The Shipwreck | Page 5

Joseph Spillman
of his father. That, of course, drives away all thought of harsh treatment."
"What has my nephew been doing?"
"Oh, nothing so very bad. He climbed to the dome of the Cathedral on the scaffolding, or, rather worse than that, he went after being expressly forbidden to go. Of course, he did it--he can in a measure be excused--out of love of his father, whose ship--"
"Is that the careless way in which you watch over the boys in this institution?" interrupted the Captain. "On a bright day like this can your pupils climb the scaffolding on that dome at will without being stopped? Now, what if my nephew, for whose welfare I, as guardian, have a care, had fallen headlong and been killed or crippled for life? My dear Father, that decides me right now to take my nephew out of your institution immediately."
"Captain Brown, before I give the boy over to your care you must give proof of being his guardian. And, then, too, before taking such a rash step you ought to consider well what is for his best interest. His revered father would have sanctioned no such thing as this; your reasons for taking him away from here are groundless. He is neither ready to go into business, nor into training on shipboard, and what is more has no desire for any such thing. Of that I'm very sure."
Father Somazzo spoke very quietly and firmly, yet not without anger, as he scrutinized the man before him, and pictured what Willy's life would be on board the "St. George."
Captain Brown gave the priest a wicked look and said sarcastically: "Indeed, my ward is to be neither a sea-faring man nor a business man--but a priest, I suppose, in which case you would inherit the not unimportant property which has been left him by his father?--Oh, do not look so angry--holy intentions of such a sort as that are not unheard of. That is another reason for my taking the boy away from your influence. Here is the official proof that I am his guardian, and I wish him given over to me at once."
Father Somazzo examined the paper. It was legal, therefore he could not refuse the request, but he asked permission to keep the child until the following day to comfort him as much as he could over the death of his father. The Captain objected and Willy was sent for. Frightened and with tears streaming from his eyes he was led into the reception-room by Brother Onufrio. At sight of his uncle he screamed, "I won't go, I won't go with him," and buried his face in Father Somazzo's skirts. "Father, send the bad man away that says he is my uncle, and that my father is dead. He doesn't tell the truth. I have no uncle. My father never told me anything at all about having an uncle. And see what wicked eyes he has. I don't want to, and I won't go with him."
With difficulty Father Somazzo quieted the child, saying:
"God knows that I am willing to keep you here, Willy, but your uncle--the Captain is your uncle, even though you never have seen or heard of him--has control over you, and you owe obedience to him in all things which are not sinful. Go with him, and may God and his guardian angels watch over you. We will pray to the Blessed Virgin for you, and I hope she will safely bring you back to us. Perhaps you will come sooner than you think for."
Blessing the boy the priest sprinkled him with holy water and then gave him over to the Captain, saying:
"Only because I am compelled to, Captain, do I give this boy into your care. He is good and innocent. Bear in mind that from now on you are accountable to God for his soul."
The Captain muttered something which could not be understood and tried to make an end to the scene. He took the boy by the arm, made a stiff bow, and stepped to the door. Here, on hearing the news that Willy was about to leave the school, most of his companions had assembled to bid him good-bye. Many shed tears, and Peppo, at the last moment, came flying in breathless. "Oh, Willy, Willy," he cried embracing him, "never, never shall I forget how good you were to me. Who will protect me now when they all tease me?"
"Oh, but you are all here together and like each other so much," answered Willy. "Who is going to protect me from this bad man?" The last words he whispered in the ear of his little friend.
"Your holy guardian angel," he answered, "and we will all pray for you."
"Come on, nephew, I don't want to stay here any longer," urged the Captain,
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