The Silence | Page 6

David V. Bush

Therefore, for your own good here today in success, prosperity and
happiness as well as in health, peace and harmony, begin to pronounce
over everything in life, All is Good. If you have any misunderstandings,
All is Good. If you have any losses, All is Good, any reverses, All is
Good, any sorrow, All is Good, any inharmony, All is Good. In
everything at all that is out of perfection you must recognize only the
good. ALL IS GOOD.
Sending your thought energy by repeating All is Good, and thinking All
is Good, and living All is Good, you will actually, in this day,
overcome your difficulty, and turn all of your mistakes, blunders and
misfortunes into stepping stones for your own success, health and
I enter the Silence this month, this day, this hour and this minute. My
mind is obsessed and under control of the Divine Spirit, I recognize
here and now only good. I see in my fellowmen only perfection and
good. I see in nature all around me only perfection and good. I see in
every transaction of life only the perfect good. I see in every activity of
my experience, and in every form, color and thought, good. All is Good
for me now, today and forever.
God is spirit; spirit is love; love is perfection; God's spirit is
harmonious, I am perfect, I am love, perfection and harmonious.
* * * * *

Base your thought for this Silence upon the following. You may add
any constructive thought you choose.

"My Subconscious Mind, I Desire and Command You to Have Peace,
Harmony and Justice Reign in the Hearts of Men Everywhere."
I realize that there can be no negative thinking for my destruction,
downfall or harm sent out by anyone else that can reach my
consciousness, or do me ill, unless I am afraid that such negative
thinking will produce the evil effects others are planning.
I know that Thought is Energy. This is scientifically demonstrated, and
I realize that a constructive thought has much more energy than a
destructive thought. I know, because it has been conclusively proven,
that constructive thinking will blast away every negative
thought-current sent out by one person, or by a thousand.
Therefore, if there should be any inharmonious thoughts anywhere in
the world--any discordant thought-current by those who seek my
downfall, or block my progress, or by those who would endeavor to
hurt my reputation--I know that by holding a harmonious attitude of
peace, love, joy and success for everyone, including those who would
do me wrong that such constructive thought-currents will blast away all
of the discordant and inharmonious mental currents of evil so that they
will not even reach my conscious mind.
I also realize, when I hold my silent thought, "my subconscious mind I
desire and command you to have peace and harmony and justice
reign," that I am sending out the energy of construction which is bound
to turn all of the efforts for my embarrassment and destruction into a
higher current for my greater achievement.
Therefore, I send out blessings and thanksgiving to the very ones who
would work my downfall. I charge my subconscious mind to let peace,
harmony and justice reign so that all things will work together for the
good for me and for those who are thinking evil.
If I should think it hard to send out blessings to my enemies, I
remember the affirmation of the Greatest Teacher of all ages Who said,
"Forgive until seventy times seven." I remember that when He, Himself,
was reviled, reviled not in turn. I remember that when His merciless

enemies had nailed Him to the cross, had apparently crushed His
fondest ambition, had scorned and reviled the Kingdom of which He
had spoken, and had tortured Him as He hung on the cross, He uttered
the immortal, lovable, constructive words which have rung throughout
the centuries, and will continue to bless all mankind throughout eternity:
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
So those who would try to block my way, curb my progress or put
thorns in my crown are doing so "not knowing what they are doing."
"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Instead of hurting
me, they are sowing weed seeds, which shall bring forth a harvest of
weeds and tares in their own lives, and not in mine.
I, therefore, do not wish them harm, nor think that they should feel the
reaction. I do not have to concern myself about the negative people in
the world--for the law takes care of them.
I shall always think constructive thoughts, harmonious thoughts and
loving thoughts. "My Subconscious Mind, I desire and command you
to have
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