The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume II | Page 5

Alexandre Dumas, père
the room, and, seating himself at a table, said:
"Bring me a glass of brandy."
"I thought--I believed--" began the host.
"Do as I told you. I am expecting some one. Get a good dinner ready, and as soon as--the other one arrives, you can serve it."
"It shall be attended to," nodded Schwan, who thought the man was the steward of some big lord.
Just as the host was about to leave the room, the door was opened again and two more travellers entered. The first comer threw a look at the new arrivals, and a frown crossed his ugly face.
The last two who entered were entirely dissimilar. One of them, to judge from his upright bearing, must have formerly been a soldier. He was dressed plainly in civilian's clothes, and his bushy white mustache gave his face a threatening look; the deep blue eyes, however, served to soften the features. The other man was evidently a carman; he wore a blue linen blouse, leathern shoes, knee-breeches and a large round hat. When the host praised his kitchen to the new-comers, his words fell on fertile ground, for when he asked the first guest whether he would like to have some ham and eggs, the proposition was at once accepted.
"Where shall I serve the gentlemen?"
For a moment there was deep silence. The guests had just perceived the first comer and did not seem to be impressed by his appearance. Nevertheless, the man who looked like a soldier decided that they should be served at one of the side tables. When he said this Girdel looked up, and his features showed that the new-comers were not strangers to him. The man in the brown overcoat laughed mockingly when he perceived that the two strangers chose a table as far away from his as possible. He looked fixedly at them, and when Schwan brought him the brandy he had ordered, he filled his glass and emptied it at one gulp. He then took some newspapers out of his pocket and began to read, holding the pages in such a way as to conceal his face.
The host now brought the ham and eggs. As he placed them on the table, the carman hastily asked:
"How far is it, sir, from here to Remiremont?"
"To Remiremont? Ah, I see the gentlemen do not belong to the vicinity. To Remiremont is about two hours."
"So much the better; we can get there then in the course of the afternoon."
"That is a question," remarked Schwan.
"How so? What do you mean?"
"The road is very bad," he replied.
"That won't be so very dangerous."
"Oh, but the floods!"
"What's the matter with the floods?" said the old soldier.
"The enormous rainfall of the last few weeks has swollen all the mountain lakes," said the host, vivaciously, "and the road to Remiremont is under water, so that it would be impossible for you to pass."
"That would be bad," exclaimed the carman, excitedly.
"It would be dangerous," remarked the old soldier.
"Oh, yes, sir; last year two travellers were drowned between Sainte-Ame and Remiremont; to tell the truth, the gentlemen looked like you!"
"Thanks for the compliment!"
"The gentlemen probably had no guide," said the carman.
"Well, we shall take a guide along; can you get one for us?"
"To-morrow, but not to-day."
"Why not?"
"Because my people are busy; but to-morrow it can be done."
In the meantime, the acrobats had finished their meal. Girdel arose, and, drawing close to the travellers, said:
"If the gentlemen desire, they can go with us to-morrow to Remiremont."
"Oh, that is a good idea," said the host gleefully; "accept, gentlemen. If Girdel conducts you, you can risk it without any fear."
In spite of the uncommon appearance of the athlete, the strangers did not hesitate to accept Girdel's offer; they exchanged glances, and the soldier said:
"Accepted, sir. We are strangers here, and would have surely lost ourselves. When do you expect to go?"
"To-morrow morning. To-night we give a performance here, and with the dawn of day we start for Remiremont."
"Good. Can I invite you now to join us in a glass of wine?"
Girdel protested more politely than earnestly; Schwan brought a bottle and glasses, and the giant sat down by the strangers.
While this was going on, the first comer appeared to be deeply immersed in the paper, though he had not lost a word of the conversation, and as Firejaws took a seat near the strangers, he began again to laugh mockingly.
Robeckal and Rolla now left the dining-room, while Fanfaro, Caillette and Bobichel still remained seated; a minute later Robeckal returned, and drawing near to Girdel, softly said to him:
"Do you need me?"
"What for?"
"To erect the booth?"
"No, Fanfaro and Bobichel will attend to it."
"Then good-by for the present."
Robeckal left. Hardly had the door closed behind him than the man in the brown overcoat stopped reading his paper and left the room too.
"One word, friend," he
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