polar Region Roald Amundsen in Polar Kit A Snow Beacon on the Barrier Surface Crevassed Surface on the Barrier Depot in 83 Degrees S. Depot in 82 Degrees S. At the Depot in Lat. 84 Degrees S. The Depot and Mountains in Lat. 85 Degrees S. Ascending Mount Betty Mount Fridtjof Nansen, 15,000 Feet Above the Sea At the End of a Day's March: the Pole Expedition The Tent After a Blizzard A Large Filled Crevasse on the Devil's Glacier Hell's Gate on the Devil's Glacier Mount Thorvald Nilsen The Sledges Packed for the Final March Taking an Observation at the Pole At the South Pole: Oscar Wisting and His Team Arrive at the Goal A Page from the Observation Book, December 17, 1911 At the South Pole, December 16 and 17, 1911 Mount Don Pedro Christophersen Framheim on the Return of the Polar Party Lindstrom in the Kitchen Farewell to the Barrier Bjaaland as Tinker Dogs Landed at Hobart for Dr. Mawson's Expedition Members of the Japanese Antarctic Expedition Lieutenant Prestrud An Original Inhabitant of the Antarctic Stubberud Reviews the Situation Camp on the Barrier: Eastern Expedition A Broken-off Cape Off to the East The Junction of the Great Barrier and King Edward Land Improvised Sounding Tackle The Leader of the Eastern Expedition, Prestrud, on Scott's Nunatak First in King Edward Land In King Edward Land: After a Three Days' Storm On Scott's Nunatak Scott's Nunatak The "Fram" at the Ice-edge, January, 1912 The "Kainan Maru" Seals on Sea-ice near the Barrier Seals: Mother and Calf A Group of Adelie Penguins
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